Ya got a gun pointed at you you're not gonna be very noisy. You will be very quiet very still very silent. PEACE THROUGH GUNS. Why they didn't think of it I don't know but they can... moreYa got a gun pointed at you you're not gonna be very noisy. You will be very quiet very still very silent. PEACE THROUGH GUNS. Why they didn't think of it I don't know but they can have it free of charge. PEACE THROUGH GUNS. Three little words. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Right?
We need protection from the corruption, the liars, the betrayers, the traitors and those who commit treason. The conspirers the colluders the enemy lovers the evil suckeruppers. Ca... moreWe need protection from the corruption, the liars, the betrayers, the traitors and those who commit treason. The conspirers the colluders the enemy lovers the evil suckeruppers. Can all our INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES together protect we the people from what is surely the most horrible threat out country has ever faced INCLUDING the Civil War? I sure as he ** hope so.
The Constitution covers removal of a president due to mental/physical/emotional unfitness and also talks about impeachment. But where does it say what to do when Congress REFUSES t... moreThe Constitution covers removal of a president due to mental/physical/emotional unfitness and also talks about impeachment. But where does it say what to do when Congress REFUSES to do what it is legally bound to do? Any recourse in the Constitution to combat that immediately? Or is the vote the only legal recourse to get rid of the do-nothings so you have to bide your time and wait until the next election to bounce their a**es? Too bad the Framers weren't prescient. Too bad there wasn't a psychic among them who could foresee what we have today in the way of a "prez" and the crisis involved. less
How far does the authority of an American president go? Can he lie and connive and betray and plant "evidence" to convict someone he dislikes to get rid of him or her? Are all citi... moreHow far does the authority of an American president go? Can he lie and connive and betray and plant "evidence" to convict someone he dislikes to get rid of him or her? Are all citizens at the mercy of the prez so that a mercikess orez has the right to do whatever whenever however to whomever and be supported legally? What are the rules? Why do they keep changing?
Words you will never hear from the guilty party. Words that would be a first. Accepting responsibility. Taking the heat. Telling the truth. How refreshing would that be? It would n... moreWords you will never hear from the guilty party. Words that would be a first. Accepting responsibility. Taking the heat. Telling the truth. How refreshing would that be? It would not erase the irreparable damage already done but it would stop the lies cold and the damage. SIGH. When you wish upon a star?
I do not understand the stupid dumbs who are anti-consumer protection. Do you? If you do could you explain to me please in words of 3 syllables or less? I thank you in advance for ... moreI do not understand the stupid dumbs who are anti-consumer protection. Do you? If you do could you explain to me please in words of 3 syllables or less? I thank you in advance for your kind consideration of this request. I remain your faithful servant. Sheesh! :(
I am Donald Trump. I know what I am doing. I am a stable genius.The reason I am able to say that is because I have a base of idiots that nod and smile and cheer.&... moreI am Donald Trump. I know what I am doing. I am a stable genius.The reason I am able to say that is because I have a base of idiots that nod and smile and cheer. I have them all the way up the chain to the Administration.
I have a great group of loyal people who will do my bidding if I ask them to jump off a cliff.They used to be called Nazis. Now they are just fools. STUPID FOOLS.Who believe leaving out the world "NOT" in a speech clears everything up. OH I SEE.
Question. "Do you believe Russia is still meddling" asked by a reporterAnswer: "No" and also answered "no" to the followup question reiterating the first question... moreQuestion. "Do you believe Russia is still meddling" asked by a reporterAnswer: "No" and also answered "no" to the followup question reiterating the first question to back it up Asked again by a reporter and answered again by Comrade Bonespur. NO.Sarah LIAR Sanders said when Comrade Bonespur said "no" he meant he would answer no more questions. After which he answered more questions which savaged Sarah LIAR Sanders' response.She doesn't know when to stop lying. She was right there in the room. She heard what everyone heard. She chose to lie about it and Comrade Bonespur as usual undercut her. I suppose the Punch & Judy Show should still be amusing but it ain't. Before you'd keep track of all the lies told and then compare notes. It's getting harder now that the lies total OVER 3000! So keeping track is old hat and boring and predictable and so are Punch & Judy., less
Methinks her goose is cooked. Butina requires the talents of a counterespionage expert. She is now batting in the bigs. Will she strike out or strike a deal and spill her gut... moreMethinks her goose is cooked. Butina requires the talents of a counterespionage expert. She is now batting in the bigs. Will she strike out or strike a deal and spill her guts to save herself? Stay tuned.
