Instead of lying low, saying very little and doing what his lawyers advise he does the exact opposite. I assume the lawyers are getting paid. Why have them if you are going t... moreInstead of lying low, saying very little and doing what his lawyers advise he does the exact opposite. I assume the lawyers are getting paid. Why have them if you are going to pay no attention to them?. There is something very bizarre going on here. Anyone know what it is and why TGITWH seems to be targeting himself for his most vicious attacks?
HIs constant stoking of hate to his base vis a vis the media will cause death to occur if he keeps it up. He is inciting violence/riots/death because he has no other weapon to use ... moreHIs constant stoking of hate to his base vis a vis the media will cause death to occur if he keeps it up. He is inciting violence/riots/death because he has no other weapon to use against the truth! Journalists are being threateened more and more. Some TGITWH wingnut nimnut crackpot nutjob will start taking them out. What other goals does an instigator have but to get the gullible to do his bidding? Jpouranlsts are getting death threats. His hate is far to great to contain.
Sri Chinmoy led prayers at the United Nations and did so for years. He states:-"The United Nations is a symbol of man's inner cry, inner oneness. Outwardly, the members of th... moreSri Chinmoy led prayers at the United Nations and did so for years. He states:-"The United Nations is a symbol of man's inner cry, inner oneness. Outwardly, the members of the U.N. do commit mistakes. Again, if we make mistakes that does not mean that we shall never arrive at the truth. No, mistakes are merely rungs in the ladder of our inner progress. If we have an inner urge to do the right thing, to grow into the right thing, to fulfil the divine within us, then there comes a time when we do become perfect instruments of God. So we cannot judge the U.N. on its present appearance. We cannot judge the U.N. by what it has already offered us. Only we can judge the U.N. on its soulful promise, its promise that it will one day flood the world with boundless peace." as to who replaced him) less
And will this mean the removal of all weapons from the earth as laid out in the constitution? What are your thoughts? moreAnd will this mean the removal of all weapons from the earth as laid out in the constitution? What are your thoughts?
WHAT IF the guy in the White House were really a Girl. Not saying he is or isn't but WHAT IF?Would that make his words/deeds more or less reprehensible despicable disgusting? Why d... moreWHAT IF the guy in the White House were really a Girl. Not saying he is or isn't but WHAT IF?Would that make his words/deeds more or less reprehensible despicable disgusting? Why d'ya think so?
How could he write a memo about a meeting he knew nothing and LIE about its purpose when WE ALL KNOW it was to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. You see how very stupid he thinks we are... moreHow could he write a memo about a meeting he knew nothing and LIE about its purpose when WE ALL KNOW it was to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. You see how very stupid he thinks we are? So stupid we will buy every absurd and insulting lie he tells. Go figger! But that ain't all folks!NOW as the noose around his neck tightens he says that the meeting was about getting information on an opponent which is what politicians do and there was nothing wrong about it.SoFIRST HE SAYS HE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ITNEXT HE WRITES A MEMO SAYING THE MEETING WAS ABOUT ADOPTION WHICH WAS A BIG FAT LIENOW HE SAYS IT WAS A MEETING ABOUT GETTING INFORMATION ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT and EVERYONE DOES IT. HE SAYS HE DID NOT KNOW ABOUT ITSwitch hitter ain't he? FIRST HE IS NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSIONNow he says Collusion isn't a crime(A LIE...collusion/conspoiracy are the same thing) and so what if people colluded less
For cryin' out loud is TGITWH really really THAT slow mentally? It has taken all this time for hm to realize that the donjr lies about that TOWER meeting and his own lies manifeste... moreFor cryin' out loud is TGITWH really really THAT slow mentally? It has taken all this time for hm to realize that the donjr lies about that TOWER meeting and his own lies manifested in the memo he wrote for donjr stating that the meeting was about adoption when it was about getting dirt on Hillary is just NOW sinking in? Boy is he behind the curve mentally. :(
