OK so older son moved out some time ago, daughter moved out of the little bedroom, into the middle bedroom... I so want one room that will just stay TIDY... my kids are the m... moreOK so older son moved out some time ago, daughter moved out of the little bedroom, into the middle bedroom... I so want one room that will just stay TIDY... my kids are the messiest on the planet.. SO I want the room to be as tidy as possible, a sea of tranquillity but still has to look like it could be a bedroom if needed.. I might use it for crafts etc. I have a futon which cost me £20 Daughter had the room painted lilac on top and blue in the lower half with a Scooby Doo border and stencilled butterflies - the theme was Scooby Doo in a butterfly garden :P I have a very tiny budget and since I already had another can of the lilac paint I repainted it all lilac... and it doesn't help that the woodwork and the radiator are also lilac.. that worked fine with the bottom half of the room blue... but now it just looks well... overwhelmingly lilac! I could repaint just the bottom half... but I am hoping to avoid doing so.. partly because I am running out of time before I have to go back ... less
I think they were.. I think the universe created you all just so I can answer questions on here :) If that's not so... what other purpose do you serve? PS this was a light-he... moreI think they were.. I think the universe created you all just so I can answer questions on here :) If that's not so... what other purpose do you serve? PS this was a light-hearted question.. but feel free to answer more deeply... what is your purpose on this planet?
My nomination is Margaret Hamilton as 'Almira Gulch/The Wicked Witch of the West' in 1939's "The Wizard of OZ"~ there is nothing she does that is not perfect to me in the film
NO PLOT SPOILER!!This woman is a minor character in a book of MANY characters and she doesn't literally do what the book cover suggests!:)GREAT book by the way!!!!
Shortly after I heard Joey Ramone died I started seeing him at community events in the Central Vancouver Island area. Ever time I spotted him he seemed to know tha... moreShortly after I heard Joey Ramone died I started seeing him at community events in the Central Vancouver Island area. Ever time I spotted him he seemed to know that I spotted him and he tried to disappear into the crowd. He is pretty quick but once I was able to catch up to him and say - gaba gaba hey then he did one of his famous Joey Ramone moves - he pulled his sunglass down and stared at me like I was stupid or something. I had seen that gaze in a few of his vids so it convinced me Joey Ramone is alive and well, Not sure about this part but shortly before Joey Ramone died he did a guest appearance in a Canadian short film called Road Kill. In his scene a taxi driver says - hey Joey what are you doing in Sudbury and Joey say's - just looking for some fertile ground. There is no fertile land in Sudbury because of the nickel mines and smelters so I think it was a clue that Joey Ramome was going to fake his death and retire on the Rock... less
About a month ago, the results arrived, and similar to the people you see in those television commercials for various ancestry services, he was surprised to find out the wid... more About a month ago, the results arrived, and similar to the people you see in those television commercials for various ancestry services, he was surprised to find out the wide range of regions of the world from which he descended, such to the point that he was actually disappointed. I asked him if he was at least satisfied in knowing, even though the information was not what he had expected. He told me that in the end, he regretted the entire experience and would have preferred not finding out. If he had the choice of turning back the clock, he wishes he would have never participated in it.Please select any or all of these questions below. A. Have you researched your own family tree?
B. If not, do you think you ever will?B1. If you don't think you'll do it, why not?C. If so, did you do it through DNA testing, or through other methods, or through both?C1. Which other methods?D. If you've already done it, how far back in history were you able to trace (what year), and what was your impression of the res... less
Because before an asylum seeker and her child had their day in court Sessions planned to send them back to their country. Sneaky basta** thought he could get away with it seeing as... moreBecause before an asylum seeker and her child had their day in court Sessions planned to send them back to their country. Sneaky basta** thought he could get away with it seeing as how and being as how he is the TOP REPRESENTATIVE OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM...the ATTORNEY GENERAL! What a disgrace he is. What a sham of a man. There were 8 other asylym seekers he was gonna try to get rid of too but his hands were caught in the cooky jar. Bad dude. AND there are still 559 migrant children still separated from their parents. TGITWH SURE HATES LITTLE KIDS DOESN'T HE? less
They have to put up with people of color here in the good old US of A. They even suffered the supreme indignity of having an AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT FOR 8 YEARS! How did they ev... moreThey have to put up with people of color here in the good old US of A. They even suffered the supreme indignity of having an AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT FOR 8 YEARS! How did they ever survive that? They are meant for pearly white delight. Color-free and colorless. The only color they like is green..the color of money. Also the color of envy and jealousy. Green-eyed monster. They do well among others EXACTLY like themselves and do not do at all well among a kaleidoscope of variations on the theme of human being colorwise. Pasty white rules among them. None of them have tans. None of them curl their hair. None of the dames plump up their lips or their butts because there are humnan who are born looking that way and they would have to pay to look like them which they would never do. So you will see thin lips, flat butts, straight hair and VERY fair skin. They would not want to be mistaken for their more colorful "sisters". SIGH. They would nveerl ive down being perceived as a "person of color". Too humiliating. ... less
*HUMANITYAll human beings collectively; the human race; humankindThe quality or condition of being human; human natureTHE QUALITY OF BEING HUMANE;KINDNESS;BENEVOLENCESynonymsSympat... more*HUMANITYAll human beings collectively; the human race; humankindThe quality or condition of being human; human natureTHE QUALITY OF BEING HUMANE;KINDNESS;BENEVOLENCESynonymsSympathy; tenderness; goodwillAntonymsInhumanity; unkindness
~~ with Potato Crisps (chips) packet in there stomachs...Once the oceans are devoid of life ,will that cause the onset of World War III as the population of countries begin t... more~~ with Potato Crisps (chips) packet in there stomachs...Once the oceans are devoid of life ,will that cause the onset of World War III as the population of countries begin to die of starvation to....?
The perfervid desperadoes surrounding TGITWH are always flailing about, talking a blue streak, saying nothing or telling lies and being ever so sincere about it. Whereas those who ... moreThe perfervid desperadoes surrounding TGITWH are always flailing about, talking a blue streak, saying nothing or telling lies and being ever so sincere about it. Whereas those who want him to face the consequences of his actions seem timid and low-key and waiting around to see what will happen rather than actively making things happen. Why is evil purpose apparently more energetic than good? Any ideas?
Or it is just another bullsh** con that the perp continues to say he wants just so he can blame his lawyers for not letting him answer any questions? We all know he is a liar. We a... moreOr it is just another bullsh** con that the perp continues to say he wants just so he can blame his lawyers for not letting him answer any questions? We all know he is a liar. We also all know that Mueller has all the answers to all the questions he plans to ask. HOWEVER he wants to hear from the horse's mouth how the horse sees it. But probably that ain't in the cards. There is a battery of folks protecting the compulsive liar. It is am amazing sight to see how desperately they want him to survive. The more he digs his own grave the harder they work to pretend he is just planting a garden. "Nothing to see here folks". "Move right along". less