Macaroni pudding for mum used to make it... . I could make it but can't be bothered. Even so I think of it frequently and daydream about it...... Also.. Midori and sweet/sou... moreMacaroni pudding for mum used to make it... . I could make it but can't be bothered. Even so I think of it frequently and daydream about it...... Also.. Midori and sweet/sour mix... we can't seem to get sweet/sour mix here.. I used to make my own version but again not only am I finding it difficult to get midori, (let alone to afford it!) but just can't seem to find time to make the sweet/sour mix.
Chris Collins was charged with the crime of INSIDER TRADING. Duncan Hunter was charged with the crime of SPENDING CAMPAIGN FUNDS FOR PERSONAL EXPENSES. Both are ILLEGAL. Two crooks... moreChris Collins was charged with the crime of INSIDER TRADING. Duncan Hunter was charged with the crime of SPENDING CAMPAIGN FUNDS FOR PERSONAL EXPENSES. Both are ILLEGAL. Two crooks supported a crook. Makes sense. They like to see there own kind succeed. You understand why don'tcha?
The energetic ones of course. So maybe donjohn has a point. Physical activity/exercise uses up energy which is why he wants no part of it. He will live long and prosper the l... moreThe energetic ones of course. So maybe donjohn has a point. Physical activity/exercise uses up energy which is why he wants no part of it. He will live long and prosper the lazier he is. Good ta know. Gonna lazy up?
They got NO GRIPES. He delivered what they expected. They will be upset and object to his being punished for being a crook. That's for shure. They WANT him to get away with m... more They got NO GRIPES. He delivered what they expected. They will be upset and object to his being punished for being a crook. That's for shure. They WANT him to get away with murder...figuratively certainly and maybe even literally for some of the most dramatically erratic among them. SIGH.
Per an article in the August 20 journal GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS it is currently an unknown. It is NOT an aurora according to them. So what then is it?
In the last 7 days there have been been 11 quakes off the coast of California on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate giving rise to fears that THE BIG ONE could hit California at any t... moreIn the last 7 days there have been been 11 quakes off the coast of California on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate giving rise to fears that THE BIG ONE could hit California at any time. THE BIG ONE is a quake with a magnitude of 9.0 or more on the Richter Scale and when/if it hits it will cause a Tsunami.I guess Mother Nature got sick and tired of being upstaged by crooked politicians so she thought she'd get our attention. Stay tuned.
If YOU were the master tweet ranter/rant tweeter how many tweets would you create to rant your way to vindication? Now we know his supporters support him through anything. Th... moreIf YOU were the master tweet ranter/rant tweeter how many tweets would you create to rant your way to vindication? Now we know his supporters support him through anything. They knew what he was when they bought the merchandise. The point of ranty tweets or tweety rants would be what? More of the same? The audience is the same. The 40% or less who believe every tweet and the 60% or more or don't believe a single thing he tweets?
How many of his former employees, HIS appointees, have or will face charges of corruption and criminal activity? How many of THEM will end up in prison? Including the don there has... moreHow many of his former employees, HIS appointees, have or will face charges of corruption and criminal activity? How many of THEM will end up in prison? Including the don there has never been in the history of the American government so many corrupt people. Can you count all of them? Neither can I. Yet Crooked don and his crooked thugs are the ones being charged and tried and CONVICTED! On charge #8 of the 8 charges Michael Cohen was FOUND GUILTY of, the don himself is an "unindicted co-conspirator" having been the one who told Michael Cohen to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 in HUSH MONEY. Michael Cohen UNDER OATH gave chapter and verse of what happened. On count 7 $150,000 was paid as hush money to a former Playboy Playmate. The don was involved in that a well. Now the crux of the matter is was the money used taken from the campaign to pay the gals off to CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION? DUH! Why d'ya think it was paid? THAT IS ILLEGAL! So much for crooked. The don and his ilk own that word. They are all poster... less
What happens if and when a donjohn prez has to make a decision while facing grave danger? Are you comforted by that thought or terrified? Do you have that any decision he makes wil... moreWhat happens if and when a donjohn prez has to make a decision while facing grave danger? Are you comforted by that thought or terrified? Do you have that any decision he makes will be the best decision possible under the circumstances or will he do his usual and that is do what his "GUT" tells him to do? Would he know GRAVE if/when encounters?
