Same question for DEMS. Have any Dem House members ever investigated other Dems for anything at any time for any reason?. If not aren't all such "investigations" dog & pony shows? ... moreSame question for DEMS. Have any Dem House members ever investigated other Dems for anything at any time for any reason?. If not aren't all such "investigations" dog & pony shows? Where's the beef or are they all vegans?
"Hello" -- a Mormon Missionary parodyGive this a listen -- this guy has some great singing chops! Wait for him to kick into high gear on the choruses! Wow!And the video is so... more"Hello" -- a Mormon Missionary parodyGive this a listen -- this guy has some great singing chops! Wait for him to kick into high gear on the choruses! Wow!And the video is sort of funny -- and it's full of attractive people ;) ;)
Do you think about it a lot beforehand? Or is it a spur of the moment thing? Mine just pop into my head as I am sure you guessed :P It's probably a fortunate thing for AM tha... moreDo you think about it a lot beforehand? Or is it a spur of the moment thing? Mine just pop into my head as I am sure you guessed :P It's probably a fortunate thing for AM that most of them pop straight back out of my head and I forget them so I can't ask nearly as many as I'd like :P
The ones that are on the extreme right-wing fringe that ban evolution or climate change discussion and focus o God and Christ and the Bible and their interpretation of what it all ... moreThe ones that are on the extreme right-wing fringe that ban evolution or climate change discussion and focus o God and Christ and the Bible and their interpretation of what it all means. The ones who believe only they are patriotic. Only they are worthy. Only they deserve to get what they want. Those are the universities that are laughable. How many millions have degrees from them? How many ideas were never even introduced to them? How many ideas were considered evil and awful and anti-good? Well a lot of those "educated" folks are running our country. Like it a lot or not? less
His peeps are clinging to him tightly and will never abandon him no matter what he does. He KNOWS that. The rest of us will never believe anything he says because we know he is a c... moreHis peeps are clinging to him tightly and will never abandon him no matter what he does. He KNOWS that. The rest of us will never believe anything he says because we know he is a compulsive congenital LIAR. He KNOWS that. So why is his wasting his breath? Just because he cannot stand being quiet and silent and reserved and removed and aloof? His only way to survive is to be constantly coddled and cuddled and admired and loved and sucked up to? Whatta baby! At 72 chances are this is as grown up as he will ever be. Pity he. May I present your president? SIGH. less
Obviously it is because that is the schtick of TGITWH. He never deviates from it. Holds to it tightly and continuously. Advertise. Proselytize. Promulgate. Irritate. Misstate. Miss... moreObviously it is because that is the schtick of TGITWH. He never deviates from it. Holds to it tightly and continuously. Advertise. Proselytize. Promulgate. Irritate. Misstate. Misspeak. Backtrack. Fronttrack. Obfuscate. A moving target is more difficult to hit. Keep moving. Keep throwing out multiple defenses/reasons/explanations. Anything to distract from focusing on the truth. A stunt? I dunno. How many stunts do you know controlled making sure a specific guy became president? How many cooks were involved in that broth? For how long? At what price? less
Or you're gonna lose. RudyG is second-class second-rate ammunition for the battle TGITWH is waging. He can't afford first rate first class so he has to settle for seconds. Damaged.... moreOr you're gonna lose. RudyG is second-class second-rate ammunition for the battle TGITWH is waging. He can't afford first rate first class so he has to settle for seconds. Damaged. The kind you buy at outlet malls for half price! If you're cheap you buy cheap and you get what you pay for. Every single time.