As "they" always say in courtroom dramas"Your honor he opened the door to this discussion" meaning the opposition lawyer.The judge always lets the discussion proceed. TGITWH is so ... moreAs "they" always say in courtroom dramas"Your honor he opened the door to this discussion" meaning the opposition lawyer.The judge always lets the discussion proceed. TGITWH is so obsessed with IQ (he is a stable genius allegedly per him) and always refers to black people he doesn't like as LOW IQ. Maxine Waters and LeBron James most recently. So since he opened THAT DOOR what about his stable base? Mensa members who regularly complete the New York Times puzzle in INK in minutes? Brilliant chess players who are MASTERS at it? Inquiring minds wanna know. If he has any LOW IQ folks in his base what does he do with them? Ignore them? Kick them out? What would YOU do if you were the stable genius and the IQ of your base members were questioned? Would you have them all take IQ tests and only let the other stable geniuses like you attend rallies? It wouldn't do for a stable genius to be supported by folks with low IQ's would it? Wouldn't that reflect very badly on him? I mean wouldn't that imply that high IQ fol... less
So we got a lotta crumb bum second rate wannabe POLS who ge/buy as much dirt as they can to smear opponents so they will win. What a pathetic way to run to country. What a disgusti... moreSo we got a lotta crumb bum second rate wannabe POLS who ge/buy as much dirt as they can to smear opponents so they will win. What a pathetic way to run to country. What a disgusting way to choose "the best". THE BEST? Sure. You mean the worst we can get because the more they cheat the more likely they are to win. Example. You don't really think TGITWH would have been elected prez if he didn't have all those folks cheating and lying on his behalf do ALL OVER THE WORLD do you? If he were on any ballot running for DOG CATCHER would you vote for him? Seriously you would? OY VEY! less
He refers to the media as dishonest when he is the biggest liar guy of all time that ever was or ever will be in the history of world. Everyone says so.So what he is and what he sa... moreHe refers to the media as dishonest when he is the biggest liar guy of all time that ever was or ever will be in the history of world. Everyone says so.So what he is and what he says are not related at all. Isn't that funny as all get out? Don'tcha think he is full of it and chutzpah and nerve and conceit and bullsh** every time he points fingers to others who do so little compared to him who is always at the top of the list of the heap doing the most worst repeatedly consistently endlessly repetitiously boringly predictably? Who buys his constant lies except his base? The rest of us think he is radically hysterically theatrically dramatically problematically a wild and woolly guy and a wascally wabbit wascal! :) less
Running for election to political office. In every state in GREATER NUMBERS THAN EVER BEFORE. It is not the anger of a woman scorned. It is the anger of a woman held back/attacked/... moreRunning for election to political office. In every state in GREATER NUMBERS THAN EVER BEFORE. It is not the anger of a woman scorned. It is the anger of a woman held back/attacked/ridiculed/abused. No longer. Will many of them win? I dunno. There are lots of misogynists out there and not only men. Women are misogynists too and resent the women who lead because they have always been taught to follow and obey men. Well gals sit back and watch what happens when women stop taking a back seat and move up front. Are you one of the ones running for political office or one of the ones who are badmouthing and attacking those who do? It's up to you whatcha do. Or is it? less
More laws will be written and ENFORCED to protect bigotry, racism, hate. The RIGHTS of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT shall not be impinged upon at any time in any way by anyone. That covers ... moreMore laws will be written and ENFORCED to protect bigotry, racism, hate. The RIGHTS of the RELIGIOUS RIGHT shall not be impinged upon at any time in any way by anyone. That covers a lot of ground doesn't it? The Constitution DOES NOT support/enhance/advocate ANY STATE RELIGION. But the Attorney General does and I guess he is above the law and above the Constitution so he will make laws that support the religion of the extreme right-wing in all its glory up to dotting all i's and crossing all t's and making it illegal to dare challenge any of their "beliefs" that will be enforced by law. How sweet it is! CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW RESPECTING AN ESTABLISHMENT OF RELIGION (DON'T :LEGISLATE) OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF (pay attention to your plate and eat whatever the he** ya wanna eat but stop trying to control what is on the plates of others). less
The lounge acts are second rate and play to noisy raucous out-of-control crowds, some of whom may be drunk. They don't care what he says, what he wears they cheer everything and an... moreThe lounge acts are second rate and play to noisy raucous out-of-control crowds, some of whom may be drunk. They don't care what he says, what he wears they cheer everything and anything because he is the only act they can afford to see. He requires nothing from them but unquestioned loyalty. They can give that. Happy marriage.
