Think everyone should have one of those? A one-time-only carte blanche ticket that has no limit to what you could do ONCE. You could make big bucks by selling it to others wi... moreThink everyone should have one of those? A one-time-only carte blanche ticket that has no limit to what you could do ONCE. You could make big bucks by selling it to others with more evil intent than you. Think everyone deserves a chance to be really corrupt rotten crummy cruel vicious evil and get away with it? Just for the halibut?
All we think do say is illusion. We are being moved by an outside force and have been pre-programmed to "think act feel" as we do by others. We live a delusional life in someone el... moreAll we think do say is illusion. We are being moved by an outside force and have been pre-programmed to "think act feel" as we do by others. We live a delusional life in someone else's world. If true would you ever survive such knowledge? Would you just shrug your shoulders and carry on as if you have authority/sovereignty or would it bother you so much you would rather never know? A MATRIX life played out on a chessboard instead of a test tube. Impossible?
Is there a standard length of time for pendulums to swing one way before they start swinging the other way? Or are pendulums varied from place to place and there is no predicting a... moreIs there a standard length of time for pendulums to swing one way before they start swinging the other way? Or are pendulums varied from place to place and there is no predicting anything about them?
When imaginary guy is criticized whom do his supporters criticize? They criticize the critics for daring to point out the activities in which the imaginary guy engages that are uns... moreWhen imaginary guy is criticized whom do his supporters criticize? They criticize the critics for daring to point out the activities in which the imaginary guy engages that are unsavory to them. That seems odd to me. Silence is golden when the imaginary guy engages in misdeeds among his supporters. Either silent assent or verbal support but NEVER ANY CONDEMNATION comes from them. They have to save their strength and ammunition for anyone who speaks out against him. Stacked deck? Blinders? Cherrypicking? What's going on? Why is the imaginary guy held in such high esteem that "they" will not tolerate his being criticized for anything? Above the law? Above punishment? Above being held accountable/responsible for the havoc he wreaks he is untouchable/invincible. Do "they" think he is PERFECT? less
After he watches various shows he starts his furious tweet rants. Predictable. The first prez in history whose agenda was concretized by the partisan political vapid robotic talkin... moreAfter he watches various shows he starts his furious tweet rants. Predictable. The first prez in history whose agenda was concretized by the partisan political vapid robotic talking heads you see on TV. Wild and woolly and wondrous fair. What could possibly go wrong there?
The meeting that TGITWH had with North Korea's Kim doesn't seem to have dissuaded Kim from continuing to build nuclear missiles. The meeting with Russia's Putin made TGITWH l... moreThe meeting that TGITWH had with North Korea's Kim doesn't seem to have dissuaded Kim from continuing to build nuclear missiles. The meeting with Russia's Putin made TGITWH look like a weak sister and subservient in front of the whole world. What's gonna happen if THITWH does meet with the head of Iran and talks? How will Netanyahu react? Doesn't he HATE/FEAR/LOATHE Iran? John Bolton will probably just roll over thought he used to be an IRAN hater. Bolton used to hate Russia too but since his boss doesn't he doesn't too. Same with Iran I s'pose. Anyway meetings with two despot dictators didn't do anything for America and now TGITWH is inviting a meeting with a third dictator despot who is also a terrorist? He doesn't seem to learn any lessons from his experiences. Anyone know why? TGITWH purposely withdrew from a nuclear arms agreement with Iran that was working. Now he thinks he is such hot stuff he can nogotiate something better? I dunno folks. If this pattern holds he will go hat in hand to the Ph... less
Can anyone explain how the NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION guy is being well-served by another guy who sez no big deal if collusion occurred? How?