The FAKE conspiracies and lies and propaganda and fake people and fake Americans promulgated by the extreme right can stay on FB as long as they don't incite violence. Zuckerberg s... moreThe FAKE conspiracies and lies and propaganda and fake people and fake Americans promulgated by the extreme right can stay on FB as long as they don't incite violence. Zuckerberg says people have different views and should have a place they can express them. KNOWN LIES are okay? How do you know they won't lead to VIOLENCE or HATE crimes? Zuckerberg is being just like Comrade Bonespur. Doesn't see the problem. Go with the flow. Give the public what it wants. What could it hurt? DISGUSTING AIN'T IT? Anything for a buck. less
How absurd! If they KNOW there is crap on their site that is untrue why not just pull it out by the roots? Why allow LIARS to use FB as a way to promulgate LIES? Makes no sense.
Apparently Bonespur made sure to exempt Ivanka's clothing line. I don't know about her shoes or bags or other thingies. He is always looking out for his baby girl isn't he? Dearest daddy. :(
That was said by a RUSSIAN spy. Which means their young women are all promiscuous wanton prostitutes who sell sex for information to use against whatever country's citizens they ha... moreThat was said by a RUSSIAN spy. Which means their young women are all promiscuous wanton prostitutes who sell sex for information to use against whatever country's citizens they have sex with? I heard Putin say once that Russian prostitutes were the best. I guess he wasn't joking about that was he? So this Maria Butina Russian spy is a hoor among other things for her country. SIGH. The oldest profession.
Does anyone know what Comrade Bonespur committed our country to in the SECRET two hours ten minutes meeting except him and Putin? Do you care? Do you trust that whatever Comr... moreDoes anyone know what Comrade Bonespur committed our country to in the SECRET two hours ten minutes meeting except him and Putin? Do you care? Do you trust that whatever Comrade Bonespur does will protect you and preserve you and help you because he so honest honorable and patriotic and has your back or do you believe exactly the opposite and know he will throw you to the wolves or under the bus at first lilght? Why?
Traitor committing treason 24/7by Word and deed. Traitor. Treason. My take on it. What is yours and why?Russia good. Putin good. Money good. American Intelligence Community bad. Pr... moreTraitor committing treason 24/7by Word and deed. Traitor. Treason. My take on it. What is yours and why?Russia good. Putin good. Money good. American Intelligence Community bad. Press bad. Dems bad. All bad but Comrade Bonespur devoted base. Bad good and good bad. Odd.
Why don't the pols all just shut up and save us the meaningless platitudes. Until they act they should remain mute. So many words over so many years signifying NOTHING. SIGH. Ever ... moreWhy don't the pols all just shut up and save us the meaningless platitudes. Until they act they should remain mute. So many words over so many years signifying NOTHING. SIGH. Ever it shall be thus apparently. That is all they have. They are tapped out. Moving their lips but saying nothing. Saying something but doing nothing. Hoping it will all blow over and they can get back to doing what they do so well. Take care of themselves and screw the rest of us.
Bonespur lies for Putin. Denies for Putin. Rolls over for Putin. Grovels for Putin. Belly crawls for Putin. Throws Americans under the bus for Putin. Whatever Putin wants Putin get... moreBonespur lies for Putin. Denies for Putin. Rolls over for Putin. Grovels for Putin. Belly crawls for Putin. Throws Americans under the bus for Putin. Whatever Putin wants Putin gets. Must be nice owning a useful idiot who doesn't mind at all what people think of him. Committing treason. Being a traitor. Betray sabotaging undercutting gutting Americn citizens just to placate the monster Putin. There is no end to which Comrade Bonespur will go to pander to Putin, appease Putin, obey Putin. For a man who seems to be all ego it is a revelation to see how little Comrade Bonespur thinks of himself that he could be so used by anyone to betray anyone at any time for any reason or no reason. He is WEAK and Putin is STRONG. The WEAK always obey the strong because they are afraid to do otherwise. less
We have tape and we have audio to replay replay replay replay to confirm what was said. The insistence that what we heard and saw was not what we heard and saw is ludirously absurd... moreWe have tape and we have audio to replay replay replay replay to confirm what was said. The insistence that what we heard and saw was not what we heard and saw is ludirously absurd. We the people are not the stupid dumb ones. It is the Liars who are because they keep lying despite proof and expect us to believe what THEY say and not what actually happened. Insanity sounds like that. Are they all nuts?