He controls whomever he appoints to the FCC. All he has to do is issue an order. SHUT IT DOWN and bingo! Can he will he should he? Well he**'s bells lets just see what happen... moreHe controls whomever he appoints to the FCC. All he has to do is issue an order. SHUT IT DOWN and bingo! Can he will he should he? Well he**'s bells lets just see what happens shall we and not get ahead of the horse.
* The Guy In The White House. He is a self-described greatest dealmaker who ever lived. I cannot either refute or support that 'cause I don't know. Do you?
Why fix what ain't broke? Only a dumbbell would do that. Put money where it's needed. In tax cuts or border walls or hiring folks who don't know a thing bout what they control? Tha... moreWhy fix what ain't broke? Only a dumbbell would do that. Put money where it's needed. In tax cuts or border walls or hiring folks who don't know a thing bout what they control? That's what makes loads of sense. Terrific ROI (return on investment). Protecting elections that are going so swell? What the he**? WHY?
Maybe we expected too much too soon. We all learn at different rates. Maybe he is still on the low end of the curve. Maybe that is all it is and nothing more. Maybe.
Then, of course, after the sh** hit the fan and he was hit with all the blowback he declined to take the offer. How could something like that ever be perceived as a good thing by a... moreThen, of course, after the sh** hit the fan and he was hit with all the blowback he declined to take the offer. How could something like that ever be perceived as a good thing by anyone but a Russian?. Give him whatever benefit of the doubt you want to. Anyone?
Because you can't go back to the past and change what happened then from the now. What was was and always will be. What happens now can/might/may affect tomorrow. But what happens ... moreBecause you can't go back to the past and change what happened then from the now. What was was and always will be. What happens now can/might/may affect tomorrow. But what happens tomorrow will never affect what happens today. Unless of course we go to parallel universes, multiple dimension, time travel. Anyone been there done that?
You ground kids. You take away privileges. You want them to understand that what they did was wrong and want to impress on them to not do it again. So how do you ground a prez? How... moreYou ground kids. You take away privileges. You want them to understand that what they did was wrong and want to impress on them to not do it again. So how do you ground a prez? How do you take away privileges. How do you impress on him/her that what was done/said was unforgivable and to not do it again? Under any circumstances?
Allegedly apparently 1/3 of we the people really like TGITWH and 2/3 don't. So how come the 1/3 seem more powerful? How can that be when 1/3 beats 2/3 at anything?
Of course denial and truth are joined at the hip. They liars tell lies to deny truth. Denial is never necessary if the liars don't lie and admit the truth but with Pols that is a d... moreOf course denial and truth are joined at the hip. They liars tell lies to deny truth. Denial is never necessary if the liars don't lie and admit the truth but with Pols that is a dreamy fantasy never-to-be in reality. Mostly. Hey it goes with the territory. Gonna make something of it? When you lie down with pigs you're gonna get dirty, right? Well when you cavort with Pols you're gonna get dirty too, figuratively. Physical dirt. Ethical dirt. Mental dirt. Spiritual dirt. Physical dirt. Dirt is dirt. The nature/type/species doesn't matter does it? less
RudyG sez he waived attorney-client privilege in TGITWH/Cohen conversation about the hush money paid to TGITWH 10-month mistress. That was real nice of him wasnt it?
How dare they gather together in peaceful protest specifically ANTI- TGITWH? He left D.C. of course to flee to his New Jersey golf course. Or was it another one? If they dare... moreHow dare they gather together in peaceful protest specifically ANTI- TGITWH? He left D.C. of course to flee to his New Jersey golf course. Or was it another one? If they dare protest there too then LOCK THEM UP as well. A guy should be left alone to do his thing wherever he is however he chooses without the riffraff yelling at him for being what he is and whom. I mean c'mon. Get a llife! Get a grip. Dummy up. What could it hurt?
That would be something to which the prosecution would not have gained access. But now it's out there and everybody knows. So what happens next? Was that a particular purposeful pl... moreThat would be something to which the prosecution would not have gained access. But now it's out there and everybody knows. So what happens next? Was that a particular purposeful ploy by RudyG to do what exactly? If a lawyer does the leaking what then?