It was a movie titled "The Enchanted Cottage" and I believe Robert Young was the scarred man. Anyway love does transform us in many ways. Is that what happened to donjohn supporter... moreIt was a movie titled "The Enchanted Cottage" and I believe Robert Young was the scarred man. Anyway love does transform us in many ways. Is that what happened to donjohn supporters? They fell in love with him and therefore see only handsome and nothing ugly?
China plans to add or has added $16 Billion in tariffs to cars fuel and scrap metal. I don't know if that is in response to what donjohn did or is that just upping the anti? Will a... moreChina plans to add or has added $16 Billion in tariffs to cars fuel and scrap metal. I don't know if that is in response to what donjohn did or is that just upping the anti? Will any of YOU be impacted by this ever-escalating game of CHICKEN? How high will it go before someone is ALL IN and then if that someone loses what then?
*Secretary of Education if her name does not ring a dingdongbell! She only ever attended PRIVATE SChOOLS being as how she is a billionaire and all. She is pro private and anti publ... more*Secretary of Education if her name does not ring a dingdongbell! She only ever attended PRIVATE SChOOLS being as how she is a billionaire and all. She is pro private and anti public. No surprise there is there?
It was reported that the ONE HOLDOUT was donjohn supporter. Now I don't know if there were other donjohn supporters on the jury. If there were why did that ONE HOLDOUT hold o... moreIt was reported that the ONE HOLDOUT was donjohn supporter. Now I don't know if there were other donjohn supporters on the jury. If there were why did that ONE HOLDOUT hold out? If what has been reported is true it just seems very odd. Surely the other 11 weren't all Democrats. It's kinda puzzling.
The Sarah Sanders keeps repeating "The president did nothing wrong". How would she know? She doesn't have a clue about what the evidence is. The proof. The audio. The video. The pa... moreThe Sarah Sanders keeps repeating "The president did nothing wrong". How would she know? She doesn't have a clue about what the evidence is. The proof. The audio. The video. The papertrail. Not a clue. She is saying what the don tells her to say.
When asked on the plane if don knew about the $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels he said he didn't know. Ask his lawyer.Then RudyG said don reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000 payment t... moreWhen asked on the plane if don knew about the $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels he said he didn't know. Ask his lawyer.Then RudyG said don reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000 payment to Stormy but insisted it was not from campaign funds.They continue to insist no sex took place between t he playmate (to wom $150,000 was paid so she'd shut up) and the porn star (to whom $130,000) was paid to shut up. HUSH MONEY.Cohen says the payments were made at the DIRECTION of "the candidate". Which means innocent little donjohn knew. Now what innocent person pays $250,000 to shut people up when he didn't have sex with them ? He must think we are stupid to believe that. He is a CHEAPSKATE tightwad who stiffs people every chance he gets. He is a Deadbeat cheapskate tightwad stiffer. He ain't gonna pony up $250,000 to hush up dames who are lying. No way. Not gonna happen. less
Not even a pip or a squeak from either of them. They are MIA and have been most all the way from the inauguration in January 2017 to this very day. Cowards. Scairdy cats. They are ... moreNot even a pip or a squeak from either of them. They are MIA and have been most all the way from the inauguration in January 2017 to this very day. Cowards. Scairdy cats. They are not leaders. They are not even men. They are ciphers holograms delusions illusions. What a pathetic showing for Trumpicans. From stem to stern, the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Judiciary(EXCEPT FOR THE UNFAIRLY MALIGNED INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY) that rolls over and caves and fawns. Where is the governing? Who is responsible for this intolerable debacle? Where are the Republican MEN and Republican WOMEN of character and quality who are supposed to SERVE WE THE PEOPLE? Did Crooked Don Stepfordize each and every one of them to act alike look alike talk alike think alike be alike see alike hear alike? AARRGGHH! less
