A friend of mine posted portions of this on her Facebook wall and agreed with Eartha. My first thought was, "I bet she died alone," and indeed, it appears she did. I think Eartha w... moreA friend of mine posted portions of this on her Facebook wall and agreed with Eartha. My first thought was, "I bet she died alone," and indeed, it appears she did. I think Eartha was an amazing woman who did a lot of good and had a ton of tenacity, but when it comes to love, I don't think she's an example to be followed. What do you think? Do you agree with her sentiment or no? Why/ why not? And, straight men/ gay women, you're welcomed to imagine she's talking about women here.
That way they won't know what's true until he tells them what to believe and so they follow him up and down and in and out and roundabout 24/7 and whatever he sez last is their tru... moreThat way they won't know what's true until he tells them what to believe and so they follow him up and down and in and out and roundabout 24/7 and whatever he sez last is their truth. It's working with them obviously or they would have abandoned him for insulting their intelligence. They aren't insulted. Different strokes.
Here's my listWhoever is responsible for kidnapping kids, keeping them in wire cages/kennels and never reuniting some of them with their parentsWhoever is respons... moreHere's my listWhoever is responsible for kidnapping kids, keeping them in wire cages/kennels and never reuniting some of them with their parentsWhoever is responsible for relaxing protections for people's health vis a vis the environment thereby polluting the air, the water and the land.Whoever is responsible for relaxing auto emissions so auto makers can save money at the expense of crapped up air/climate change impact/ and lung diseasesWhoever is responsible for eliminating medical coverage for those with pre-existing conditions subjecting some of them to CERTAIN DEATH.Whoever is responsible for asserting First Amendment rights for folks who agree with them and denying those same rights to those who disagree with themWhoever is responsible for denying that a hostile foreign government(RUSSIA) engaged in long-term hacking/affecting our election system and refuses to DO anything about preventing it from happening again while it is ongoing RIGHT NOW and never stoppedWhoever is responsible ... less
Daddy dearest immediately tweeted "Ivanka is right. The press isn't the enemy of the people. Only the fake news and most of the news is that. Or words to that effect. He didn't say... moreDaddy dearest immediately tweeted "Ivanka is right. The press isn't the enemy of the people. Only the fake news and most of the news is that. Or words to that effect. He didn't say he disagreed with her. He "redid" her reply to agree with him. She said nothing further on the subject. She dares not further stand her ground and correct daddy's correction of her words. She clearly fears his wrath.
This is a companion question to: "Do you ever post "companion questions" on here?"https://answermug.com/forums/topic/63087/do-you-ever-post-quot-companion-questions-quot-on-here/vi... moreThis is a companion question to: "Do you ever post "companion questions" on here?"https://answermug.com/forums/topic/63087/do-you-ever-post-quot-companion-questions-quot-on-here/view/post_id/514021
A companion question is either inspired by a previous question, a continuation of the topic or similar to the topic of a previous question, a rewording or re-organization of... more A companion question is either inspired by a previous question, a continuation of the topic or similar to the topic of a previous question, a rewording or re-organization of a previous question, a loosely plagiarized version of a previous question, or a different take on the meaning of a previous question. Additionally, when identified as such by the person who posts a companion question, often there is homage given to the original question, and if that original question was posted by someone else, credit is given to them also.
This is a companion question to: "Do you ever respond to "companion questions" on here?"https://answermug.com/forums/topic/63088/do-you-ever-respond-to-quot-companion-questions-quot-on-here/view/post_id/514026
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What happens to the other half of the a**? Absolved of liability but also guilty as charged for anything to do with civil/state. Ain't that great? Weird and wild and woolly b... moreWhat happens to the other half of the a**? Absolved of liability but also guilty as charged for anything to do with civil/state. Ain't that great? Weird and wild and woolly but definitely great. So guilty boy is free for committing FEDERAL CRIMES but imprisoned for committing crimes against the state at the civil level or criminal level. I dunno about choo but why not all or nothing at all? Why not pardon everyone for everything no matter what or pardon no one for anything no matter what?
Men see themselves in him. What do women and minorities see in him that draws them in since his track record vis a vis them is offensive and demeaning?
A human body constantly angry enraged furious irritated aggravated annoyed ticked off pi**ed about anything and everything and anyone and everyone without respite is eventually gon... moreA human body constantly angry enraged furious irritated aggravated annoyed ticked off pi**ed about anything and everything and anyone and everyone without respite is eventually gonna pay a price. How long does it take to get to the state where one becomes immobilized with rage that never ends and how long before that rage consumes the rager?
So ya got TGITWH going out and about saying this and that and the other thing. Then ya got all his handlers and babysitters and nannies running about after him trying to clea... more So ya got TGITWH going out and about saying this and that and the other thing. Then ya got all his handlers and babysitters and nannies running about after him trying to clean up everything he messes up. They clearly don't trust him to do/say the right thing yet they perform as if they do. Tricky role. Always on the edge of collapse. Never-ending 24/7. Exhausting. How long before the pink energizer bunny runs out of gas and stops cold?
We are also told SIMULTANEOUSLY by "the government" to ignore what he says because they are just statements/opinions not orders or facts. We are expected to do both gracefull... moreWe are also told SIMULTANEOUSLY by "the government" to ignore what he says because they are just statements/opinions not orders or facts. We are expected to do both gracefully seamlessly. How can you do two contradictory things at once unless you have a mental medical "condition"?