I don't know offhand how many McDonald's restaurants there are in America right now but surely having all those "spoils" would please the cheeseburger lover more than a little bit ... moreI don't know offhand how many McDonald's restaurants there are in America right now but surely having all those "spoils" would please the cheeseburger lover more than a little bit bigly. Some are corporate-owned and most are franchises. Once he is the victor he could have Mcdonald's Cheeseburgers 24/7 wherever he is since they are ubiquitous! 2am 3 am 4 am. They would always be open to give him his cheeseburger fix! If that goes well then well TOMORROW THE WORLD!
Could a similar program automatically delete the replies of certain responders repliers answerers? In other words silent quiet systematic censorship could be occurring all the time... moreCould a similar program automatically delete the replies of certain responders repliers answerers? In other words silent quiet systematic censorship could be occurring all the time everywhere 2 4/7 and well how the he** would we know about WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN when it never was? Cause for alarm?
It's said that Harry S. Truman had a sign or plaque on his desk which read "The Buck Stops Here". Taking responsibility for everything. Would you do that too? Would you take it as ... moreIt's said that Harry S. Truman had a sign or plaque on his desk which read "The Buck Stops Here". Taking responsibility for everything. Would you do that too? Would you take it as your solemn responsibility/duty/honor to make sure your country were running smoothly appropriately positively or would you be a buck passer and shift the blame for everything ungood and devour the credit for everything very good?
What right does a prez have to snoop into the private lives of American citizens and find out how they voted? I guess stable boy does that because how else would he know that most ... moreWhat right does a prez have to snoop into the private lives of American citizens and find out how they voted? I guess stable boy does that because how else would he know that most of the furloughed workers are Democrats otherwise? Unless he lies of course. Unless he lies. Unless he lies. SIGH.
D'ya think the shutdown will hit him and his "kids" in the pocketbook? We taxpayers pay for everything he wants. He is a massively obsessed CHEAPSKATE and so we get to pay for his ... moreD'ya think the shutdown will hit him and his "kids" in the pocketbook? We taxpayers pay for everything he wants. He is a massively obsessed CHEAPSKATE and so we get to pay for his living in the style to which he is accustomed. What does he have to lose? How does it hurt him? Where does it hurt? How long will it hurt?
With all the cards STACKED IN HIS FAVOR he couldn't win any pot. Not one. Not the bigliest one he promised. Of course what he promised and what he delivers are not remotely the sam... moreWith all the cards STACKED IN HIS FAVOR he couldn't win any pot. Not one. Not the bigliest one he promised. Of course what he promised and what he delivers are not remotely the same. It was BAIT AND SWITCH.Promise. MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALLChanged to YOU TAXPAYERS WILL PAY FOR THE WALLWhat idiot would stand for the bait and switch and knowingly be the pigeon the doofus the conned the scammed?And who suffers from the stable boy ultimatum of gubment shutdown no pay till $5 billion is set aside for a border wall? The taxpayer. Isn't that the cat's meow? Wow! less
Well per stable boy there are tons and tons and tons of folks who want to work in the white house. He sez they are very "hot". It's just a matter of deciding who gets what job. My ... moreWell per stable boy there are tons and tons and tons of folks who want to work in the white house. He sez they are very "hot". It's just a matter of deciding who gets what job. My a**! No one with a brain wants to be remotely connected to this sinking ship. No one with a brain who can get a job elsewould wear that indelible tattoo..."worked in the stable boy white house". All those who did were conned into thinking it would enhance their value. it is the mark of the devil they bear and wear and will. Futurely things do not look so good for them. AND they know that all staff will be involved in multiple investigations AND perhaps pulled in by Mueller to testify about what they know. What intelligent person would WILLINGLY sign up for that? Meanwhile those who can bail will. Just watch and wait and see how very lonely stable boy will be. Surrounded by the promised "best" people. Soon now. Very soon. Any day now. Everyone says so! :) less
Even a MAFIA BOSS protects his family. Michael Flynn dragged his son in corrupt criminal activities and so to protect him Flynn spilled his guts to the feds. We know all about the ... moreEven a MAFIA BOSS protects his family. Michael Flynn dragged his son in corrupt criminal activities and so to protect him Flynn spilled his guts to the feds. We know all about the stable boy and what he has done TO his children not for them. Different strokes folks. Different strokes.