I was just wondering if anyone has read this action plan by the United Nations with regard to sustainable development, and what are your thoughts on it? Clearly global governance i... moreI was just wondering if anyone has read this action plan by the United Nations with regard to sustainable development, and what are your thoughts on it? Clearly global governance is no longer a "conspiracy theory" as it now also publicised in books like Our Global Neighbourhood based on the UN's own manifesto. I have also been made aware of US advertisements on the Television..
Well since you asked the MAGA(Make America Great Again) guy and AMERICA FIRST GUY had all his branded products and HIS DAUGHTER IVANKA'S MADE IN FOREIGN LANDS BY FOREIGN WORK... moreWell since you asked the MAGA(Make America Great Again) guy and AMERICA FIRST GUY had all his branded products and HIS DAUGHTER IVANKA'S MADE IN FOREIGN LANDS BY FOREIGN WORKERS to make them as cheap as he could so he and his baby girl could make as much money as he could off them. So much for words.Did they care about the massive LIAR they supported? What do YOU think?
A brain freeze occurred during the 2016 election and some poor saps believe HILLARY CLINTON won and is the prez. Otherwise they would not continue to bring her up when the HIGH CRI... moreA brain freeze occurred during the 2016 election and some poor saps believe HILLARY CLINTON won and is the prez. Otherwise they would not continue to bring her up when the HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEANORS of the current REAL prez are being discussed. I guess they couldn't believe their guy could possibly win so they continue to go back to that dry well and talk about her all the time. Poor saps. Living in delusionland where black is white and up is down and frowns and clowns and upside downs are treasured.
If no one in the White House had consorted with Russians to fix a presidential election there would be NO NEED TO INVESTIGATE ANYTHING. But that isn't what happened. All the folks ... moreIf no one in the White House had consorted with Russians to fix a presidential election there would be NO NEED TO INVESTIGATE ANYTHING. But that isn't what happened. All the folks involved LIED CONSPIRED COLLUDED UNDERMINED a presidential election. They all brought it on themselves. I hear violins playing in the background and folks actually crying for them. WHY? They gambled and LOST and that's what happens. If ya can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen. Otherwise quitcherbitch** and take the consequences of your criminal interactions. You did the crime do the time. Man up. Woman up. Shut up! :) less
AFRICAN AMERICANS FOR TRUMPWOMEN FOR TRUMPBoth groups have been denigrated insulted demeaned attacked for decades by TGITWH. He calls African Americans "LOW IQ" and he calls women ... moreAFRICAN AMERICANS FOR TRUMPWOMEN FOR TRUMPBoth groups have been denigrated insulted demeaned attacked for decades by TGITWH. He calls African Americans "LOW IQ" and he calls women all kinds of derogatory names. On the Access Hollywood tape he bragged that you can grab a women by the "private parts" and they let you if you are a celebrity. That shows great respect for women doesn't it? He loathes both groups and doesn't mind folks knowing about it. He cheated on Melania when she was pregnant and gave birth to Barron because he is a louse. Yet there they are holding signs proclaiming their support for the guy. Anyone know WHY? Stockholm syndrome? Masochists? Self-haters? They think so little of themselves that they truly believe they DESERVE his insulting jabs? less
DeathLife imprisonmentBanished and deported to the land of his ancestors? Scotland? His momma was born there. Or just ship him to Moscow and let them deal with him?
