Of course of course of course ya got yer Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who even after the Flynn admitted to the judge that he had indeed lied to the feds and that he was NEVER entrapped ... moreOf course of course of course ya got yer Sarah Huckabee Sanders (who even after the Flynn admitted to the judge that he had indeed lied to the feds and that he was NEVER entrapped by the feds) insisted he was a victim of entrapment. She is a very good robot that never breaks down and always says exactly and precisely what she has been programmed to say no matter what occurs that makes her look very foolish and a bigly liar. Good for her. Keep it up Sarah. Just think of all the jobs that await you once the don is gone? What a future you have. Yep. less
When they get caught have you ever once thought "boy how SMART was that?" Of course you don't. You think "boy how stoopid dumb was that?". How do folks get such an inflated view of... moreWhen they get caught have you ever once thought "boy how SMART was that?" Of course you don't. You think "boy how stoopid dumb was that?". How do folks get such an inflated view of themselves when they are always exactly the opposite? Any ideas?
Do the 17 investigations into his criminal activities halt? Are they suspended temporarily while he wages war and plays soldier with human beings? How would that work? We get bombe... moreDo the 17 investigations into his criminal activities halt? Are they suspended temporarily while he wages war and plays soldier with human beings? How would that work? We get bombed by a foreign adversary or they blow up a few of our embassies around the world. We automatically are at war or does Congress have to go through the motions to allow us to fight back? The don already is so busy tweeting and eating and golfing and being interviewed by the Faux News folks how does he fit in fighting a war into his super busy schedule? And of course when would he have the time to be deposed? It's a puzzlement. I hope there are plans in place for that exigency because well the world is a fearsome undependable place. Gotta have a PLAN B or C or D. Ya never know. less
Or do they just yell "shut that TV/computer/game off and git to bed!"When I was a child was quite traditional for a parent to read bedtime stories -there was no TV yet until I was ... moreOr do they just yell "shut that TV/computer/game off and git to bed!"When I was a child was quite traditional for a parent to read bedtime stories -there was no TV yet until I was in my early teens.
Pretty much any genre, other than gory horror, sci-fi or superhero is fine. Prefer drama and dramatic comedy (e.g The Family Stone, Love, Actually), suspense/thrillers/crime. ... morePretty much any genre, other than gory horror, sci-fi or superhero is fine. Prefer drama and dramatic comedy (e.g The Family Stone, Love, Actually), suspense/thrillers/crime. Anything from the 60's to current is fine. Thank you in advance!
The Country Music genre for meBut I truly ADORE Dwight Yoakam's music. I cannot pinpoint my reasons. I simply enjoy. Yeah, it helps that (no surprise) I find him hot, ha!
Here's on... moreThe Country Music genre for meBut I truly ADORE Dwight Yoakam's music. I cannot pinpoint my reasons. I simply enjoy. Yeah, it helps that (no surprise) I find him hot, ha!
Here's one of the very best 'modern' Christmas songs for me -- his "Come On Christmas"
He should be the biggest coward in the Administration and the biggest flip-flopper ever, but he has so much competition, he is in the minor leagues even on that front.