He could not shut up. He provided REAMS of information insulting attacking threatening lying that Mueller is combing through for follow through. Conspiracy. Obstruction of Justice.... moreHe could not shut up. He provided REAMS of information insulting attacking threatening lying that Mueller is combing through for follow through. Conspiracy. Obstruction of Justice. Threats. A lovely potpourri, banquet for everyone to peruse and compare and examine and research and investigate. TGITWH had no idea he was helping the inquisitor? No one told him to stifle it? No one cared enough for him to fight him on that issue? No one? Well the consequences of indulging himself in his multifarious petty rants should be very interesting. less
The two female Roswell, Georgia police officers who flipped a coin to decide whether or not to arrest someone were fired Thursday. Guess they were bored. The coin got her arr... moreThe two female Roswell, Georgia police officers who flipped a coin to decide whether or not to arrest someone were fired Thursday. Guess they were bored. The coin got her arrested. The flip of a coin deciding your fate? Wonder if anyone ever did that in a life-or-death situation? These gals were pikers. Penny ante. Ordinary.
Users were 336 million and dropped to 335 million. How many suspicious fake accounts are still there everywhere you are. I guessing to Russian computers posing as human could be an... moreUsers were 336 million and dropped to 335 million. How many suspicious fake accounts are still there everywhere you are. I guessing to Russian computers posing as human could be an improvement. Things and people being what they are these days.
He admitted all his lies and apologized to those he had maligned and to the country? Thenwhat would his supporters/adorers/worshippers do? Abandon him because they would not accept... moreHe admitted all his lies and apologized to those he had maligned and to the country? Thenwhat would his supporters/adorers/worshippers do? Abandon him because they would not accept such a reversal? Or would they also have a crisis of conscience and apologize for their moral laxity blind support and lies they supported that they knew were lies? It would be quite a mess I guess.No more rallies. No more tweets attacking insulting prevaricating. No more supporting the enemy and attacking/alienating allies. No bragging about how great he is. No more taking credit for things he didn't deserve. No more promises to placate folks that he had no intention of keeping. No more adlib hipshot policies. No more secret meetings with the enemy. No more banishing reporters. No more calling the media the enemy of the people. No more throwing red meat at his base to keep them happy. No more attacks on Hillary or Barack or Elizabeth Warren or the Dems or immigrants or or or or or.TGITWH would be a real regular typical st... less
Here are the lyrics (sorry, I'm lousy at posting YouTube videos):I eat cannibalFeed on animalYour love is so edible to meI eat cannibalsI eat cannibalIt's incredibleYou bring out t... moreHere are the lyrics (sorry, I'm lousy at posting YouTube videos):I eat cannibalFeed on animalYour love is so edible to meI eat cannibalsI eat cannibalIt's incredibleYou bring out the animal in meI eat cannibalsWhat can you doYou're in a stewHot pot cook it upI'm never gonna stopFancy a biteMy appetiteYum yum gee it's funBanging on a different drumAnd I eat cannibalFeed on animalYour love is so edible to meI eat cannibalsI eat cannibalIt's incredibleYou bring out the animal in meI eat cannibalsI like the spiceTasty and niceRoastin' vitaminForget the dietin'Mmm such a dishI can't resistHealthy recipeWhat you got is good for meAll I wanna doIs make a meal of youWe are what we eatYou're my kind of meatGot a hunger for your love(Hot pot cook it up, I'm never gonna stop)It's all I'm thinkin' of(Yum yum gee it's fun, I'm banging on a drum)Give the world a bone(Roastin' vitamin, forget the dietin')I got steak at home(I eat cannibals)I eat cannibalFeed on animalYour love is so edible to meI eat cannibalsI eat cannibalIt'... less
His kids are very obedient and want to curry his favor. Why would they chance his fury by keeping him out of any loop? OF COURSE he knew everything before hand or at the time. OF C... moreHis kids are very obedient and want to curry his favor. Why would they chance his fury by keeping him out of any loop? OF COURSE he knew everything before hand or at the time. OF COURSE. Anyone who holds to the opinion he doesn't surely doesn't have any idea of who TGITWH is. Control. He exerts it with EVERYONE ALL THE TIME. Sheesh. Think Michael Cohen is lying about what TGITWH knew and when is absurd. He wouldn't have lasted a minit as the lawyer for the guy for so many years if we went rogue. Common sense should show you that at the very least. less
OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE THEY CANA Senator spoke of the experience of one her constituents. The lady in question has a daughter with TYPE 1 Diabetes. The lady in question also travels a l... moreOBVIOUSLY BECAUSE THEY CANA Senator spoke of the experience of one her constituents. The lady in question has a daughter with TYPE 1 Diabetes. The lady in question also travels a lot. Here is what she paid for the exact same thing in 3 different countries.Greece$12Canada$14US$140The US prides itself on Capitalism which is based only on charging whatever you can for whatever folks need. The higherer the betterer for the bottom line. This is especially egregious in pharmaceuticals. Greedy SOB's can't make enough profit charging responsible prices. They gotta go sky high price-wise. WHY? Because they can. Why can they? Because our government supports sky high gouging and sky high prices which is why they gutted the Consumer Protection Agency. They are all in on it. Nice and cozy. A pox on all their houses! :( less
He wouldn't need a passport would he if he had his private pilot pilot his private plane to wherever that is? Leave behind everyone. Let them all take the rap. Pay the piper. As lo... moreHe wouldn't need a passport would he if he had his private pilot pilot his private plane to wherever that is? Leave behind everyone. Let them all take the rap. Pay the piper. As long as he has access to his big bucks what does he care? He doesn't have the courage to face what's coming at him. He has never displayed courage at any time anywhere and so at 72 it is doubtful he will suddenly MAN UP and face the music. Just a thought.
