If ya love adore worship THE SOURCE anything goes. If ya don't screw 'em and attack them and insult them and by god work your a** off to destroy them! Now I personally think ... moreIf ya love adore worship THE SOURCE anything goes. If ya don't screw 'em and attack them and insult them and by god work your a** off to destroy them! Now I personally think that is VERY ODD. It means the folks who are source-driven have no moral core, integrity, and just justify defend support protect THE SOURCE. Where is the dignity and patriotism and truth in that? Oh. Right. They no longer matter either since "the beloved SOURCE" has crushed them and annihilated them and sabotaged them and betrayed them multiple times. Isn't that swell? THE SOURCE can do/say no wrong. Conversely all who point out the warts of THE SOURCE can do nothing right. Funny odd bizarre weird isn't it? Coinkydink? less
In the UK these evildoers throw acid at people...most recently a 3 year old child had acid thrown at him. In the middleeast suicide bombers have reigned supreme for years. Madness ... moreIn the UK these evildoers throw acid at people...most recently a 3 year old child had acid thrown at him. In the middleeast suicide bombers have reigned supreme for years. Madness is coming to your town. In what form I don't know. Be very afraid. It is spreading and metastasizing just like CANCER.
Sure you might get bored and find the work tedious and uninspiring but you don't quit because you're tired of working on it or because you are afraid of what the conclusion will sh... moreSure you might get bored and find the work tedious and uninspiring but you don't quit because you're tired of working on it or because you are afraid of what the conclusion will show. You forge on. You soldier on. You go on until it is done completed ended over and you have a result. So the folks who want to shut down the Russia investigation clearly have never in their lives worked on a project or they'd know you don't just shut it down cause someone wants you to. Do you ? Do YOU?
Donald Trump plans to beat the drums of war down the streets of our nation's capital. While he tries to show how macho and strong he is, we will show him as the big baby he is.
Now Burro rhymes with churro and furrow and burrow? And donkey (DAWNKY)doesn't rhyme with Monkey (MUNKEY). Donkey rhymes with honky but kind of sentence would that make? Monk... moreNow Burro rhymes with churro and furrow and burrow? And donkey (DAWNKY)doesn't rhyme with Monkey (MUNKEY). Donkey rhymes with honky but kind of sentence would that make? Monkey rhymes with Hunky and Chunky and Funky and Junky and Lunky and Punky. Not very inspiring. So you have a burro in a furrow and a Honky donkey and a jacka** with class. Oh. And a chunky hunky junky funky lunky punky monkey. What do you do with them?
Does Russia have a Pledge of Allegiance? If so maybe we can combine theirs with ours. One anthem. One pledge. One people. One purpose. One destiny. One destination. One Supreme Lea... moreDoes Russia have a Pledge of Allegiance? If so maybe we can combine theirs with ours. One anthem. One pledge. One people. One purpose. One destiny. One destination. One Supreme Leader with an extra appendage.
TGITWH has led them down that path and they seem to be willing to go there wherever the there ends up.They like what he is doing and apparently trust him to keep doing it. That's w... moreTGITWH has led them down that path and they seem to be willing to go there wherever the there ends up.They like what he is doing and apparently trust him to keep doing it. That's what choice is all about. You choose what makes most sense to you no matter what. What's wrong with that?
It may well be always fresh and scintillating to some of you but it is exhausting too isn't it? How often can you repeat repeat repeat repeat and stay focused involved energized an... moreIt may well be always fresh and scintillating to some of you but it is exhausting too isn't it? How often can you repeat repeat repeat repeat and stay focused involved energized and excited? How many times can you listen to the same joke and pretend it's brand new and laugh?
Per Army General Vincent Brooks, Commander of US forces in South Korea, the material needed for North Korea to make nuclear bombs is still intact. Is that cause for action by... morePer Army General Vincent Brooks, Commander of US forces in South Korea, the material needed for North Korea to make nuclear bombs is still intact. Is that cause for action by TGITWH? If so what kind? Or do you think inaction and just ignoring works better? Why?
After multiple statements and walk backs TGITWH says he believes Russia did the meddlingSunday night in a tweet he referred to it as a BIG HOAX.He keeps flipping back and forth and... moreAfter multiple statements and walk backs TGITWH says he believes Russia did the meddlingSunday night in a tweet he referred to it as a BIG HOAX.He keeps flipping back and forth and forth and back. Both can't be true. Can neither be true? They did or they didn't dood it or something else? What something else?Which TGITWH "belief" about Russian Meddling do you believe? The one that says they did or the one that said "it's a BIG HOAX" which means they didn't dood it? For how long?
A long-time forever prez could be a beneficial thing to a country couldn't it? He/she would know how to do everything and understand everything and there would be no embarrassing s... moreA long-time forever prez could be a beneficial thing to a country couldn't it? He/she would know how to do everything and understand everything and there would be no embarrassing screwups due to ignorance. Do the benefits of a forever leader outweigh the negative potential? How do we know until we try it? Maybe if we try it we'll like it.
It balances out of course. It always does. They will live to experience people/things we won't be around to know. Is there an advantage to either one? If so what?
Do they still exist somewhere? Or is the Honor System obsolete, antiquated, laughable? There'd be a cigar box there with money in it. You'd pay what you owed taking change as neede... moreDo they still exist somewhere? Or is the Honor System obsolete, antiquated, laughable? There'd be a cigar box there with money in it. You'd pay what you owed taking change as needed. It was not a rare thing to find. It was typical if the attendant had to leave for awhile. Also in the long ago folks never locked their doors. Today even with multiple locks and alarms homes are not safe from breakins. It seems as if that world did not really ever exist. We read about it but never lived it.
Sarah Winchester bought an 8-room house in San Jose California and started construction. When she died the house was 160 rooms, had 47 fireplaces, 17 chimneys and featured thousand... moreSarah Winchester bought an 8-room house in San Jose California and started construction. When she died the house was 160 rooms, had 47 fireplaces, 17 chimneys and featured thousands of ghosts who died due to the use of Winchester Rifles. She was told her family was cursed because of that. She began construction in 1884 and stopped when she died (of course) in 1922. The house is open for viewing by those interested. Hallways lead to nowhere, staircases end at the ceiling. Doors open to drop offs to the floor below.You might encounter a ghost or two. An adventure awaits those interested in curiosities. less
Those who left a mark on the world. For better or worse? It's subjective. There is no unanimity among people bout what constitutes better and what constitutes worse. Whatever benef... moreThose who left a mark on the world. For better or worse? It's subjective. There is no unanimity among people bout what constitutes better and what constitutes worse. Whatever benefits some will harm others. Seldom do we find anything or anyone that benefits or harms EVERYONE. Can you think of any exceptions?