Robert Koopman, Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization, is WORRIED about 2019 with regard to Global Trade. Did your brilliant don the john think it up all on his own and d... moreRobert Koopman, Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization, is WORRIED about 2019 with regard to Global Trade. Did your brilliant don the john think it up all on his own and do it single-handedly or was he just following the orders of his mentor and role model sweetheart Vlad the Putin? Anyway doesn't that make you feel real proud? Your guy is so important/powerful he can take down the world?
39 years later a man has been charged in a cold-case killing of a high school student due to his DNA. 39 years later the DNA survives? Why and how does it not deterioriate?
Wonder if his nails are clean if he washes behind his ears if he brushes his teeth if he takes showers and always smells oh-so-swell? He has to know what CLEAN is in order to call ... moreWonder if his nails are clean if he washes behind his ears if he brushes his teeth if he takes showers and always smells oh-so-swell? He has to know what CLEAN is in order to call other people DIRTY right? Or he should. He should write a book about cleanliness as a guide for those of us who aren't as squeaky clean as he is. It would prolly be a BEST-SELLER Would you buy it?
Does the prez plan to place those soldiers elsewhere somewhere as h is playing soldier gets more intense and bigly exciting for him? A war in North Korea perhaps? He will have chec... moreDoes the prez plan to place those soldiers elsewhere somewhere as h is playing soldier gets more intense and bigly exciting for him? A war in North Korea perhaps? He will have checked with Putin first to get his blessing of course. Everyone says so. We'll see what happens! Right?
"Mattis exit paves way for global chaos""Mattis puts trump presidency in peril"Is Mattis value way overrated since da prez said so long ago told us in no uncertain terms that... more"Mattis exit paves way for global chaos""Mattis puts trump presidency in peril"Is Mattis value way overrated since da prez said so long ago told us in no uncertain terms that he knows MORE than the generals and well Mattis is a General so why in the he** is he needed in the first place? You save paying him a salary which means more money to pay for whatever the prez wants to do for his own benefit like traveling to Mar a Lago or to his multifarious numerous golf courses. That should come first always. The care and feeding of a president.. less
Wonder what sumptuous elegant scrumptious food the corpulent prez will enjoy on Christmas Day? Wonder if as he is devouring anything and everything he feels the slightest tin... moreWonder what sumptuous elegant scrumptious food the corpulent prez will enjoy on Christmas Day? Wonder if as he is devouring anything and everything he feels the slightest tiniest iota of guilt about those who will go hungry? Naw. That ain't his style. He is all about upbeat and starving children certainly don't qualify. Do they?
It seems to be unwilling or incapable of stopping the pedophiles they all keep covering up for. An evil enterprise to be sure. What other religious orders are at the same level as ... moreIt seems to be unwilling or incapable of stopping the pedophiles they all keep covering up for. An evil enterprise to be sure. What other religious orders are at the same level as the Catholic Church when it comes to covering up the evil their clergy commit? Any idea why it is still alive and well and doing the same thing?
We NEED a border wall around the entire United States so shifty rapist criminal terrorist murdering SOB's won't come in on cruise ships or boats or yachts or rafts or scooba diving... moreWe NEED a border wall around the entire United States so shifty rapist criminal terrorist murdering SOB's won't come in on cruise ships or boats or yachts or rafts or scooba diving their way here from wherever their there is. ELECTRIFIED of course because walls are meant to be climbed over, blasted through or dug under. Anyone knows that. Everyone says so. So once that thick big massive beautiful electrified wall encloses the entire US of A and the electrified net is placed over the entire country then and only then do we have a chance to be "safe". Cost is of no consequence where life is so very precious. Right? SIGH. less
Until today, I had never seen even one episode of the show, but ever since I was a little kid, I've always heard about it. It turns out the show was an hour-long drama... more Until today, I had never seen even one episode of the show, but ever since I was a little kid, I've always heard about it. It turns out the show was an hour-long drama series. All these years, I have been under the impression that it was a sitcom similar to "Ozzie and Harriet" or "Our Mrs. Brooks" or "The Donna Reed Show". (I've never seen any of them, either.)~
*CentersforDiseaseControlThe 2015-2016 health survey measured height and weight. The results at that time were that the average adult American is overweight AND A FEW POUNDS SHY OF... more*CentersforDiseaseControlThe 2015-2016 health survey measured height and weight. The results at that time were that the average adult American is overweight AND A FEW POUNDS SHY OF OBESE. Now in a world where people are starving to death isn't that obscene? If not obscene how would YOU describe it?
