Do you bridge anywhere? School, visiting relatives, going on vacation? Are these unsafe/dangerous bridges posted as being unsafe/dangerous? Are any of them blocked/closed/shut down... moreDo you bridge anywhere? School, visiting relatives, going on vacation? Are these unsafe/dangerous bridges posted as being unsafe/dangerous? Are any of them blocked/closed/shut down/inaccessible?
Which of those is your "druther"? Wouldja druther fix our unsafe/dangerous infrastructure at a cost of $1.5 trillion or, give more welfare to the greedy needy obscenely wealt... moreWhich of those is your "druther"? Wouldja druther fix our unsafe/dangerous infrastructure at a cost of $1.5 trillion or, give more welfare to the greedy needy obscenely wealthy at a cost of $100 BILLION or create another division of the military at who knows how much cost? Can we have it all? How?
In the $716 BILLION Defense Budget for Fiscal 2019, beginning October 1, Congress made NO PROVISION for a Military Space Force. The cost of creating it is unknown. Are you up... moreIn the $716 BILLION Defense Budget for Fiscal 2019, beginning October 1, Congress made NO PROVISION for a Military Space Force. The cost of creating it is unknown. Are you up/down with it or against it?
*FASCISTA person who is DICTATORIAL or has EXTREME RIGHT-WING VIEWSFASCISMA governmental system led by a DICTATOR having complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION and CRITICIS... more*FASCISTA person who is DICTATORIAL or has EXTREME RIGHT-WING VIEWSFASCISMA governmental system led by a DICTATOR having complete power FORCIBLY SUPPRESSING OPPOSITION and CRITICISM regimenting all industry, commerce, etc. and emphasizing an AGGRESSIVE NATIONALISM AND OFTEN RACISMSo y'all how d'ya like living with FASCISM having a FASCIST prez? Fun ain't it ?
Others who might reveal what they have? If Michael Cohen has 'secret" tapes and Omarosa has tapes about which no one knew anything isn't it logical to assume there are others out t... moreOthers who might reveal what they have? If Michael Cohen has 'secret" tapes and Omarosa has tapes about which no one knew anything isn't it logical to assume there are others out there just waiting for the right opportunity to reveal them? Wonder if any single human being ever had more enemies than TGITWH? I guess it's his sparkling personality. honesty, kindness, grace, truthfulness and humanitarian reactions that makes him so "beloved". Gonna stay tuned?
TGITWH thought he was a savvy TV reality show personality. Well he has met his match in Omarosa. So far he is running scared and so should be all the others who undoubtedly said th... moreTGITWH thought he was a savvy TV reality show personality. Well he has met his match in Omarosa. So far he is running scared and so should be all the others who undoubtedly said things they do not want made public. Frantic frightened furious though they may all be she has the center stage and the spotlight and there is more to come.
He was very descriptive about what a real lousy person she was. So why did he hire her for anything and pay her $180,000 a year? Token black woman? Or did he do so because he didn'... moreHe was very descriptive about what a real lousy person she was. So why did he hire her for anything and pay her $180,000 a year? Token black woman? Or did he do so because he didn't want her angry at him because she had the goods on him? I wonder.
An Ansermug pal opined that perhaps Sarah has already HEARD the recording where TGITWH sez the "N" word. Mebbe. But knowing the truth never stopped her from lying about and for him... moreAn Ansermug pal opined that perhaps Sarah has already HEARD the recording where TGITWH sez the "N" word. Mebbe. But knowing the truth never stopped her from lying about and for him before. So dare she do such a brave thing again and survive it? Such impertinence and insubordination! Chutzpah. TGITWH does not tolerate it. He requires 24/7 sucking up and kissing up and rolling over and praising him. He doesn't cut anyone any slack. Will he hack her to death or just badmouth her and fire her?
You can strip people of security clearances. You can fire them. You can make it difficult for anyone to hire them. You can ruin their reputations by telling lies about them. But th... moreYou can strip people of security clearances. You can fire them. You can make it difficult for anyone to hire them. You can ruin their reputations by telling lies about them. But they will still criticize you. Here's what a REAL MAN would do to shut people up who don't kiss their butts or suck up to them 24/7Rip out their tongues so they could never speakCut off their hands so they could never writeCut off their feet since some handless folks have learned how to write with their feetOr simply have the offensive person murdered by those whose only job it is to silence your critics.Now that is MANLY and strong and tough. That gets the job done once and for all. The puny Petuny aka TGITWH will certainly finally realize that. He is very slow to figger things out but sometimes he sees the light. What a delight he is to his supporters. SIGH. less
What other folks would you rather have had run so you could have a good field from which to choose? SIGH. That train left the station. That horse left the barn. That ship sailed. 2... moreWhat other folks would you rather have had run so you could have a good field from which to choose? SIGH. That train left the station. That horse left the barn. That ship sailed. 2020 looms large. What are we gonna do to save the ship of state or do we let it just sink?
I had NO IDEA HOW TO TITLE THIS.but this morning this happened to me........I had a brief errand at a local shopping center....AFTERWARDS, while waiting at the light, I saw a... moreI had NO IDEA HOW TO TITLE THIS.but this morning this happened to me........I had a brief errand at a local shopping center....AFTERWARDS, while waiting at the light, I saw a young man waiting for a bus, and he was how often do you see that these days????? not often.then, while waiting for the light, an SUV pulled up beside me, and the guy had A CIGARETTE BEHIND HIS EAR.I haven't seen that in YEARS AND YEARS!!!!!so maybe I'm making a big to-do over nothing, but what are the odds of seeing 2 men/cigarettes at one time like this????????????& COULD there be some type of meaning for me behind this?serious replies only, please!!!!!!!! less
She is good at lying a blue streak. Why did she draw the line at this particular questtion? Could it be that the "n" word is something she finds more offensive than lying for TGITW... moreShe is good at lying a blue streak. Why did she draw the line at this particular questtion? Could it be that the "n" word is something she finds more offensive than lying for TGITWH? Finally a line she will not cross?
Ignore warning signs. All fake newsDon't explain or apologize. Double down and hammer harderWhen caught get irate and angered and insistent and attack and insult and keep it up.Lif... moreIgnore warning signs. All fake newsDon't explain or apologize. Double down and hammer harderWhen caught get irate and angered and insistent and attack and insult and keep it up.Life is a gamble. You choose and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.
*DISTEMPERATUREA distempered or disordered condition; disturbance of health, mind or temper.His health ostensibly is good. Physical health. We don't know about mental health beyond... more*DISTEMPERATUREA distempered or disordered condition; disturbance of health, mind or temper.His health ostensibly is good. Physical health. We don't know about mental health beyond what we hear/seeHe has a temper and his mind is scattered,irrational,fractious(readily angered,peevish,irritable,quarrelsome).
In the olden day before TGITWH became the driving controller decided demander we used to have allies and friends. Among those who were which ones still are?