Vlad Putin...gives the orders which the don of john always obeysThe ultra right-wing Conservative talking heads on TV and RadioThe base that holds him hostage. If it were not for t... moreVlad Putin...gives the orders which the don of john always obeysThe ultra right-wing Conservative talking heads on TV and RadioThe base that holds him hostage. If it were not for them we'd not be shut down. The wall people of all people tell him when to jump and how high and he is terrified of losing them so he jumps. The only exercise he will ever
I went through life for many years never knowing if anyone on earth loved me. I can say now after many years of learning to accept that I am loveable, there is one person who loves... moreI went through life for many years never knowing if anyone on earth loved me. I can say now after many years of learning to accept that I am loveable, there is one person who loves me just because I breathe.
Guthrie lived in Beach Haven, a Trump-owned apartment building in Brooklyn.I supposeOld Man Trump knowsJust how muchRacial Hatehe stirred upIn the bloodpot of human heartsWhen he d... moreGuthrie lived in Beach Haven, a Trump-owned apartment building in Brooklyn.I supposeOld Man Trump knowsJust how muchRacial Hatehe stirred upIn the bloodpot of human heartsWhen he drawedThat color lineHere at hisEighteen hundred family projectBeach Haven ain’t my home!I just cain’t pay this rent!My money’s down the drain!And my soul is badly bent!Beach Haven looks like heavenWhere no black ones come to roam!No, no, no! Old Man Trump!Old Beach Haven ain’t my home!
Or will it be the usual? Inflation/recession that takes the pressure off? Wouldn't currency devaluation be the final straw that sent the USA into a death spiral and turned us in to... moreOr will it be the usual? Inflation/recession that takes the pressure off? Wouldn't currency devaluation be the final straw that sent the USA into a death spiral and turned us in to another Venezuela or other3rd world country? What would be more destabilizing than currency devaluation?
In mine:Sliced SwissSliced smoked cheddarProvaloneFresh parmesanCream cheeseCottage cheeseBleu cheese (In a dressing.)Three shredded cheese blends in the freezer.Mozzarella cheese ... moreIn mine:Sliced SwissSliced smoked cheddarProvaloneFresh parmesanCream cheeseCottage cheeseBleu cheese (In a dressing.)Three shredded cheese blends in the freezer.Mozzarella cheese sticks.Velveeta cheese sauce.
This morning Trump made a tweet about the farm bill he will be signing and he included a clip from a old Apprentice episode. In the clip Trump and one of the Apprentices are ... moreThis morning Trump made a tweet about the farm bill he will be signing and he included a clip from a old Apprentice episode. In the clip Trump and one of the Apprentices are dressed up like the characters from Green Acers and they are singing the theme song. Trumps version is very similar to the original except when the lady sings her part instead of saying - New York is were I'd rather be - she says - Trump Tower is were I'd rather be. I think it's a conflict of interest because he is advertising his tower. Cheers and happy 3 sleeps till Christmas! less
Or are y'all happy as he** because if she leaves SCOTUS your beloved don of john gets to pickselectinstall another trumpican partisan justice? Of course you hope she leaves b... moreOr are y'all happy as he** because if she leaves SCOTUS your beloved don of john gets to pickselectinstall another trumpican partisan justice? Of course you hope she leaves because well that's real good for your agenda and your beloved don of johns. SIGH. What else is new?
WHAT ABOUT OUR VETERANS? WHAT ABOUT HEALTH CARE FOR ALL OF US? Why is prison reform legislation bipartisanly a no-brainer that the prez gladly will sign when everything else is up ... moreWHAT ABOUT OUR VETERANS? WHAT ABOUT HEALTH CARE FOR ALL OF US? Why is prison reform legislation bipartisanly a no-brainer that the prez gladly will sign when everything else is up for grabs and usually falls down and crashes and no one gives a rat's a** about it? Why are kids still locked up in cages and kennels separated from their parents when CRIMINAL prisoners now are front and center and get a break? How much more of a travesty can it be than this? Seriously folks something is very wrong in D.C. that the don of a john gets off on helping criminals as do the bipartisan pols on board but don't lift a finger to do anything about healthcare or children or immigrants or we the people. Bah Humbag. What a bunch of crooks! :( less
How do you ever repay anyone who puts his life on the line for you and is damaged physically psychically emotionally mentally forever? How do you give them anything less than the b... moreHow do you ever repay anyone who puts his life on the line for you and is damaged physically psychically emotionally mentally forever? How do you give them anything less than the best you can and if they fall between the cracks how can we turn away and do nothing?