Unless things change the gubment will shut down at midnight tonight. Social security and disability checks will not be stopped so retirees and the disabled won't be punished. Some ... moreUnless things change the gubment will shut down at midnight tonight. Social security and disability checks will not be stopped so retirees and the disabled won't be punished. Some things will shut down. Some folks will be out of work and not paid for the duration. Some folks will work without pay. All pols of course will get theirs. Don't they always? A fine year-end gift courtesy of the prez entirely. Yep. He said he would be proud to take responsibility for a gubment shutdown because the wall is all and without the wall life is meaningless for him and his base and all the toady sycophants who adore his face! How will he suffer? Not at all. What d'ya expect fer cryin' out loud? less
Will you continue to seek the inexperienced the ignorant the folks who know it all and therefore refuse to learn anything because they already know everything? How's that workin' for ya?
Poor little guy so desperate for approval even got word to Rush Limbaugh that he would not sign any bill to keep the gubment open. He will hang tough and not sign until and unless ... morePoor little guy so desperate for approval even got word to Rush Limbaugh that he would not sign any bill to keep the gubment open. He will hang tough and not sign until and unless he gets the $5 billion for da wall!Earlier he was rigid about it. Then he kinda softened and backtracked. Then The Rush and the Ann and the Dr. Laura and the base attacked him severely and viciously and warned him not to do it and guess what folks? HE CAVED. So last I heard he will not sign the bill. He plans to fly off to Mar a Lago and enjoy the blessings of the holiday season. Hundreds of thousands will be "furloughed" without pay at Christmas! What a lovely gift from the prez ain't it? Others will work but not get paid I heard. Natcherly all the pols will still get paid. Isn't that sweet and neat? Of course things could still change. How I don't know. The prez is not his own man at all. He has no inner core entire of itself. He pulls out of Syria to please Putin. He shuts down the gubment to please his base and the TV talking... less
William Barr is the guy the prez wnats to ackshully be his AG who will be advised and confirmed by the Senate prolly. Okey dokey. Now this William Barr wrote an unsolicited l... moreWilliam Barr is the guy the prez wnats to ackshully be his AG who will be advised and confirmed by the Senate prolly. Okey dokey. Now this William Barr wrote an unsolicited letter to the Justice Department exocriating the Mueller invdestigation. Unsolicited. How could he be possible be fair and just when it comes to the "Russer thingy" if he is in writing saying how wrong it is how awful it is how terrible it is how bad it is?Well Rosenstein said everyone has opinions. They in no affect how they do their jobs! Yep.I think somewhere Rosenstein's daughter has a gun to her head and will be shot dead if he dared say anything else. Barr is in writing showing his extreme partisan view on something he will supposedly oversee fairly? Isn't that very WEIRD?If you have such a strong opinion about something and write a letter excoriating vilifying attacking it d'ya really think anyone is gonna believe you will be fair where it is concerned.So you have a fake temporary AG in Whitaker who is a toady sycophant and that'... less
Allegedly the fake temporary prelimary stopgap AG Matt Whitaker had his meeting with the ETHICS Committee vis a vis whether or not he should recuse himself from the Russer thingy.A... moreAllegedly the fake temporary prelimary stopgap AG Matt Whitaker had his meeting with the ETHICS Committee vis a vis whether or not he should recuse himself from the Russer thingy.Allegedly a long-time Ethics person told him he SHOULD recuse himself.Matt didn't. D'ya know why? He kept asking until he found some "ethics" folks who said he had no reason to recuse himself. Clever feller ain't he? So guess which answer he is gonna go with? SIGH.
It was a windy day here in Florida. I don't know why but I just love the wind. I feel more connected with nature and the past. The wind has whispered sweetly to m... moreIt was a windy day here in Florida. I don't know why but I just love the wind. I feel more connected with nature and the past. The wind has whispered sweetly to men down through the ages.
Health watchers recommend reading the food labels before buying any product. But, food companies can be a cunning lot with, misleading food labels.
We give you a quick download of ... moreHealth watchers recommend reading the food labels before buying any product. But, food companies can be a cunning lot with, misleading food labels.
We give you a quick download of the terms on so-called healthy food labels but which could actually mean the opposite.
The best way to keep away unwanted weight and its complications still are to cook healthy food at home.
