To support stable boy they will let you be very very very late with your payments. After all it's due to stable boy that you aren't getting paid. If they are Dems well good luck. F... moreTo support stable boy they will let you be very very very late with your payments. After all it's due to stable boy that you aren't getting paid. If they are Dems well good luck. Fingers crossed they aren't. Fingers crossed they are all obscenely wealthy trumipcans just like stable boy. Of course stable boy dolsn't give rat's a** about you so why should they?
Is frantic manic panic good fer ya? Up and down. In and out. Right and left. Over and under. Above and below. Back and forth. Ceaselessly endlessly constantly repeatedly consistent... moreIs frantic manic panic good fer ya? Up and down. In and out. Right and left. Over and under. Above and below. Back and forth. Ceaselessly endlessly constantly repeatedly consistently foreverly. Ya gits a lotta exercise that way I betcha.
Is frantic manic panic good fer ya? Up and down. In and out. Right and left. Over and under. Above and below. Back and forth. Ceaselessly endlessly constantly repeatedly consistent... moreIs frantic manic panic good fer ya? Up and down. In and out. Right and left. Over and under. Above and below. Back and forth. Ceaselessly endlessly constantly repeatedly consistently foreverly. Ya gits a lotta exercise that way I betcha.
It sure ain't for scairdy cat wimps(count me in among 'em). Daily upsy dazy whoopsy doopsy oopsy poopsy. None more AWESOME than the stable boy stockmarket. An E Ticket ride if ever... moreIt sure ain't for scairdy cat wimps(count me in among 'em). Daily upsy dazy whoopsy doopsy oopsy poopsy. None more AWESOME than the stable boy stockmarket. An E Ticket ride if ever there were one. That's for you old folks who remember when Disneyland HAD E tickets. SIGH. Gets your juices flowing and your blood roiling as you walk on the precipice of DISASTER. What an exciting time! Yea for our team!.
ALLEGEDLY that very convenient bone spur diagnosis that was so severe it kept stable boy out of the military completely was done as a "favor" to his daddy dearest...dear old Fred. ... moreALLEGEDLY that very convenient bone spur diagnosis that was so severe it kept stable boy out of the military completely was done as a "favor" to his daddy dearest...dear old Fred. The same guy who bailed him out every time he screwed up financially or intellectually or emotionally or spiritually I suppose. Daddy dearest was the REAL success keeping stable boy afloat. We know he is a coward. We know he could have served his country in the military if he were patriotic and had THE RIGHT STUFF. Nothing new here folks. Nothing new at all. But what did it buy the doctor, Dr. BRAWNSTEEN? Access to Fred Trump. Doc lived in a Trump building and if there were anything he needed or wanted at all Fred got it done fast. Also some talk that the rent was never raised or if raised very minimally. You scratch my boy's back I will scratch yours. Right Fred? Daddy dearest Fred Trump took care of doc just as doc took care of stable boy with that "bone spur" diagnosis. SIGH. Per the doc "Donald Trump did not... less
Doesn't that make what you do/say/think ALL ABOUT YOU? How not? A soldier who puts his/her life on the line for this country gets my respect. I don't give a rat's a ** if he/she is... moreDoesn't that make what you do/say/think ALL ABOUT YOU? How not? A soldier who puts his/her life on the line for this country gets my respect. I don't give a rat's a ** if he/she is a trumpican or a Republican or a Conservative or a Martian. That is a separate issue which has no place at all in determining whether or not someone has earned and deserves respect. It is illogical and also heartless in my opinion.
How could he not know what other countries have given of their most precious assets on behalf of American interests...the lives of their citizens who came to America'a aid when we ... moreHow could he not know what other countries have given of their most precious assets on behalf of American interests...the lives of their citizens who came to America'a aid when we needed it? How could people that surround him not muzzle him because every time he opens his corpulent mouth to attack he puts MORE shame on America that he never can take back? He DESPERATELY needs education in American History. He is woefully ignorant and dare I say bigly dumb when he shoots off his mouth and talks about what he knows naught about. Or is it that his gubment staff encourages him to give himself more rope for the dope to better hang himself? One wonders. less
Why are the soldiers giving a warm welcome to the President? Why are they not yelling at him to resign? Why are they ignoring that he just went over the heads of those ... moreWhy are the soldiers giving a warm welcome to the President? Why are they not yelling at him to resign? Why are they ignoring that he just went over the heads of those in charge, sworn to protect America?Why do these soldiers not know the peril America is in?