Many folks like simple. Doesn't burden their brains at all. Give 'em simple and they are yours. Keep it simple. Focus on words of few letters/syllables. The fewer the better. Yes. ... moreMany folks like simple. Doesn't burden their brains at all. Give 'em simple and they are yours. Keep it simple. Focus on words of few letters/syllables. The fewer the better. Yes. No. That's better than Maybe. Easier to understand. Maybe has uncertainty in it. Yes. No. Definite.
He is in a constant state of EXTREME anger. Every day railing at people and places. Every day without respite he attacks those whom he thinks are after him to do him in. Ever... moreHe is in a constant state of EXTREME anger. Every day railing at people and places. Every day without respite he attacks those whom he thinks are after him to do him in. Every day. 24/7. Can an old out-of-shape sedentary man survive it? For how long before it takes its toll and something breaks down? How long can fury energize before it enervates destroys crushes smashes annihilates the furious?
Why of course he attacked Hillary. He can't quit her. He is a poor pathetic puny pompous oerson who preens and prevaricates and postulates and perpetrates and promulgates lies 24/7... moreWhy of course he attacked Hillary. He can't quit her. He is a poor pathetic puny pompous oerson who preens and prevaricates and postulates and perpetrates and promulgates lies 24/7 on behalf of the don. Tuesday was a bad day at black rock for trumpicans. Noose is getting tighter and tighter. Let's see to what lengths the Hannitys RudyGs and other apologists in trumpworld will go to continue to attack the don's "enemies" while constantly defending supporting adoring the don. How long can they keep it up d'ya suppose? To infinity and beyond per a couple of cartoon characters in a nifty movie log ago. Let's see what noose today brings shall we? less
Count number 7 which had to do with the hush money paid to the playmate babe with whom donjohn had an affair. $150,000 to buy her silence.Count number 8 had to do with the hush mon... moreCount number 7 which had to do with the hush money paid to the playmate babe with whom donjohn had an affair. $150,000 to buy her silence.Count number 8 had to do with the hush money paid to Stormy Daniels. $130,000. The porn star he bedded and then paid off whose silence he tried to buy.Of course the don denies it. Of course trumpicans believe him. Of course. What else?Here is what was criminal about those two transactions. It involved misuse of campaign financing to influence the outcome of an election. That is illegal. Michael Cohen UNDER OATH said he was directed by the don to pay those monies and don was not only aware of it but particpated in it and directed it.There are certainly going to be more Cohen revelations. Don't forget Omarosa and all her additional tapes and emails and recordings of phone conversations. Then there is whatever White House Counsel Don McGahn told Mueller during his 30 hours of under-oath testimony. And there are all the other folks already deposed by Mueller UNDER OATH. What did t... less
So I guess the other ten counts will be retried again. The Guilty counts had to do with tax fraud and bank fraud and prison time is in Manafort's future. Unless donjohn pardons him... moreSo I guess the other ten counts will be retried again. The Guilty counts had to do with tax fraud and bank fraud and prison time is in Manafort's future. Unless donjohn pardons him. But if so that will ONLY BE FOR whatever crimes he committed federally. Civil crimes are out of donjohn's power but he will probably ignore that and do whatever the he** he wants anyway. Won't he?
He would slenderize and look oh so fit and wouldn't be carrying around the pounds and pounds of pounds of hostility animosity belligerence bellicosity. There are hundre... moreHe would slenderize and look oh so fit and wouldn't be carrying around the pounds and pounds of pounds of hostility animosity belligerence bellicosity. There are hundreds or thousands of things crammed under his skin making him waddle from the weight. Letting go is what he should do. He needs to learn how to do that instead of hoarding every single little slight or criticism or disagreement or anything he perceives as being anti-don.