In the English language, what are some words that name human body parts AND can also mean, describe or refer to other parts of speech or inanimate objects that are decidedly... more In the English language, what are some words that name human body parts AND can also mean, describe or refer to other parts of speech or inanimate objects that are decidedly not human body parts? Any tense of the word can be used as long as its root names a human body partEXAMPLES:
head over to the ranch
the first leg of the trip took us through thick woods
she kneed him in the groin (knee as a verb in the past tense)
they only gave us a thumbnail sketch
just mouth the words; your singing is horrible
the well is bone-dry
don't butt in when Ma is speaking
I never eat the heel of a loaf of bread
you shouldn't elbow your way into this
FOOTNOTE: HOMONYMS are words that sound alike but have different meanings. HOMOGRAPHS are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
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He cannot abide criticism in any form. He cannot stand being disagreed with. He is intolerant of anyone who refuses to obey and support him unconditionally. He can fire people. He ... moreHe cannot abide criticism in any form. He cannot stand being disagreed with. He is intolerant of anyone who refuses to obey and support him unconditionally. He can fire people. He can deprive them of a means to earn a living. I don't know if he can legally deport them but why does legal matter to anyone who is so obviously ABOVE THE LAW? And he can have them imprisoned or killed by any means necessary. His pal Putin has had dissidents poisoned/shot and some have just disappeared without a trace. Lotsa options for an invincible indestructible omnipotent prez. Choices choices choices. Nice to have. less
That way Blue States would adhere to the existing Constitution and Red States could write their own to please its prez. What's wrong with pleasing the big guy/gal? What's wrong wit... moreThat way Blue States would adhere to the existing Constitution and Red States could write their own to please its prez. What's wrong with pleasing the big guy/gal? What's wrong with giving him/her everything and anything always and forever whenever? Two separate and apart entities having no ties or treaties or agreements or "deals" to break. An island apart..the Red and the Blue. How does that sound to you? That way every red state citizen would be FOR their red state prez so no one would criticize or disagree with anything the red state prez said or did. I'm pretty sure the blue state folks would like nothing better than to operate as the US always has operated for many decades. Criticism and disagreement would not be a problem. I don't KNOW that for a fact of course. I can only surmise it. less
We traded having butter so our military could have more guns. I think there were posters that talked of butter for guns. I was very young so I'm not sure I'm remembering exactly. M... moreWe traded having butter so our military could have more guns. I think there were posters that talked of butter for guns. I was very young so I'm not sure I'm remembering exactly. Men went off to war so women went into the factories to do the work. That's where Rosie the Riveter was born. I doubt that present and future wars would require that of we the people but maybe it would. So what would YOU sacrifice for the greater good? Would you do it willingly and cheerfully or would you whine and kvetch and moan and groan and complain? I guess if you never have had to do without you wouldn't know how you would react. Woulja? less
I'm inept technologically speaking. I use a desk top. I don't cell phone anything. I'm happy with what I know how to do. It pleases me.I'm also way behind the curve it seems of wha... moreI'm inept technologically speaking. I use a desk top. I don't cell phone anything. I'm happy with what I know how to do. It pleases me.I'm also way behind the curve it seems of what is okey and what isn't. Everything is okey if the "right people" say it is. I wasn't raised that way nor do I believe it to be true. However it is what passes for today's "truth" and so many people have embraced it as being the wave of the future. I'm too old to change. Can't change my ways because I don't want to. The new ways do not reflect who I am so I'm sure as he** NOT gonna roll over and pretend it's okay. Many don't have to roll over. They were just waiting for the day when it would be so. They are very happy and content and pleased and satisfied. It is the way it is and I fear the old values are so badly crushed they will never be useful again. I don't know and frankly m'dear I don't give a dam*! I'm old. I've had a good life. Whatever that life is now is fine with me. Let others frolilc about gaily and cheerfully and ... less
The purposely and purposefully designed 3 EQUAL branches of government were created to be used as a check-and-balance system. HOWEVER in our current world all the power has been ki... moreThe purposely and purposefully designed 3 EQUAL branches of government were created to be used as a check-and-balance system. HOWEVER in our current world all the power has been kidnapped/confiscated/stolen by the Executive Branch. The Legislative Branch does nothing but stay silent and remain impotent. The Judicial Branch is under siege and it is being taken apart piece by piece with no one there to stop it. A sad end to what was once upon a time a great idea. We hear the funeral dirge getting louder daily. People dressed in black in mourning for all we used to be that we can never be again. A sad day when you realize there is nothing you can do because no one cares. less
If donjohntrump could go back in time to his Inauguration Day and as his first act as Prez strip away all Security Clearances of everyone in the Intelligence Community there would ... moreIf donjohntrump could go back in time to his Inauguration Day and as his first act as Prez strip away all Security Clearances of everyone in the Intelligence Community there would be NO INVESTIGATIONS on anyone for any reason at any time. Just think of how supercalifragilisticexpialidocious that would be?