So he has abandoned the Kurds and sided with the gubment of Assad. He gets hugs and kisses from Vlad Putin (Russia) an "atta boy" from Erdogan (Turkey) and complete devoted support... moreSo he has abandoned the Kurds and sided with the gubment of Assad. He gets hugs and kisses from Vlad Putin (Russia) an "atta boy" from Erdogan (Turkey) and complete devoted support from Iran. That's what he lives for and that has always been his pattern. Every sexually perverted assaulter or wife beater has gotten his support. He NEVER ONCE EVER EVER EVER sided with any victim. HE NEVER WILL. When you know it's a snake from the start it ain't gonna change its stripes (I know it's a mixed metaphor and I did it on purpose so sue me!) less
Our THREE WISE MEN were all generals. Kelly, McMaster and Mattis. They were called "the adults in the room" and with them being the guard rails the country would remain on stable f... moreOur THREE WISE MEN were all generals. Kelly, McMaster and Mattis. They were called "the adults in the room" and with them being the guard rails the country would remain on stable footing despite the antics of da prez whose instincts always go toward chaos. So with all the adults gone and only mini-hims ("him" being the don of john) replacing them what do you think will be the worst-case result and how soon does worst-case kick in?
It's called BAIT AND SWITCH or more correctly A LIE. He LIED to you and now he demands that YOU pay for the wall. And ya still luv the guy right? And y'all will GLADLY pay for the ... moreIt's called BAIT AND SWITCH or more correctly A LIE. He LIED to you and now he demands that YOU pay for the wall. And ya still luv the guy right? And y'all will GLADLY pay for the wall he PROMISED Mexico would pay for and you don't mind that you got tricked conned scammed screwed? Boy are you ever easy.
How many Americans are FOREIGN AGENTS whose only purpose is to promote the agenda of the countries who pay them? How many lobbyists are there lobbying American politicians for Fore... moreHow many Americans are FOREIGN AGENTS whose only purpose is to promote the agenda of the countries who pay them? How many lobbyists are there lobbying American politicians for Foreign Country gains? Do you know? How do you know our demise won't come from within the country? You don't. You won't. You can't. But that border wall will calm you down make you feel all safe and cozy and protected. Not from the enemy within folks.
Stock up on all your favorite munchies and watch TV to see what's next. Any minute he can go off his rocker or go off on a tangent or just go off. Ya don't wanna miss that do ya? C... moreStock up on all your favorite munchies and watch TV to see what's next. Any minute he can go off his rocker or go off on a tangent or just go off. Ya don't wanna miss that do ya? Cancel all non-essential appointments. If ya work stay connected by whatever electronic device means you have available. This guy works real fast. No notice. No discussions. No meetings. Don't sneeze. He can do something in the blink of an eye that could be historic.
Of course you know the who about whom he was referring. The "he" being John Meacham. Everyone knows. Everyone says so. SIGH. Yes well the don of john is a singular unique unforgett... moreOf course you know the who about whom he was referring. The "he" being John Meacham. Everyone knows. Everyone says so. SIGH. Yes well the don of john is a singular unique unforgettable being. That is not a compliment.
The rest of the world, especially Americans, are holding a wake. For them there is nothing to celebrate in turning over to despot dictators precisely what they wanted to get from h... moreThe rest of the world, especially Americans, are holding a wake. For them there is nothing to celebrate in turning over to despot dictators precisely what they wanted to get from him. He is such an obedient and desperate-to-please little boy. The big boys rely on him for doing their bidding. He hasn't failed them yet. Stay tuned. There will be more to come from him for them. He can't please them enough to suit them so he will keep doing their bidding and enjoy the warm glow of approval from them while the rest of us cannot believe that such a one as he exists in America. But exist he does. Thanks to y'all who voted for him. SIGH. Wonder what other marvelous things he will do for them and their ilk? less
Now he sez sez he that the shutdown " will last for a very long time" and has once again shifted the blame for that to Democrats. He owns the shutdown. He bought and paid for... moreNow he sez sez he that the shutdown " will last for a very long time" and has once again shifted the blame for that to Democrats. He owns the shutdown. He bought and paid for it with his own words. But once again the shiftless ethics-free liar blames others...a usual tactic since even when he says he will PROUDLY take ownership he backtracks and takes back what he said and blames someone else. Is anyone really surprised?
Here's the most recent track record for your enjoyment entertainment edifcation education elation deflationStock Market UPS12/3 28812/10 3412/12 15712/13&n... moreHere's the most recent track record for your enjoyment entertainment edifcation education elation deflationStock Market UPS12/3 28812/10 3412/12 15712/13 7912/18 83Stock Market DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWNS12/3 79912/6 7912/11 531214 49712/15 50812/19 35212/20 467