D'y lose either way? If you say are you bragging and if you don't say are you hiding something which is kinda like lying? Whatcha think and what wouldja do if it were you?
44%. That green-eyed monster engulfed little low-self-esteem stable boy and he had to get rid of the guy who was shaming him every day. However what it actually did was show how lo... more44%. That green-eyed monster engulfed little low-self-esteem stable boy and he had to get rid of the guy who was shaming him every day. However what it actually did was show how low he would go to get rid of someone the military preferred TWICE AS MUCH as they do him. Pathetic little stable boy needs to get rid of everyone the public likes and only keep those the public despises as much as they we despise him. Good luck with that.
Cupidity and supidity usually sleep together . They go hand-in-hand everywhere. Stable boy is cupidly stupid as are all his underlings. You can fool some of the people all of the t... moreCupidity and supidity usually sleep together . They go hand-in-hand everywhere. Stable boy is cupidly stupid as are all his underlings. You can fool some of the people all of the time which is what he has done to his base. You can fool all of the people some of the time it is said but it is incorrect because stable boy could not achieve it which drives him bonkers because he thinks he is such a great salesman! He also believes he can fool all of the people all of the time which makes him the biggest fool of all time. I guess he'll just hafta settle for that. less
There is no carrot enticing enough for corrupt people to ever want to "do the right thing". The more corrupt they are the more encouraging they are for one and all to "rape" and pi... moreThere is no carrot enticing enough for corrupt people to ever want to "do the right thing". The more corrupt they are the more encouraging they are for one and all to "rape" and pillage and grab and steal and destroy. Nice work if you can get it ain't it?
That dare is to wear an outfit made entirely out of unused plastic garbage bag as clothing for Christmas dinner, do you accept this dare or not? Also as I write this I'm alre... moreThat dare is to wear an outfit made entirely out of unused plastic garbage bag as clothing for Christmas dinner, do you accept this dare or not? Also as I write this I'm already wearing one.Thanks
That's what happened to EP. The pre-adolescents came and the grown-ups left. I was one of the last grown-ups and some of them said I was a dirty old man trying to... moreThat's what happened to EP. The pre-adolescents came and the grown-ups left. I was one of the last grown-ups and some of them said I was a dirty old man trying to hook up. The truth is I didn't pay attention to people's ages and I still don't. Anyway, what will you do?
dy D-dee DUM. Is to sung to the tune that suspenseful moment in detective movies when they get some corroborating evidence against someone. I really goes like this: BUM... moredy D-dee DUM. Is to sung to the tune that suspenseful moment in detective movies when they get some corroborating evidence against someone. I really goes like this: BUM Bah DUMP Bump. DUmb Pah-dump bump BLAAAAAAHHHH! You know what I mean, right? Then the actors spend two full minutes sharing thoughtful stares at each other while blaring trumpets sustain the last note. Fade to black. Time to buy Elllllllllectric Shaaavvveee!