I wonder if donjohntrump will do a wholesale stripping of hudnreds or thousands of Security Clearances or do them one by one by one by one by one? He can pardon anyone for anything... moreI wonder if donjohntrump will do a wholesale stripping of hudnreds or thousands of Security Clearances or do them one by one by one by one by one? He can pardon anyone for anything at the federal level. Ultimate complete power to do that. He can strip away all and any Security Clearances without intervention by anyone. He has all the cards. Such a simple way to shut folks up. Too bad donjohntrump didn't figger that out months ago isn't it? Think of all the poor souls whose lives wouldn't have been upended? less
All he has to do is take away all Security Clearances of everyone working on all investigations and he won't have to fire them. They will be cut off at the knees and he will have g... moreAll he has to do is take away all Security Clearances of everyone working on all investigations and he won't have to fire them. They will be cut off at the knees and he will have gutted any possible future investigations. Why have Security Clearances anyway? Who needs them?
The old Constitution is just a piece of paper that is being ignored bigly currently. It's a joke actually. It should be taken most seriously but we have an unusual prez with unusua... moreThe old Constitution is just a piece of paper that is being ignored bigly currently. It's a joke actually. It should be taken most seriously but we have an unusual prez with unusual idiosyncratic tendencies and quirks who just doesn't fit what worked for others. The best support and Homage to him and his unique style would be to create a Constitution that would legally make anything he does/says legal. I mean he does/says what he wants anyway to the consternation of some and the cheerful delight of his supporters. Let's make it legal so we can once again be a country that operates on the foundation of THE RULE OF LAW! Whaddya say? less
We have a Constitution. We have laws and rules and regulations. We also have what is called "protocol" and historical precedent. If we ignore them of what use are they? They just s... moreWe have a Constitution. We have laws and rules and regulations. We also have what is called "protocol" and historical precedent. If we ignore them of what use are they? They just sit there and mock us as we completely ignore them. Wouldn't it be better to just rewrite everything to support what is? That way everything would be harmonious and smooth and calm and sweet and hunky dory. Perhaps the powers that be can sink their teeth into THAT project and redo what needs to be redone to reflect what is, not what we wanted it to be and hoped it would be or how it used to be. Makes sense right? less
Do such exist or is that an oxymoronic thing? A disgruntled disappointed dispirited disillusioned donjohntrump devotee. Like unicorns. Non-existent fantasy.
Of course perfect is in the eye of the beholder as is everything else. Right?. I have never witnessed it before and probably never will again. His supporters defenders apologists a... moreOf course perfect is in the eye of the beholder as is everything else. Right?. I have never witnessed it before and probably never will again. His supporters defenders apologists are adamantly certain of his perfection and rail at anyone who dares say otherwise. That is why they support EVERYTHING he says and does. If he were not so perfect in their eyes they would see warts and flaws and a chip or scratch here and there. They see none of that. They rush to his defense and attack his "enemies" who are legion. They are the most loyal devoted certain-they-are-right people I have ever encountered. I guess they were lying in wait for years hoping for monsieur perfect to show up and to him they give their all. I don't see it. But I am not them and they do and they bond together in defiant certitude that donjohntrump is innocent of all charges. That donjohntrump has many enemies who are just jealous of all that he is, was, will be. They see him as being crucified. They are always angry irate furious enraged when... less