Closing the circle. As a kid TGITWH attended military school so ending up living out his final days in a military prison wouldn't be unjust or unseemly or surprising. Or would it?
LeBron is funding an "I PROMISE SCHOOL" in Akron, Ohio for at-risk kids .TGITWH separated kids from their parents and some of those kids are still living in cages and kennels.Hard ... moreLeBron is funding an "I PROMISE SCHOOL" in Akron, Ohio for at-risk kids .TGITWH separated kids from their parents and some of those kids are still living in cages and kennels.Hard choice isn't it? Educating children vs treating them like dogs? Think about it as much as you need to and then maybe you will come to some conclusion. Good luck y'all.
His TV Lawyer RudyG did that years ago in New York. He was married to a gal named Donna Hanover and they had kids. He took a misrress, Judy Nathan (whom he later married and divorc... moreHis TV Lawyer RudyG did that years ago in New York. He was married to a gal named Donna Hanover and they had kids. He took a misrress, Judy Nathan (whom he later married and divorced) and f alunted her in public every chance he got. Took he into his home. He rubbed his wife's nose in it and humiliated her and laughed about it. He is an excellent template for TGITWH who undoubtedly wants revenge against his upstart wife who dares to disagree with him. He never lets any slight go and will retaliate. What better way than for him to take a mistress, bring her to the White House and parade her about? Give her a job and pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars?. Who is gonna stop him? Would his base object to that or would they find divine explanations and make Melania the "bad guy" and TGITWH the "good guy" and embrace his hoor as their own? Think they'd forgive him that or might there be a few who were perturbed? less
Melania is showing strong signs of having a backbone. She may be coming into her own by going out of her way to make TGITWH furious because she doesn't agree with him and dar... moreMelania is showing strong signs of having a backbone. She may be coming into her own by going out of her way to make TGITWH furious because she doesn't agree with him and dares to say so. What should he do? Dump her for her disloyalty to him or ignore her completely or forbid her from doing/saying anything and "LOCK HER UP" in some kind First Lady dungeon he has built at all of his properties.
Nixon was no fool. TGITWH obviously is.Here are some of swell as he** things both investigations shareActivities investigated were during a presidential election where the ca... moreNixon was no fool. TGITWH obviously is.Here are some of swell as he** things both investigations shareActivities investigated were during a presidential election where the candidate was caught breaking the law trying to ruin his opponentDepartment of Justice employees were involved in trying to keep the investigation from continuingCampaign Chairmen were indicted multiple timesA lawyer close to the prez was implicatedThe prez retained the support of most RepublicansCorrupt players were surrounding the corrupt presidentBoth were called WITCH HUNTS by the prez involvedBoth saw the investigations as a direct attack on the prezBoth presidents DENIED INVOLVEMENT and LIED LIED LIED LIED LIED LIED LIEDTook years to get to the bottom of Watergate and find all the truth. Russia gate will take LOTSA time tooThere were 69 Watergate thugs who were indicted of which 48 were found GUILTY. Don't know how many Russigate thugs have been indicted so far. More to come so "we'll see what happens".BLATENT HYPOCRISY... less
His latest? His tries to untangle "patently false lies about the Russian probe". How dare he tell the truth and live to tell more truth? His days are numbered. Right? FAUX new... moreHis latest? His tries to untangle "patently false lies about the Russian probe". How dare he tell the truth and live to tell more truth? His days are numbered. Right? FAUX news does not allow any dissent of any kind from any source at any time. Why are "they" allowing SHEP to live much less talk?
It is COGNITIVE BIAS that people with little expertise or ability suffer from because they assume they do have superior expertise or ability. They don't know enough to know&n... moreIt is COGNITIVE BIAS that people with little expertise or ability suffer from because they assume they do have superior expertise or ability. They don't know enough to know that they don't know. They operate in a universe of "alternate facts" assuming that is the only place they can find truth. They hoodwink easily. They buy all the output of super hoodwinkers like Alex Jones and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Easy prey.