We are the problem and they will solve it. Wonder how? Shoot all of us the minute open our mouths to speak? Imprison us forever and beyod? Deport all of us and then their lives wil... moreWe are the problem and they will solve it. Wonder how? Shoot all of us the minute open our mouths to speak? Imprison us forever and beyod? Deport all of us and then their lives will be completely perfect? How far will they go to get rid of the "problme"? Lynchings perhaps? Do we have enough rope and trees to get rid of 60% of the American people? 60% who despise and cannot abide their donjohn? Mebbe.
Fabric can be pre-treated so that nothing stains it. It can be waterproofed so nothing ever gets it wet. Apparently don has been pre-treated and waterproofed so nothing ever sticks... moreFabric can be pre-treated so that nothing stains it. It can be waterproofed so nothing ever gets it wet. Apparently don has been pre-treated and waterproofed so nothing ever sticks or stains or marks him. Have you noticed that?
habits of that channel if that were to happen, and who even watches MTV any more these days?
(Personal Disclaimer: for over two decades, I've neither watched MTV, nor have I even ... morehabits of that channel if that were to happen, and who even watches MTV any more these days?
(Personal Disclaimer: for over two decades, I've neither watched MTV, nor have I even seen a single music video on any other medium in that same time frame. My preference for 1980s music and pre-1980s music means that I have no knowledge whatsoever of subsequent offerings.)~
Ski Doo was worked on and the mechanic said put oil in fuel at 20:1 and still put the oil in the injector. Does this make for a 40:1 mix? And will it hurt the engine? (older engine 1992)
He flaunts his power to reprogram and control and configure what his base will think in front of everyone and they very obediently go along with him focusing only him and his word ... moreHe flaunts his power to reprogram and control and configure what his base will think in front of everyone and they very obediently go along with him focusing only him and his word and the tick tick tock of the clock that whispers to his base "You You You. Night and Day You are the One. Only you beneath the moon and under the sun......I think of you Night and Day". He has them in his net I bet and they don't even know they are caught and cannot escape. Scientology reprograms and brainwashes but it is all done in far-away locations and outsiders are not allowed to witness any of it. The secreter the betterer. The donjohn? HE WANTS THE PUBLICITY so everyone can see how great he is and how obedient his base his to treasure his every word. He is a showoff after all isn't he? Using people to show other people how much in his power they are. less
Just keep changing the stories and the base will keep changing their views to keep up with those the don sez they should believe. The smarter among them may notice contradictions a... moreJust keep changing the stories and the base will keep changing their views to keep up with those the don sez they should believe. The smarter among them may notice contradictions and contra indications but say nothing and just bobblehead along with those who notice nothing and hear nothing but the voice of the don. He tells them what to believe/not believe and when and for how long and to be vigilant about keeping up with his switches and backtracks and reversals. He will be testing them to see which iteration they believe and when. less
They keep shifting and changing and backtracking and refuting and deny and lying. There are so many versions of "what happened" that it is impossible to keep track of which guy/gal... moreThey keep shifting and changing and backtracking and refuting and deny and lying. There are so many versions of "what happened" that it is impossible to keep track of which guy/gal tolld wich lie and which lie they denied. Just to confuse their base. Non -base folks aren't fooled. We KNOW where the pea is at all times. No matter how much slight of hand or misdirection they try our eye is on them. We hear what we hear and see what see and no donjohntrump will ever convince anyone but his base to believe neither what we see or hear. We have them ON TAPE saying what we said they said. Their base insists all of it is fake news. Does that mean that RudyG and the donjohn were active participants in perpetrating fake news? Whicb perforce causes another question. less
Never try to deceive and lull folks into thinking you had less, were less and then when they least expected it WHAM! Like being expert at poker or any other game and pretending you... moreNever try to deceive and lull folks into thinking you had less, were less and then when they least expected it WHAM! Like being expert at poker or any other game and pretending you were a newby novice who barely knew what hand beat what? Or pool? Ever run the table and have folks gasping because they had no idea you knew what you were doing until TOO LATE?
They despise themselves obviously and so they try to pattern themselves after others because there is no authenticity within them upon which to build and grow and develop. Maybe pa... moreThey despise themselves obviously and so they try to pattern themselves after others because there is no authenticity within them upon which to build and grow and develop. Maybe pathetic is too harsh. They must be very miserable with whom they are to want to NOT BE that person any more. Know anyone like that? A copycat?