Wasn't there a goose in Friendly Persuasion? Then there was Uncle Ed, a horse of course. Asta was the dog belonging to Nick and Nora Charles of Thin Man fame. There were also anima... moreWasn't there a goose in Friendly Persuasion? Then there was Uncle Ed, a horse of course. Asta was the dog belonging to Nick and Nora Charles of Thin Man fame. There were also animated creatures like Nemo that cute little fish. There was King Kong. Who could forget that wonderful spider(Charlotte) in Charlotte's Web? Or the pig in the movie? There was "Silver" of HIHO SILVER fame. Too many to name. Among all of them did you/do you have a fave?
There is a statue of Hachi at the Shibuya train station in Japan. He was an AKITA and he belonged to a Professor Hidesaburo Ueno. This was was way back in the 1920's. There was a m... moreThere is a statue of Hachi at the Shibuya train station in Japan. He was an AKITA and he belonged to a Professor Hidesaburo Ueno. This was was way back in the 1920's. There was a movie made starring Richard Gere called "HACHI" about the dog and the professor. If you have not seen it you should. It is a beautiful and a heartbreaking testament to the immortality of love. I don't know if there are any other statues of any other real-life animals anywhere else in the world. Do you?
Apparently Comey shared with 7 other people what transpired when TGITWH(Da GODFADDER) talked to him about Mike Flynn. They took notes of what he told them. So guess what? SIX... moreApparently Comey shared with 7 other people what transpired when TGITWH(Da GODFADDER) talked to him about Mike Flynn. They took notes of what he told them. So guess what? SIX OF THE SEVEN ARE GONE OR LEAVING THE FBI! Yep! Those who testify against the donjohn mob criminals have to be protected or they will be "removed" permanently. As yet TGITWH doesn't have the cajones to murder them in plain sight..he is working up to that...so what he does is murder their credibility character careers and repeatedly bad mouth bad mouth bad mouth and has all his sycophantic terrified toadies badmouth badmouth badmouth on all those sycophantic toady Fox News shows, ultra right-wing conservative radio talk shows beating the drum in concert via the scripted response over and over and over and over and over.It works. Sad that. less
On with the conquest of the world! Russia will take over everything everywhere anytime as long as TGITWH has anything to say about it. I guess TGITWH is the evil version of Robin t... moreOn with the conquest of the world! Russia will take over everything everywhere anytime as long as TGITWH has anything to say about it. I guess TGITWH is the evil version of Robin to the evil version of Vlad's Batman. TGITWH is second banana. Sidekick. Assistant. Subordinate. Employee. Gopher. Errand Boy. It happens.
He had to declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY because of the red tide! So he disposed of figurative fire extinguishers and now that the house is on fire he requires the services of others... moreHe had to declare a STATE OF EMERGENCY because of the red tide! So he disposed of figurative fire extinguishers and now that the house is on fire he requires the services of others to put the dam* fires out. Dumbkoph!
Or do you wish you didn't have to be bothered with sleep time because there is so much interesting stuff to read about and learn about and so many things to do alla time?
Here is her statement:
Violence is an American tradition. It has been part of the American story since colonization. These violent acts continue from generation to generation. Raci... moreHere is her statement:
Violence is an American tradition. It has been part of the American story since colonization. These violent acts continue from generation to generation. Racial violence, violence toward women and children are still prominent in today’s society. Racism and Patriarchy are two oppressive systems the US was colonized on and they breed violence to this day..
I am a #METOO survivor and I am focusing on violence toward women and the intersectionality with other oppressive systems. Women of color who may not have an economic advantage that others have access to, are disproportionately impacted by violence. We recently heard how a woman of color was dismissed by police officers when it was reported she was raped, all because she had a troubled past. These kind of stories are everyday in this country. Anita Hill was smeared and dismissed when she shared her story regarding a male in power. There are countless stories throughout history and currently where women who break their silence are smea... less
We have what we call charity shops here.. places where second-hand clothing, shoes, furniture, dvds etc are donated for people to buy - the money then goes to the charity... ... moreWe have what we call charity shops here.. places where second-hand clothing, shoes, furniture, dvds etc are donated for people to buy - the money then goes to the charity... My sons used to love browsing charity shops when they were little - and I think it encouraged a love of history and antiques.. But things don't have to be old to be re-loved.. One man's junk is another man's treasure as they say... My butterfly picture will go nicely in my horribly lilac room :P
Near Notre Dame Cathedral and the Seine (River). They are eco-friendly open-air urinals. Leave it to the French to lead the way once again! Allons enfants de la patrie! :)
That's what ya gotta do now that the powers that be are reducing laws to regulate crap in the air, in the water, on the ground. They go cheap cheap cheap. Saving money making money... moreThat's what ya gotta do now that the powers that be are reducing laws to regulate crap in the air, in the water, on the ground. They go cheap cheap cheap. Saving money making money money money money money. That's the name of the game. What will be left to eat? You can develop something safe in your kitchen. Restaurants will all close and fast-food joints too. We are adaptable. We can survive any attempts to thin us out, reshape us, renumber us, remove us, deport us, eliminate us. Survival of the fittest. Are you fit? Fit enough to survive all their insidious ways of taking you down and out because they don't approve of you? less
The fewer career intelligence officers we have the more vulnerable we are. Perhaps that is the endgame of TGITWH. Easier for our enemies, say like Vlad Putin, to take control. We h... moreThe fewer career intelligence officers we have the more vulnerable we are. Perhaps that is the endgame of TGITWH. Easier for our enemies, say like Vlad Putin, to take control. We have fewer folks to see it coming. Fewer folks to analyze the signs. Fewer to keep watch over us. Those experieced intelligence officers who left are getting fewer and farther between. We have many bodies who are inexperienced unintelligent greedy self-centered thieves appointed by TGITWH who fill the jobs and steal what they can from us but know nothing about working on our behalf or protecting us. They are all much too busy watching out for themselves you see and there is only so much time. You do understand don't you? less
Aren't there voice experrts who can authenticate whether or not that is Katrina's voice on the tape talking about TGITWH using the "N" word and how others in the White House were a... moreAren't there voice experrts who can authenticate whether or not that is Katrina's voice on the tape talking about TGITWH using the "N" word and how others in the White House were aware of it? Can tape experts tells if a tape is tampered with? Of course these folks are caught with their figurative pants down saying things that will infuriate and already furious unhinged human being. So of course they are going to deny it was them who said what was. Butt here's the things. Omarosa may have DOZENS of tapes she will release. She said when asked about having more tapes said "I have plenty". Be afraid. Everyone who ever spoke with her or near her may be immortalized on one or more of those tapes. Good luck folks. You knew what she was and you didn't take precautions. Neither did TGITWH. Reflects VERY BADLY on him. Said he let her work there because she always said such nice things about him. Of course donnie. We know how fragile your ego is and how very need you are for constant adoration flattery sucking up. SIGH. Ne... less
Which one is smarter, quicker, surer, steadier, more focused and which one dares not go off script/off teleprompter else he meanders and wanders and zigzags and bumbles and s... moreWhich one is smarter, quicker, surer, steadier, more focused and which one dares not go off script/off teleprompter else he meanders and wanders and zigzags and bumbles and stumbles? There is an age difference but I'm not sure how much that matters. There would be a WINNER and an UN. Which one would be which one? Why?