You can learn more about healthy food cooking tips and portion control from Truweight’s qualified dieticians. You can book a free consultation today and we will help you out.NOTE: Even this BLOG is misleading. The author has no clue how much vitality is wasted when food is cooked. Why waste the money on organic if you are going to cook it and kill all the vitamins or most of them, and all the enzymes which are the true nutrients in any food. less
According to sources who should know the don just stopped following her tweets or twits or twats or twuts. Cut her off cold turkey. Will she apologize and submit to punishment to m... moreAccording to sources who should know the don just stopped following her tweets or twits or twats or twuts. Cut her off cold turkey. Will she apologize and submit to punishment to make it up to him? Will he reconsider since the Coulter is such a bigly female voice who supported him when he was a wall guy? Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of "how the don turns"! :)
Pull the troops so Putin will reward him or keep them there so Americans won't think he is fink and a puppetboy for Russia?So now he has folks majorly ticked off at him for not shu... morePull the troops so Putin will reward him or keep them there so Americans won't think he is fink and a puppetboy for Russia?So now he has folks majorly ticked off at him for not shutting the gubment (unless he does) and majorly ticked that he sides with foreigners rather than his own country. Maybe he go for a hat trick? Maybe he come up with a third he can do to majorly tick off everyone. I know he's got the right stuff to majorly tick off everyone all the time. Guesses? What will number three be? Admit he is a Democrat? less
Can I have your name please? Hugh Betcha.Okay, what is it?Hugh BetchaI don't know what you mean. Why do you keep saying that?I mean my name is Hugh Betcha.You're kidding?&nbs... moreCan I have your name please? Hugh Betcha.Okay, what is it?Hugh BetchaI don't know what you mean. Why do you keep saying that?I mean my name is Hugh Betcha.You're kidding? You must get a lot of jokes about that Hugh!No. I don't see what's odd about it. I don't know what you mean, Mr. Uh, what is it? Bud Crack?Oh, boy. Here we go.
I suppose he can always back down on the back down.Promised a wallIf he signs the McConnell bill to keep gubment open to February 2019 he will have backed down on is promise cuz th... moreI suppose he can always back down on the back down.Promised a wallIf he signs the McConnell bill to keep gubment open to February 2019 he will have backed down on is promise cuz there is ZILCH money for wall in billSo to be a man of his word he needs to refuse to sign the bill...shut down the gubment and sit and tweet and eat till the cows come home or he gets sleepy and dozes off.
He looks weak if he breaks a promise again. He loses bigly. But maybe y'all will roll over once again and make excuses for him and pretend you don't notice he lied to you.
THERE IS ZERO MONEY FOR THE WALL AT ALL IN THAT BILL.THE DON SAID HE WOULD BE HONORED TO OWN THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IF THERE IS NO WALL MONEY AT ALLIf the doesn't sign HE WILL OWN... moreTHERE IS ZERO MONEY FOR THE WALL AT ALL IN THAT BILL.THE DON SAID HE WOULD BE HONORED TO OWN THE GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IF THERE IS NO WALL MONEY AT ALLIf the doesn't sign HE WILL OWN IT FOREVER. If he signs it Hannity and Coulter and his trumpican base who voted for because he promised them a beautiful will be ticked pi**ed annoyed upset. will they abandon then or still make excuses for him and blame the Dems EVEN THOUGH HE SAID HE WOULD BE HONORED TO OWN THE SHUTDOWN?Okay y'all whatcha gonna do? Accept another backtrack broken promise just because you are all so easy you can't say no to the don or are you gonna abandon him because he caves when push domes to shove. less
This arguing about Trump and his evil deeds on a daily basis is too much for the people who just want to talk about the weather.Soon, there will be no weather. Just acid rain... moreThis arguing about Trump and his evil deeds on a daily basis is too much for the people who just want to talk about the weather.Soon, there will be no weather. Just acid rain from all the fallout. Soon there will be no America. Soon there will be brown people all over the place here. But only RICH brown people coming for this country and Trump's stupid a$$
The more you lie the eviler you are. The more lies you tell the eviler you are. The more evil you become the more evil you do. It is a luscious delicious vicious circle that some s... moreThe more you lie the eviler you are. The more lies you tell the eviler you are. The more evil you become the more evil you do. It is a luscious delicious vicious circle that some seem delighted to spend their lives repeating repeating repeating repeating.
What other Justices have been appointed to the bench with such distinctive and glorious reputations as the Thomas and the Kavanaugh? Any others who can match their manly studliness... moreWhat other Justices have been appointed to the bench with such distinctive and glorious reputations as the Thomas and the Kavanaugh? Any others who can match their manly studliness and bravado and outright belligerent bellicose hostility and irrational outbursts? Or be they it in all they glory?