That would mean that all those who testified UNDER OATH lied. It would mean that all the indictments that have already been handed out were filled with lies. That would put into je... moreThat would mean that all those who testified UNDER OATH lied. It would mean that all the indictments that have already been handed out were filled with lies. That would put into jeopardy forever the ability of the United States to seek justice for crimes committed against it. It would have to be the hugest bigliest conspiracy ever perpetrated by anyone anywhere at any time. Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands. All lied to "get" one man they jointly despised. Would y'all like to see that happen? Take down a country on the word of one man? "The RUSSURE THING IS A HOAX". Six words is all it takes to do that. Could it really be that simple? One shining truth (TGITWH who NEVER LIES) standing up against a zillion lies! "We'll see what happens". less
Demands, insistence, uncompromising and authoritarian ORDERS do not allow for spontaneous greatness. There never would have been a Jonathan Winters or Robin Williams if they always... moreDemands, insistence, uncompromising and authoritarian ORDERS do not allow for spontaneous greatness. There never would have been a Jonathan Winters or Robin Williams if they always stayed within the lines and never deviated an inch from a rigid template. Which do YOU prefer? The good little folks who always follow order or the ones who surprise you with their brilliance and uniqueness and creativity and ingenuity? Why?
The variety of explanations for that meeting having taken place is extremely self-defeating.It was about adoption. Benign of course except turns out it wasn't about ado... moreThe variety of explanations for that meeting having taken place is extremely self-defeating.It was about adoption. Benign of course except turns out it wasn't about adoption at allIt was about getting information on an opponent. Perfectly legal. Everyone does it.So if it were perfectly legal and typical of political campaigns and ordinary and normal what purpose did lying about it serve? So you see the liars can't even foresee how the things they say are connected and self-incriminatory. It was about adoption. It wasn't about adoption it was about gathering information on an opponent. What will the next iteration be and who will float it and do you believe it? less
Quote from their website: - The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized... moreQuote from their website: - The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations, particularly in spreading information about the UN and fostering support for UN programs. Since their inception Lucis Trust and World Goodwill have given their support through meditation, educational materials and seminars, by highlighting the importance of the UN's goals and activities as they represent the voice of the peoples and nations of the world.There are comments on the World Wide Web claiming that the Lucis Trust was once called the Lucifer Trust. Such was never the case. However, for a brief period of two or three years in the early 1920’s, when Alice and Foster Bailey were beginning ... less
San Francisco and a few other cities have passed a law giving illegal aliens a right to vote in a United States election. Is that fair, when American citizens are not allowed the s... moreSan Francisco and a few other cities have passed a law giving illegal aliens a right to vote in a United States election. Is that fair, when American citizens are not allowed the same privileges if they break the law?
They all put themselves out there as a public Utility, therefore they reason its up to them who and what they Shadowban. Right now, its conservatives, alternate news sources ... moreThey all put themselves out there as a public Utility, therefore they reason its up to them who and what they Shadowban. Right now, its conservatives, alternate news sources like Alex Jones and others speaking the truth and going against the fake news propaganda, anything negative concerning the Democrats and the President o the United states (he was shadowbanned from Twitter and is looking into the legality of it as we speak. Is this the first step in censorship to the first amendment by hiding behind a so called private Utility that happens to be run almost 100 percent by Leftists and Democrats, just as Hollywood and main stream media is. Is that fair? less
So that makes TGITWH a party crasher. A boor who thinks he is welcome anywhere by anyone at any time. Bad manners. Bad assumption. Bad boy. Desperation. Intimidation. The BULLY BOY... moreSo that makes TGITWH a party crasher. A boor who thinks he is welcome anywhere by anyone at any time. Bad manners. Bad assumption. Bad boy. Desperation. Intimidation. The BULLY BOY goes wherever he wants whenever he wants as often as he wants. Who is gonna stop him? Who is gonna educate him about his lack of manners? Who is going to confront him? Who is going to chastise him? Anyone? Party crasher. Unwanted. SIGH. Whatta guy! :(
I just did. We had a trucker just run us off the road and nearly into a wall. I got the trailer number and license plate. Called the 1800 number and left a voice mail. Stating the ... moreI just did. We had a trucker just run us off the road and nearly into a wall. I got the trailer number and license plate. Called the 1800 number and left a voice mail. Stating the numbers and where we were located on the interstate at the time. Left my name and number as well. Do the call back? Thank God, my husband was alert and handled it safely.
All ya gotta do is "suggest" and the subject is already under the spell. Say it and the subject believes it without question. State it and the subject embraces it. Believes in lies... moreAll ya gotta do is "suggest" and the subject is already under the spell. Say it and the subject believes it without question. State it and the subject embraces it. Believes in lies easily. Can be hypnotized easily. A perfect base upon which you can depend when you can control them with your eyes and your words. Piece of cake. No challenge there. A sure thing. Anyone can "win".
