After all the cruel mean vicious egregious evil HATEFUL insulting demeaning disgraceful disgusting treasonous reprehensible things he has done and said it is THIS that people are r... moreAfter all the cruel mean vicious egregious evil HATEFUL insulting demeaning disgraceful disgusting treasonous reprehensible things he has done and said it is THIS that people are responding to and saying "NO MORE"? I don't get it. I never will.
What kind of strong-arm tactics can the don exert over McGahn? 30 hours is a really long time to answer questions. How many questions d'ya think McGahn answered UNDER OATH? How doe... moreWhat kind of strong-arm tactics can the don exert over McGahn? 30 hours is a really long time to answer questions. How many questions d'ya think McGahn answered UNDER OATH? How does donjohn trash him and ruin him? I doubt that McGahn will lie about anything at all. I expect he will answer fully and truthfully and tell Mueller EVERYTHING HE KNOWS. What does he know? D'ya know?
We see what others do and know what we would do under the same circumstances and then we judge them HARSHLY when what they do is corrupt and devious and unethical and deceitful. Fo... moreWe see what others do and know what we would do under the same circumstances and then we judge them HARSHLY when what they do is corrupt and devious and unethical and deceitful. For example.No one ever in any political party took a meeting with the representative of a foreign country to get dirt on the opposition. If Russia or Iran or China contacted anyone in either party the immediate response would be to CALL THE FBI and let them follow up on it and handle it. That was the way it always was.During the campaign when Al Gore was running for prez someone from Austin, Texas sent them a "Republican Playbook" and a tape of a planning meeting. Gore immediately called the FBI and turned over the items to them. Reading it and using it against the Republicans was not done and ALSO would not have been done by REPUBLICANS getting inside info on Dems either. Ethics mattered even though there were bitter divides between the parties. But there was a line that NO ONE EVER CROSSED until the don appeared and then all lines wer... less
Others drown. Of course he is entirely responsible for abandoning them. Are there consequeces/penalties/punishment that accrue to him and are enacted or does he skate?
When you echochamber ya got 'em right where ya wan 'em. Cut off from the rest of the world. Only echochamber exists and is real. Everything else that may exist outside is of no val... moreWhen you echochamber ya got 'em right where ya wan 'em. Cut off from the rest of the world. Only echochamber exists and is real. Everything else that may exist outside is of no value and is there to trick them. So they happily stay within echochamberland and cling to one another therein and are happy as clams at high tide. Safely secure in a "good" environment that will not pollute their brains with, well, contradictory ideas/views/beliefs/thoughts. The echochamber dwellers need never fear hearing information that will contradict/challenge what echochamber controllers tell them. It is forbidden. less
Apparently truth or un is all the same. You buy and consume what you want and ignore everything else. That way you can maintain loyalty and confidence and never have to worry your ... moreApparently truth or un is all the same. You buy and consume what you want and ignore everything else. That way you can maintain loyalty and confidence and never have to worry your pretty little head about anything. Just do what you are told, believe what you hear from the ultimate source of your views/beliefs and pass it on. Simple way to go through life isn't it?
If McGahn believed the guy he worked set him up I guess he doesn't trust good old don does he? Wonder why good old don hasn't fired him yet? In the works? Coming to a theater near ... moreIf McGahn believed the guy he worked set him up I guess he doesn't trust good old don does he? Wonder why good old don hasn't fired him yet? In the works? Coming to a theater near you? Soonish?