If it occurred organically what was the cause? If it occurred artificially lotsa lotsa lotsa billionaire fixers flooded the market and bought their butts off for what whom why and ... moreIf it occurred organically what was the cause? If it occurred artificially lotsa lotsa lotsa billionaire fixers flooded the market and bought their butts off for what whom why and for how long? Stinks.
The pitiful tiny little stable boy took that opportunity to compliment himself aggrandize himself puff up himself suck up to himself ballyhoo himself. In a war zone. In front of th... moreThe pitiful tiny little stable boy took that opportunity to compliment himself aggrandize himself puff up himself suck up to himself ballyhoo himself. In a war zone. In front of those who put their lives on the line for their country. Has he no decency?
Which makes him SUCKER-IN-CHIEF or CHIEF SUCKER. Which is very fitting. Just because the stable boy says something does not make it true in fact the reverse is true.
Well ya see here's how it is. No trumpican EVER ADMITS any error or wrongdoing or illegal or criminal or corrupt anything vis a vis stable boy and his sterling gubment. NEVER EVER.... moreWell ya see here's how it is. No trumpican EVER ADMITS any error or wrongdoing or illegal or criminal or corrupt anything vis a vis stable boy and his sterling gubment. NEVER EVER. I guess because if they do why they will be struck dead by God or lightning or something. So they automatically robotically defend defend defend defend defend the stable boy and attack attack attack attack those who dare suggest he do wrong, he lie, he service foreign enemies and he be greedy selfish cruel criminal mean ugly man. SIGH. One day maybe someone somewhere will? Odds of that are nil. So the nice work if you can get is gettable by anyone anywhere who is superduperindefatigable stable boy supporter. SIGH. less
A buncha bigshot billionaires decide to get out of the market for whatever "why" and dump stock or a buncha billionaire stable boy crony baloneys buy lotsa stock to make the market... moreA buncha bigshot billionaires decide to get out of the market for whatever "why" and dump stock or a buncha billionaire stable boy crony baloneys buy lotsa stock to make the market shoot up so the stable boy can take credit for doing nothing but breathing tweeting complaining and eating?
The stable boy is still playing his game of "chicken". Nothing changed from Tuesday to Wednesday did it? Gubment is still shut down. We're still pulling out of Syria and giving Put... moreThe stable boy is still playing his game of "chicken". Nothing changed from Tuesday to Wednesday did it? Gubment is still shut down. We're still pulling out of Syria and giving Putin what he wants. I don't get it. If you do wouldja share?
What do Masochists get out of being treated miserably horribly terribly and keep going back for more? Do they enjoy pain humiliation degradation? Do they believe that is what they ... moreWhat do Masochists get out of being treated miserably horribly terribly and keep going back for more? Do they enjoy pain humiliation degradation? Do they believe that is what they DESERVE in life so they seek it out and when they find it they cling to it? What would cause anyone to live a life based on being miserable? Are Masochists even more PERVERTED than Sadists?
besides pillows/blankets/yourselfi have a bottle of water, jar of lotion, my phone and ipad, a selenite crystal, a stuffed cat hot pad, a stuffed giraffe that is also a neck ... morebesides pillows/blankets/yourselfi have a bottle of water, jar of lotion, my phone and ipad, a selenite crystal, a stuffed cat hot pad, a stuffed giraffe that is also a neck massager, a big stuffed snorlax, and several tubes of chapstickit seems like a lot but i am a small person with a large bed so i have the extra space
Some people collect Hummel figurines, some collect flashlights. Do you have something special that you like to collect? Personally, I'm a big fan of sea glass. My favorite pieces c... moreSome people collect Hummel figurines, some collect flashlights. Do you have something special that you like to collect? Personally, I'm a big fan of sea glass. My favorite pieces came from Cozumel.
I think Michael Cera is way more than just his Superbad/Arrested Development persona, he's been doing some really weird indy stuff for the last few years and taking a lot of risks,... moreI think Michael Cera is way more than just his Superbad/Arrested Development persona, he's been doing some really weird indy stuff for the last few years and taking a lot of risks, and I really respect that.I also want to mention Emma Thompson here. She's certainly a pretty famous actor and gets a fair amount of praise, but most people don't know that she's a screenwriter too, and adapted the screenplay for Sense and Sensibility, a movie I really love.I think Adam Sandler deserves credit for his more serious roles. Most people see him as a childish comedian but he's much deeper than that, when he wants to be. less