Cohen lawyered for your client for many years and you are saying that your client is not a liar and is credible. Wouldn't that make him very stupid to retain a lawyer for many year... moreCohen lawyered for your client for many years and you are saying that your client is not a liar and is credible. Wouldn't that make him very stupid to retain a lawyer for many years who was a liar and not credible? You can't have it both ways RudyG. Why not try thinking before you talk and then let someone smarter than you review what you plan to say so you don't make things worse which is exactly what you do every time you open your mouth. SIGH. :(
Necromancy A method of divination through alleged communication with the dead. Black art.Necromimesis A pathological state in which a person believes himself or her... moreNecromancy A method of divination through alleged communication with the dead. Black art.Necromimesis A pathological state in which a person believes himself or herself to be deadNecrophilia An erotic attraction to corpsesZombies are the walking dead. That's about as necro as you can get. Some folks are fascinated by them. Attracted to them. Go figger!
Multiple personalities. How many in the multiple we do not know but wouldn't that account for all his contradictions and reversals and flipflopping? Each entity really believes tho... moreMultiple personalities. How many in the multiple we do not know but wouldn't that account for all his contradictions and reversals and flipflopping? Each entity really believes those things. Problem is we never know which one is gonna show up. I wonder how many there be?
If the power that bes or the powers that be is/are the butt of the "joke" he/they won't take kindly to it. So being arrested for telling jokes and put to death is not an impossibil... moreIf the power that bes or the powers that be is/are the butt of the "joke" he/they won't take kindly to it. So being arrested for telling jokes and put to death is not an impossibility. Are you a jokester? So you dare tell jokes that could get you into trouble? Should you? When a despot dictator has an ULTIMATE POWER who can do what he wants with you should you chance it?
TGITWH is TERRIFIED that Russia wants Dems to win and will invade and hack our election system to hurt him. Because he has been so very tough on them they fear him. That's hi... moreTGITWH is TERRIFIED that Russia wants Dems to win and will invade and hack our election system to hurt him. Because he has been so very tough on them they fear him. That's his latest "story"EXCEPTSenator Claire McCaskill (D) Missouri was the victim of unsuccessful computer hacking engaged in by the RUSSIANS! In direct contradiction to what TGITWH insists is happening. How embarrassing.It was similar to what the "Fancy Bears" who hacked John Podesta's files did. It involved Microsoft phony passwords. Also there are allegedly two others unnamed who were hacked. Both DEMS.So who is telling the truth here? TGITWH or everyone else? Why would Microsoft lie? Why would Claire McCaskill lie. Why would TGITWH lie? I mean among the three who is more believable to thee and who is more un? less
Here's how ya do it. Get the folks riled up enough so that they go out and stalk and hunt and kill anyone who doesn't support/agree/kiss a**. Then life is good for everyone because... moreHere's how ya do it. Get the folks riled up enough so that they go out and stalk and hunt and kill anyone who doesn't support/agree/kiss a**. Then life is good for everyone because the only ones left are TGITWH and all his toady sycophants. East peasy. Breezy. When will it happen? I dunno. SIGH.
I'll tell ya why. He is DEATHLY AFRAID that Russians are meddling in the election already to make sure DEMOCRATS take over because he is so tough on them. He tweeted about it. He h... moreI'll tell ya why. He is DEATHLY AFRAID that Russians are meddling in the election already to make sure DEMOCRATS take over because he is so tough on them. He tweeted about it. He has nightmares about it. Or so he said. I just wonder how this meeting will end. What conclusions will have been reached?. What actions will be taken?. That poor guy. Terrified that the mechanism that elected him has turned on him and want to oust him. That's what he said. That's what he tweeted. He wouldn't lie to us of course. So that's where we are. What plan of action do YOU think they will come up with today to protect us? less
Because TGITWH is in bed under the covers cavorting about joyfully with Putin I guess John got the message and will do everything he can to protect Putin and Russia and TGITWH. Isn... moreBecause TGITWH is in bed under the covers cavorting about joyfully with Putin I guess John got the message and will do everything he can to protect Putin and Russia and TGITWH. Isn't it swell? Isn't sweet? Isn't it amazing? Isn't that a shock?