Mark Burnett, the genius guru behind THE APPRENTICE took a fake a phony a failure and made him look like a very astute businessman.It is Mark Burnett to whom you owe stable boy so ... moreMark Burnett, the genius guru behind THE APPRENTICE took a fake a phony a failure and made him look like a very astute businessman.It is Mark Burnett to whom you owe stable boy so all you trumpicans should bless Mark Burnett each night in your bedtime prayers. Without The Apprentice the stable boy you know and love would have sunk out of sight. All hail Mark Burnett. All hail to his business acumen. All hail to his belief that Americans were so gullible they would buy the lie. He was right. You can never underestimate the gullibility of the American people. Not all of them to be sure but certainly the ones who proudly identify as trumpicans. Hook line and sinker they bought the lie and they are still buying the lies bye and bye. SIGH. less
When I got into a college prep high school, my father assured me that it wasn't because I had done well on the intelligence test as they stated, but instead because they wanted our... moreWhen I got into a college prep high school, my father assured me that it wasn't because I had done well on the intelligence test as they stated, but instead because they wanted our money. That's one. Thanks Dad!
Just look how YUMMY. Just look at the happy faces. Just look at what their lives were like before this end. Just look and salivate.
It costs more mo... moreJust look how YUMMY. Just look at the happy faces. Just look at what their lives were like before this end. Just look and salivate.
It costs more money to house and force feed these unfortunate animals than it costs to grow vegetables to feed an entire city. The energy that passes from these terrified animals into your body, is enough to never want to go near meat.CANCER is the least of your problems.
At least they were with one another, each other. They had no idea that coming here would accelerate the nightmares and make them beyond endurance. They had no clue that a country t... moreAt least they were with one another, each other. They had no idea that coming here would accelerate the nightmares and make them beyond endurance. They had no clue that a country they thought would be a safe haven was in fact the worst place they could have come. Good job stable boy et al. You done yerselves real proud worldwide. Keep it up. Whatcha got ta lose right? Keep out all the bad folks. Everyone knows all American citizens are angels without flaws or defects and never commit crimes or harm anyone. It is only "the other" we have to worry about. So a few kids die on our watch. So what? They aren't OUR KIDS so they are expendable. Yeah. Right. I don't know how y'all sleep at night with all those thousand of children crying themselves to sleep aching for their parents. I do not. less
They have been a huge success beyond their wildest dreams. They have locked up in cages and kennels or "restrained" in tent cities many children whose parents thought coming to Ame... moreThey have been a huge success beyond their wildest dreams. They have locked up in cages and kennels or "restrained" in tent cities many children whose parents thought coming to America would stop their nightmares.
I mean ya got Rushbaugh and Ann Coulter and Stephen Miller and Sean Hannity and all the trumpican faithful worshipping adoring peeps who voted for him cuz he promised them a ... moreI mean ya got Rushbaugh and Ann Coulter and Stephen Miller and Sean Hannity and all the trumpican faithful worshipping adoring peeps who voted for him cuz he promised them a wall PAID FOR BY MEXICO!. HE PROMISED. They don't give a rat's ** apparently. What will they settle for and still adore him more and more and more and more?
His gut tells him what to do aided and abetted of course by the extreme right-wing FAUX NEWS celebrities AND Vlad Putin his Russian mentor/idol/captor. That's a lotta folks to pay ... moreHis gut tells him what to do aided and abetted of course by the extreme right-wing FAUX NEWS celebrities AND Vlad Putin his Russian mentor/idol/captor. That's a lotta folks to pay attention to but hey what else does he have to do but listen to them and obey them? I mean look how well it has worked for him so far? Why fix what ain't broke? He won't. He can't. Not his cuppa tea.
Who gives them the meds they need? Presumably they are all attending school approprite to their ages. Who provides them with paper and pens and pencils and books and who checks to ... moreWho gives them the meds they need? Presumably they are all attending school approprite to their ages. Who provides them with paper and pens and pencils and books and who checks to make sure they do their homework? You think YOUR family takes a lot of time and energy to provide these things for...basic necessities How would you like to be responsible for 14,000 parentless children?