Sister MaryAnne Trump Barry. Retired in 2011 as a US circuit court judge..3rd circuiteBrother Fred who died in 1981 at the age of 43. Of course he is silent.Sister Eliz... moreSister MaryAnne Trump Barry. Retired in 2011 as a US circuit court judge..3rd circuiteBrother Fred who died in 1981 at the age of 43. Of course he is silent.Sister Elizabeth Trump Grau. Anyone ever heard of her or seen her anywhere?Brother Robert Trump, 67 and retired. Anyone ever know about him?The three remaining siblings are curiously quiet. Stay in the shadows. Never speak up to defend TGITWH. No interviews. No talk show gigs on Fox. No nuttin'. Wonder why? Do you too?
This was in a spoof. Allegedly retired judge Maryanne Trump Barry said about TGITWHAs a kid he was called "DONNIE DIMWIT". He is "NOW ACTING LIKE A NUTJOB". Other things were... moreThis was in a spoof. Allegedly retired judge Maryanne Trump Barry said about TGITWHAs a kid he was called "DONNIE DIMWIT". He is "NOW ACTING LIKE A NUTJOB". Other things were said by her allegedly none of which she actually said. But ya know there is so little humor in the world these days ya gotta take it where ya find it. What/whom else is there to laugh about? Nuttin' honey! Nuttin' at all! :(
Start out an alleged billionaire and when you're you are a trillionaire! Fancy footwork helps a lot. What else is public service for but seeing how much how fast you can screw the ... moreStart out an alleged billionaire and when you're you are a trillionaire! Fancy footwork helps a lot. What else is public service for but seeing how much how fast you can screw the people and make out like a bandit?
After a prez leaves office his portrait is placed alongside all the other presidents. A ROGUES GALLERY as it were of those who "served" our country as well as those who trie... moreAfter a prez leaves office his portrait is placed alongside all the other presidents. A ROGUES GALLERY as it were of those who "served" our country as well as those who tried to destroy it. Now that would be a unique representation and stand out apart from the crowd forever after. Surely TGITWH would love that. Wouldn't he? He would be forever young! Immortality in a balloon. It's a thought! :)
By order of Federal Judge T.S. Ellis the names of the five are now available to everyone. Might that not put them in jeopardy? Since the names are out there here they are.James Bre... moreBy order of Federal Judge T.S. Ellis the names of the five are now available to everyone. Might that not put them in jeopardy? Since the names are out there here they are.James BrennanDonn DugganConor O'RienCindy LaportaDennis RaicoI have never heard of any of them. They need immunity because they are complicit in whatever criminal acitivity Manafort was involved in and they want to protect themselves from prosecution. The purpose of outing them would be what? From what I have heard Manafort was involved with some very nasty shady folks. What's to stop any of them from targeting the witnesses in whatever way(s) they think will work? Doesn't make sense. Who is advantaged by the reveal? How does the reveal help the case? less
It should be. It is currently endangered to the point of possibly "too late" to save. If TGITWH has his way and silences all those who dare oppose him by whatever means possible wo... moreIt should be. It is currently endangered to the point of possibly "too late" to save. If TGITWH has his way and silences all those who dare oppose him by whatever means possible would you approve of his right to do that and support it? Or would you be appalled and do what you could to fight it? It is at a theater in your neighborhood. On the chopping block. In dire need of friends and supporters. Are you one of them? How important to you is the right to speak freely about what and whom? VERY or NOT AT ALL? less
Here's a nifty example of where what was done in the light is now deep-state dark and suspicious. The TREASURY DEPARTMENT no longer requires some politically active nonprofit... moreHere's a nifty example of where what was done in the light is now deep-state dark and suspicious. The TREASURY DEPARTMENT no longer requires some politically active nonprofit organizations to list their donors. Clearly those organizations are ashamed of the rich folks who keep them afloat and the rich folks feel it is no one's business what they do with their money. Do you agree? Do you believe in secrecy so that folks can operate in the dark behind closed doors without ever coming out into the light? Even when/if what they do works against YOU? WHY? less
Declare them AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLETake away their citizenshipExile them to someplace elseImprison them with an open ended time of release up to and including NEVERHave them killed... moreDeclare them AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLETake away their citizenshipExile them to someplace elseImprison them with an open ended time of release up to and including NEVERHave them killed This is what despot dictators do all the time. People dare not speak truth to power. They dare not speak up against the power. In every case the power will win.So if TGITWH successfully strips his "enemies" of their security clearances doesn't that open the gate for him to retaliate against whomever whenever however he chooses? Who will stop him? At what point? less
Here is WHAT TGITWH is "considering" Strip former Intelligence Agency heads of their Security ClearancesHere is WHY TGITWH is "considering" it T... moreHere is WHAT TGITWH is "considering" Strip former Intelligence Agency heads of their Security ClearancesHere is WHY TGITWH is "considering" it They all spoke negatively about himHere is WHO TGITWH is "considering" Former CIA Director John BrennanFormer FBI Director James ComeyFormer National Security Adviser Susan RiceFormer FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabeFormer National Security Agency Director Michael HaydenFormer Director of the National Intelligence Agency James ClapperThat is the list as of now. HOWEVER it will undoubtedly grow to include Dan Coates, John Kelly and all those who ever were quoted as saying anything negative about TGITWH. The reason is that he demands LOYALTY and when he feels he isn't getting it of course it infuriates enrages him and sends him over the edge. So he doubles down and keeps at it until he crushes the person. TGITWH does not stand for anyone talking truth to power. He is the power and everyone must obey. You can... less
Or find out if and when you will ever be dealt a Royal Flush in poker, help you find a needle in a haystack.."If you knew the location of every particle in the universe and knew ex... moreOr find out if and when you will ever be dealt a Royal Flush in poker, help you find a needle in a haystack.."If you knew the location of every particle in the universe and knew exactly what it was doing then you could predict the future ".
If it does how do we know it's not FAKE or that his daddy dearest didn't purchase it for him and paid big bucks to do it? He loves to show off. His loves to talk about his ac... moreIf it does how do we know it's not FAKE or that his daddy dearest didn't purchase it for him and paid big bucks to do it? He loves to show off. His loves to talk about his achievements. How about it?
If ya love adore worship THE SOURCE anything goes. If ya don't screw 'em and attack them and insult them and by god work your a** off to destroy them! Now I personally think ... moreIf ya love adore worship THE SOURCE anything goes. If ya don't screw 'em and attack them and insult them and by god work your a** off to destroy them! Now I personally think that is VERY ODD. It means the folks who are source-driven have no moral core, integrity, and just justify defend support protect THE SOURCE. Where is the dignity and patriotism and truth in that? Oh. Right. They no longer matter either since "the beloved SOURCE" has crushed them and annihilated them and sabotaged them and betrayed them multiple times. Isn't that swell? THE SOURCE can do/say no wrong. Conversely all who point out the warts of THE SOURCE can do nothing right. Funny odd bizarre weird isn't it? Coinkydink? less