Here's what's confusing. The Michael Cohen camp say the released tape did NOT come from them. Rumor has it that the tape was actually released by TGITWH legal folks. To undercut an... moreHere's what's confusing. The Michael Cohen camp say the released tape did NOT come from them. Rumor has it that the tape was actually released by TGITWH legal folks. To undercut any deals Michael might make with the feds. BUT if that is true didn't they figure out it would be counterproductive for them? I mean names of people not previously known to be involved were on that tape. Allen Weisselberg for one. NOW he has been given a subpoena to appear before a federal grand jury. He knows everything about everything Trump. Decades of working for the Trump Organization. WHY WOULD TGITWH bring that on himself? What were they thinking? Now the entire Trump financial info will be available to the feds VIA Weisselberg. Tax returns. Money-laundering real estate deals. Everything. Maybe Weisselberg would have been called at a later date but they handed him to the feds on a plate. So what brilliant strategy was that supposed to serve? Anyone? less
Simple. That Michael Cohen tape that was released mentions him as being cognizant of and involved with paying hush money to bimbos on behalf of TGITWH. He used to work for Daddy Tr... moreSimple. That Michael Cohen tape that was released mentions him as being cognizant of and involved with paying hush money to bimbos on behalf of TGITWH. He used to work for Daddy Trump before don took over. He knows all the secrets. All the goings on. Everything to do with financial transactions. Tax Returns. Real Estate Deals including money laundering. Stay tuned. It's getting to be way more fun.
With some folks you can say five words and they get it. Others you can write a lengthy treatise and they ask you to explain what you mean. I guess we talk different languages or co... moreWith some folks you can say five words and they get it. Others you can write a lengthy treatise and they ask you to explain what you mean. I guess we talk different languages or comprehend in different ways. There is AC, DC and NO C. Alternate, Direct and never gonna happen. It happens. D'ya know why?
How on earth would anyone wish to eat bleached meat and what will it do to your stomach...I heard today it will be comming to England as soon as we leave the EU .....I gave up eati... moreHow on earth would anyone wish to eat bleached meat and what will it do to your stomach...I heard today it will be comming to England as soon as we leave the EU .....I gave up eating MacDonalds because the flies wont land on it...and I would certain not eat any bleached meat....
I just heard that Seth Rogen is the new guest voice for the recorded messages on the Vancouver BC Sky Train. I think he will make the sky train rides more entertaining I... moreI just heard that Seth Rogen is the new guest voice for the recorded messages on the Vancouver BC Sky Train. I think he will make the sky train rides more entertaining I might even go over to the main land just to ride the sky train and hear Seth Rogen reminding people that their backpack didn't pay a fare so it doesn't get a seat or telling people that his mama told him not to put his feet on the seat so make my mama proud and get your feet off the seats. Cheers!
I am sure I am not good at lots of things but the one that is perplexing me is audio books... I have a subscription, I have loads of good titles in my library.. ones I genuinely wa... moreI am sure I am not good at lots of things but the one that is perplexing me is audio books... I have a subscription, I have loads of good titles in my library.. ones I genuinely want to hear.. but I am rubbish at listening to audio books these days.. I either get distracted or fall asleep... Which is odd... as when my kids were younger I listened to loads as I didn't have time to read books.. I'd have the cd player as it was then on.. and I listened while I did housework.. Maybe I need to be moving.. sitting still doesn't work for me? less
This was inspired by something I saw elsewhere... a 20 something year old saying how disappointed she was that she hadn't achieved anything important yet.. It made me wonder.. is o... moreThis was inspired by something I saw elsewhere... a 20 something year old saying how disappointed she was that she hadn't achieved anything important yet.. It made me wonder.. is our purpose to achieve something important? What happens if we don't?
He loves Russia and defends them at every turn, while they are disinterested in a visit and have been quite non-committal in praising Trump/America.. Brits have been one of Am... moreHe loves Russia and defends them at every turn, while they are disinterested in a visit and have been quite non-committal in praising Trump/America.. Brits have been one of America's closest, most loyal allies.. yet they have been on the receiving end of Trump's tantrums many a time..And one minute he say's the EU are his 'foes' now he says they are friends.. Can he not make up his mind? Or does he not remember what he says? Or think no one else notices? I cannot help but observe - he seems pretty unstable less
Or do things generally not go to plan? I set out to make several dog bed covers today.. in my mind I was going to make 2 but hoped I may be able to make 4... I ended up makin... moreOr do things generally not go to plan? I set out to make several dog bed covers today.. in my mind I was going to make 2 but hoped I may be able to make 4... I ended up making one!! My sewing machine seems to be broken.. so I had to hand sew it, and of course it took ages... I am pleased that I achieved the mission of making a cover for the dog's bed.. but disappointed I couldn't make more as now I will have to do some another time.. But I sorta achieved yes?