Now TGITWH admits the purpose of the meeting was to get "information" (DIRT) on an "opponent" (HILLARY). Does his base mind at all the variety of lies he tells about one thing or d... moreNow TGITWH admits the purpose of the meeting was to get "information" (DIRT) on an "opponent" (HILLARY). Does his base mind at all the variety of lies he tells about one thing or do they admire/applaud him for it? He chose to tell the truth and I betcha his base either embraces it or wonders why in the h e** now of all times he comes clean?No Collusion No Collusion No Collusion stated countless times turns into "there is no such thing as collusion and even if there were it isn't illegal" to "so we colluded? SO WHAT?" Lies to truth. Patience. It will all come out in the end.Mighty weird don'tcha think? Why lie if you are going to eventually tell the truth? Bad planning? No plan? The results of doing things by the seat of the pants and seeing what sticks? (Mixed sue me!) It is entertaining on one level to see the turning of the screw so to speak but also annoying. His base supports every stage of every lie and never apologizes for believing them. Never. Not once. SIGH. Bad manners? No mann... less
Per a segment on "60 Minutes" Syrian hospitals are now being built UNDERGROUND in caves where the monsterman can't get at them. Monsterman uses chemicals and dirty bombs and all th... morePer a segment on "60 Minutes" Syrian hospitals are now being built UNDERGROUND in caves where the monsterman can't get at them. Monsterman uses chemicals and dirty bombs and all the ways he can think off to murder annihilate decimate cripple his opposition including kids of course. A vicious violent venal evil man with whom the equally vicious violent venal evil Putin and Rouhani bond cling stick together. TGITWH so admires strong tough uncompromising leaders. He sees himself as one of them. So far he is ramping up his attacks on the media. Where will it go and when will it stop? Maybe when American journalists are regularly murdered as Putin has done in Russia with Russian reporters. The base of TGITWH supports whatever he does/says. I wonder if any of them saw that story on "60 Minutes"? If so they probably think it is fake news and ginned up to make Assad look bad. Just like Alex Jones who sez Sandy Hook was fake and actors played the roles. To gin up gun control allegedly. And Holocaust deniers insist THE HO... less
OFFICER OF THE COURTAny person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective opeation of the judicial system including judges, the ATTORNEYS WHO APPEAR IN COURT, clerks an... moreOFFICER OF THE COURTAny person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective opeation of the judicial system including judges, the ATTORNEYS WHO APPEAR IN COURT, clerks and other personnel. As officers of the court LAWYERS HAVE AN ABSOLUTE ETHICAL DUTY TO TELL THE JUDGES THE TRUTH including avoiding dishonesty or evasion about reasons the attorney or his /her client is not appearing, the location of documents and other matters related to conduct of the courts".Therefore to whit and forthwith this questionShould a lawyer with a client who lies constantly and purposefully withdraw from a case since as an officer of the court he ETHICALLY cannot lie to the judge or the jury to protect his client? What would you do? Every client should get a lawyer to defend him. True. BUT if the client committed the crime and the attorney KNOWS he is guilty of it, wouldn't continuing to be his lawyer imply he WAS LYING to the judge and the court? Sticky wicket isn't it? less
I watch a couple of the ghost hunting shows and would really love to participate in one. I'm sure a lot of it is "spiced" up for the cameras, but I still think it would be a hoot.
My cousin recently had surgery and waiting in the waiting room really wore me out. One good thing about waiting there is I found this site while Googling a few things.
Taste. Touch. Smell. That's what's left in our arsenal of weapons to navigate the waterways of life. I wonder if those who believe what TGITWH tells them ever wonder about why he w... moreTaste. Touch. Smell. That's what's left in our arsenal of weapons to navigate the waterways of life. I wonder if those who believe what TGITWH tells them ever wonder about why he wants to cripple us?
I'm watching 60 Minutes, the lead story is about Syrian civilian hospitals being deliberately targeted by Assad's military forces in air attacks, the bombings of which are i... more I'm watching 60 Minutes, the lead story is about Syrian civilian hospitals being deliberately targeted by Assad's military forces in air attacks, the bombings of which are immoral and illegal. To elude the horror, hospitals are being relocated far from where air strikes might be effective, but 60 Minutes showed several scenes of these locations, both inside and out. Military planners use every imaginable resource to identify and locate potential targets. Isn't 60 Minutes culpable in assisting those efforts? If so, it certainly seems counterproductive to alerting the world to the trajedy, when st the same time having a hand in its continuance. less
Are you a fan of mine who has any questions, comments, respectful ones of course, or experiences they'd like to share about wearing unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners, t... moreAre you a fan of mine who has any questions, comments, respectful ones of course, or experiences they'd like to share about wearing unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners, then please let me know.Thanks
Before you open your mouth and make statements FIND OUT THE TRUTH FIRST. This way everyone has a get out of jail card or dozens or millions. Just say "I had bad information". Never... moreBefore you open your mouth and make statements FIND OUT THE TRUTH FIRST. This way everyone has a get out of jail card or dozens or millions. Just say "I had bad information". Never tell the truth that you lied thinking you'd get away with it. That would be so shocking folks would drop dead on the spot for hearing such candor. Geez every time they get nailed they have an excuse.