Irate enraged infuriated Republicans were incensed that an American Citizen (REPUBLICAN of course) was served multi FISA warrants because the EVIDENCE the government caused t... moreIrate enraged infuriated Republicans were incensed that an American Citizen (REPUBLICAN of course) was served multi FISA warrants because the EVIDENCE the government caused them to BELIEVE he was a RUSSIAN AGENT.If it were a Democrat who experienced that would they say diddly and beat the drums to get more or would they be EQUALLY incensed irate furious and have investigations about it? Y'all know the answer. Imagine Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows and Trey Gowdy doing/saying ANYTHING on behalf of a Democrat? Right.NOW there is a an alleged new TSA surveillance program called QUIET SKIES that tracks American citizens not suspected of ANYTHING. What are these furious REPUBLICANS gonna do about that? Yell and scream and stomp and whine about any Republicans being tracked like that or yell and scream and stomp and whine about any AMERICAN CITIZEN REGARDLESS OF POLITICAL PARTY being tracked without cause? OK Big Boys! Show us your stuff. Let's see how honorable thee be when it comes to folks you despise. Wil... less
Air Marshals take note of passengers who stare, fidget or anything that gets their attention.Per the Boston Globe but not confirmed by TSA nor acknowledged. But a few Air Marshals ... moreAir Marshals take note of passengers who stare, fidget or anything that gets their attention.Per the Boston Globe but not confirmed by TSA nor acknowledged. But a few Air Marshals have been forthcoming because they don't understand why they're doing it. Tracking people not suspected of doing anything? OKAY with you?
Slavish undying devotion despite the crushing insults and treatment? A forever lapdog who wags its tail the more the master beats the crap outta him? Seriously? I guess it doesn't ... moreSlavish undying devotion despite the crushing insults and treatment? A forever lapdog who wags its tail the more the master beats the crap outta him? Seriously? I guess it doesn't work that way don. You get back what you give. Get over it! :(
LAYER upon LAYER upon LAYER of LIARS. Liars telling us about liars who are talking about liars who are having conversations with other liars. At least it is homogenous. Which... moreLAYER upon LAYER upon LAYER of LIARS. Liars telling us about liars who are talking about liars who are having conversations with other liars. At least it is homogenous. Which tier of liar are you fondest of? TGITWH? RudyG? Lower echelon underlings like Nunes and Jordan and Meadows? Fancy dancies like Kellyann Conway and Sean Hannity and Allan Dershowitz?
All the other men, ESPECIALLY ALL REPUBLICANS, are GOOD FAMILY MEN WHO DON"T STRAY, DON'T BETRAY, DON'T go outside the lines of family values and Christian values and Godly virtues... moreAll the other men, ESPECIALLY ALL REPUBLICANS, are GOOD FAMILY MEN WHO DON"T STRAY, DON'T BETRAY, DON'T go outside the lines of family values and Christian values and Godly virtues. How nice for them and their wives and their children too. Knowing daddy loves them best and most and would NEVER CHEAT on mommy dearest. So wonder Republicans are righteously angry. We know how moral they be. How TRUTH and HONOR and PATRIOTISM is all they live for and are why they find all others not like them repellent beasts. All of them are role models for goodness truth morality and justice. We can rest easy. Sleep peacefully. Knowing they are in complete control of everything including MORALITY and TRUTH. How sweet it is! :( less
When you try to compare things that are completely unrelated you end up with a false equivalency. For example.Comparing a randy medium old man who has consensual sex with an adult ... moreWhen you try to compare things that are completely unrelated you end up with a false equivalency. For example.Comparing a randy medium old man who has consensual sex with an adult in a blue dress and then LIES about it to Congress versusA very randy very old very Compulsive Congential LIAR who conspires/colludes with an enemy foreign government to sabotage/undermine the political campaign of a competitor and try to get DIRT on her.Comparable you say? By what standard using what logic in what universe? One is sexually promiscuous and the other is undoubtedly treasonous.And yet the "what about" folks bring that up as if it were comparable and more deplorable than what their guy has done is doing will do. I don't get it. Do you? less
*Per Physicist Charles Bennett of Johns Hopkins University. It is said that eventually the speed of the expanion of the universe will OUTPACE the speed of light. HOW?
What's in it for HIM? Ever think of that? There may be ruffians along the way set to attack and harm simply because you fell prey to his charm. What would cause any sensible ration... moreWhat's in it for HIM? Ever think of that? There may be ruffians along the way set to attack and harm simply because you fell prey to his charm. What would cause any sensible rational intelligent person to do that? Trust a known untrustworthy man? Anyone?