the donjohn said it's cause North Korea isn't doing what it said it would do to denuclearize. In other words he make a big fuss about how he was going to get the Nobel Peace Prize ... morethe donjohn said it's cause North Korea isn't doing what it said it would do to denuclearize. In other words he make a big fuss about how he was going to get the Nobel Peace Prize for his meeting with Kim and what he got Kim to do and who benefitted? What did he accomplish that benefitted America and what did he gift Kim with? Another big fat disaster for the man who can fix everything. Big talk. No action. Huge embarrassment for him. BIG FAIL. AGAIN. SIGH.
Condolences to Senator McCain's family for what they will face. Despite the cold cruel ignoble rants of donjohn about Senator McCain (remember donjohn DODGED the draft 5 times due ... moreCondolences to Senator McCain's family for what they will face. Despite the cold cruel ignoble rants of donjohn about Senator McCain (remember donjohn DODGED the draft 5 times due to bone spurs) McCain IS A HERO. Let the donjohn do his worst. Spew his venom. Show us once again what he is. The truth will be there forever. The don is a temporary aberration.
David Pecker granted immunity. Is the CEO of a company that owns The National EnquirerAlan Weisselberg granted immunity. Is the Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organizat... moreDavid Pecker granted immunity. Is the CEO of a company that owns The National EnquirerAlan Weisselberg granted immunity. Is the Chief Financial Officer of the Trump Organization.
Egregrious illegal campaign finance purchases on a huge scale.Congressmn Duncan Hunter sez he didn't do it. His wife handled all the finances so he thinks she probably will b... more Egregrious illegal campaign finance purchases on a huge scale.Congressmn Duncan Hunter sez he didn't do it. His wife handled all the finances so he thinks she probably will be questioned. Apparently he had a lobotomy at some point so he was entirely unaware of the monies being spent on personal things. Deaf dumb blind and idiotic. Sheesh. What a gentleman! Would ya just luv to have him in your corner watching your back? What a schlump of a lump of a crumb bum excuse for a man. Condolences to his wife and family. What a prize. BOOBY. less
You have an environmental regs rollback which will kill us quicker. You are murdering health care which will in turn be the cause of death of thousands. You have conservative... moreYou have an environmental regs rollback which will kill us quicker. You are murdering health care which will in turn be the cause of death of thousands. You have conservative judges who will service your religious views forever until death do them part. Ya got a racist pip who will make your country as white as he can until he gets kicked out of office. You will have a wall to keep out people of color. I don't see any evidence of GOD in any of that. Did you forget about HIM? If HIS eye is on the sparrow don't you think HE is watching you like a hawk 24/7? Can you withstand HIS scrutiny? less
We the people HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE A CONGRESS THAT WILL DO THE JOB FOR WHICH IT IS BEING PAID. What job is that little Lindsay since you clearly and obviously don't have a clue? SE... moreWe the people HAVE A RIGHT TO HAVE A CONGRESS THAT WILL DO THE JOB FOR WHICH IT IS BEING PAID. What job is that little Lindsay since you clearly and obviously don't have a clue? SERVING THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTRY AND UPHOLDING THE CONSTITUTION! All you political flunky hacks do is protect the wackadoodle prez no matter how wackadoodle he gets and he is getting wackadoodlier daily. When are y'all gonna wake up and smell the roses? You are not doing your job. You are shameful and lazy and frightened and an embarrassment. Having a House of Representatives and a Senate that DO NOTHING is not what we the people signed up for nor is it what we deserve. Pathetic pitiful spineless souless heartless dolts.. That's what we have. SIGH. Boy did we get scammed bigly! :( less
Paying out over $400,000 to a fixer(Michael Cohen) which was used as HUSH MONEY paid out to silence donjohn's multiple sex partners so they would not affect the outcome of a presid... morePaying out over $400,000 to a fixer(Michael Cohen) which was used as HUSH MONEY paid out to silence donjohn's multiple sex partners so they would not affect the outcome of a presidential election and calling it "LEGAL FEES" is illegal. It doesn't take a legal scholar to figure that one out. It's getting interestinger by the day. At the end when all the shouting is done how many ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL things will have been uncovered that was done by the donjohn crime family and its associates? Hundreds? Thousands? Countless? less
How rigid/flexible is probability? If it is always controlled by certain specific inflexible steps don't all experts agree? How can there be differences of opinion in math-based anything?
If Dems are charged they are always guilty. If Republicans are charged the are always not. According to Republicans.That sounds like CERTAINTY to me. Which does not exist statistic... moreIf Dems are charged they are always guilty. If Republicans are charged the are always not. According to Republicans.That sounds like CERTAINTY to me. Which does not exist statistically speaking. Right?
The poor old man must think she won the election because he keeps attacking her as if she is his opponent and she won and he lost. He doesn't have a clue that it took a village and... moreThe poor old man must think she won the election because he keeps attacking her as if she is his opponent and she won and he lost. He doesn't have a clue that it took a village and the world to make him prez? He forgot? Why does he think he is living in the White House if Hillary is the prez? Anyone?
Pecker allegedly removed everything from his safe after the sparsely attended inauguration. Was the info destroyed? Did Pecker figger that once the don was prez the info was irrele... morePecker allegedly removed everything from his safe after the sparsely attended inauguration. Was the info destroyed? Did Pecker figger that once the don was prez the info was irrelevant? Is it stashed somewhere to be used at a more convenient time...say like now...when Pecker has IMMUNITY and is cooperating with investigators? Inquiring minds wanna know. Pecker is, after all, the big cheese at the National Enquirer so he should, after all, answer all our inquiries. Right?
It has to do with HOW the trump organization repaid Michael Cohen for hush money paid out to trump sex partners. AND since it is a civil case the don has NO AUTHORITY TO PARDON any... moreIt has to do with HOW the trump organization repaid Michael Cohen for hush money paid out to trump sex partners. AND since it is a civil case the don has NO AUTHORITY TO PARDON anyone for anything with regard to it if it should proceed. The don only can pardon those CROOKS who committed federal crimes. Sorry don.