The "because" is easy peasy. If it is caused/controlled by humans and purposeful that means there is something in it for them and almost always at the expense of others. Normal hum... moreThe "because" is easy peasy. If it is caused/controlled by humans and purposeful that means there is something in it for them and almost always at the expense of others. Normal humans don't do things because they are right or honorable or brave or patriotic. They do what's selfish and serves their own best interests. With rare exceptions all politicians are blackhearted self-centered crooks. The ABNORMAL folks...not the normal...are the ones who rise above their own self-interests and do things that most of us would never do. They do what they do to benefit others often at great expense to themselves. They are the good, the brave, the few. Just my opinion. What's yours? less
Some "experts" insist global warming is a hoaxSome insist it is killing our planet and humans are part of the problemSome "experts" believe in evolutionSome insist there is no such... moreSome "experts" insist global warming is a hoaxSome insist it is killing our planet and humans are part of the problemSome "experts" believe in evolutionSome insist there is no such thing since GOD created everything by divine designSome scientists are AtheistsSome are ChristiansSome are good people..on both sides.What does a person do who seeks THE TRUTH? Are there many truths according to parisan religious political views. One size does not fit all. The truth for an atheist differs from that of an evangelical.Screaming and yelling and demanding and insisting and threatening does not make what you say trueThe louder the truer is not true. But sometimes softer isn't heard over the noise of the yellers. less
Normally the needy-for-love try to win over those who dislike them. They want EVERYONE to love them. They don't go out of their way to cause folks to despise them revile them... moreNormally the needy-for-love try to win over those who dislike them. They want EVERYONE to love them. They don't go out of their way to cause folks to despise them revile them disgust them. The need grows ever larger and so they try harder and harder and harder. That is normal for such folks. But to do cartwheels and backflips and tap dance for the love of the FEW ignoring the multitude? That is not normal. So why is UNIVERSAL adoration not worth fighting for? Why settle for the adoration of the very few when the whole world is out there waiting to be courted and wined and dined and treated ever so kindly? less
What do you think of your country? What does it mean to you? Are you a good citizen? How do you manifest your loyalty and pride in your country? Or is your loyalty and pride confin... moreWhat do you think of your country? What does it mean to you? Are you a good citizen? How do you manifest your loyalty and pride in your country? Or is your loyalty and pride confined to one man?
Upside down inside out down the rabbit hole. A different world exists. Oddly wired people. Odd everything. Cart before horse. Black hats are the "heroes" and white hats are the pre... moreUpside down inside out down the rabbit hole. A different world exists. Oddly wired people. Odd everything. Cart before horse. Black hats are the "heroes" and white hats are the prey. Do unto others before they do unto you is the cornerstone. Get what you can when you can by any means you can. That's all that mattes any longer. They go through the motions of flag and anthem and patriotism having no clue what it means.
Being pardoned does not mean you are innocent nor does it erase the crime. There is an upside and a downside.UPSIDEYour civil rights are restored. You can vote, run for office, own... moreBeing pardoned does not mean you are innocent nor does it erase the crime. There is an upside and a downside.UPSIDEYour civil rights are restored. You can vote, run for office, own a gun, serve on juries.DOWNSIDEYou can no longer hide behind the 5th amendment. If you refuse to testify you will be jailed for contempt of court. So being pardoned opens you up to testifying UNDER OATH about whatever the authorities want to know. Whatever it was you were hiding. Whatever it was you wanted to keep secret. That 5th amendment protection is gone forever. Additionally if a prez pardons wantonly and promiscuously and willfully he can be impeached. ABUSE OF POWER is an impeachable offense.So if Manafort is pardoned he can be compelled to testify against donjohn and spill his guts. What is the benefit/gain for don to do that? The don can only pardon folks for FEDERAL CRIMES, not state. It isn't a carte blanche power. It ain't a limitless credit card. There are rules. less
I earn lots of cash back points on my credit card and never pay and annual fee, late fees or interest. Wells Fargo is definitely loosing money on that deal with me. So there!
Is sometimes the short term pain worth the long-term gain? Could you do it? Even down to that your family will have to eat less well? And every penny would count?