How many pedophile priests are there still, have there been, will there forever be? I seriously doubt that GOD called them to serve HIM. They are opportunists who seek a place to s... moreHow many pedophile priests are there still, have there been, will there forever be? I seriously doubt that GOD called them to serve HIM. They are opportunists who seek a place to satisfy their deviant perverted lusts. They could be camp counselors or teachers or doctors or coaches or a friendly neighbor or a too-friendly family member. All those places have folks who will coverup, look the other way, protect the institution rather than protect the children. Children you see are expendable. Reputations of institutions must be protected at all costs no matter who gets sacrificed on what altar. Sad that the sacrificial lambs are always the innocent, the vulnerable, the trusting, the powerless. Isn't it? Any place that children gather and sexually deviant PERVERTS can be they will be. The church has been known for protecting its own and saying nothing and just moving these sexually deviant PERVERTS from church to church to church to church spreading the evil about evenly. What should become of them? What shoul... less
Darren Beattie, former speechwriter for the don, was fired because he appeared at a white nationalist conference in 2016. The don is white. The don is an avowed nationalist. So are... moreDarren Beattie, former speechwriter for the don, was fired because he appeared at a white nationalist conference in 2016. The don is white. The don is an avowed nationalist. So are his supporters. Some may be "of color" but they are all nationalists. The don DEFENDED them when they marched at Charlottesville. So what's really going on here? Superficially surfacely it makes no sense at all whatsoever. Underneath the surface what's happening to cause such a weird contradictory action?
When trumpism is blown up with the country blow up too? What will be left to salvage since so much of what used to be is already destroyed? Better just junk it and start somewhere else?
Do lobby groups and Super PACs work to deliberately override the democratic principle in promoting their own self-serving political, business and other marginal interests through t... moreDo lobby groups and Super PACs work to deliberately override the democratic principle in promoting their own self-serving political, business and other marginal interests through tightly focussed, near-predatory, private agendas?
Were they allowed, for ulterior reasons, into lawful existence to specifically upset and supersede the basic democratic principle? How does that benefit the lawmakers who promoted it?
Their operating methods and limits of action seem to be governed more by self-determined rules, policies and guidelines rather than being properly controlled by strong laws imposed by government to the benefit of all.
If you could affect the situation, would you be in favour of Super PACs and paid lobbyists being able to influence government or against? less
At least they can set their settings up so they can maintain some comfort instead of mentally pummeling them so they get crazier upon release. You can't lock people up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some are counting the days until that "WHEN" arrives and some are dreading it. Nevertheless is is bound to arrive. All things change. Nothing stays the same. The sun rises and sets... moreSome are counting the days until that "WHEN" arrives and some are dreading it. Nevertheless is is bound to arrive. All things change. Nothing stays the same. The sun rises and sets. Oceans ebb and flow. Earth will continue until one day it no longer is. In the meantime we are born live and die no matter whom we are or where we are. We breathe we eat we drink we fight we love. The same everywhere. No difference. Didja know?
Are you creative?. Can you knit, sew, paint, sketch, carve, sculpt, write things that get published, create gardens (vegetables or flowers or both) or orchards? Is there a lot you ... moreAre you creative?. Can you knit, sew, paint, sketch, carve, sculpt, write things that get published, create gardens (vegetables or flowers or both) or orchards? Is there a lot you eat that you produce on your own land? Do you create items that others buy and so earn your living that way? Do you restore, reclaim, reuse rather than discard/junk/destroy/tear down? Do you value more what you create, what you are given or both equally? Why?
He is wired weird. If all media were to stop paying attention to him he shrivel up and die. He LIVES to get attention. He NEEDS to be on the cover of Time magazine ever... moreHe is wired weird. If all media were to stop paying attention to him he shrivel up and die. He LIVES to get attention. He NEEDS to be on the cover of Time magazine every issue. He INSISTS on tweeting minutely to get the supporters to believe his spin on everything. He USES and ABUSES media yet it is the thing he lusts after the most besides money. Without it he would be a nobody. A nothing. A cipher. So his professed hatred of the media is FAKE. For show. Let all media abandon him and see to what extent he goes to get them back. He is desperate for attention. Desperate people do desperate things. He can't admit his utter love and devotion for the press so he attacks it to give himself a cover that no one buys. less
Think private companies will run the country better than the current government? Or will they do a much worse job if that is even possible? Or will we not notice any difference at ... moreThink private companies will run the country better than the current government? Or will they do a much worse job if that is even possible? Or will we not notice any difference at all? Whatcha think?
That's the guy who owned BLACKWATER and also happens to be the brother of Ditsy de Vos, Education Secretary. Do you think Privatizing a war is a good idea? Why?
It seems hopeless to fight unless you fight dirty like so many do. I suppose you can become whatever it is you need to become to survive. Cost is no object....apparently.