What good does caring do? Best to disengage. Shut everything out. Ignore the furor. Try very hard to become stupid dumb. Don't read. Don't question. Don't care. Don't point out the... moreWhat good does caring do? Best to disengage. Shut everything out. Ignore the furor. Try very hard to become stupid dumb. Don't read. Don't question. Don't care. Don't point out the inconsistencies, the lack of logic, the lack of truth the lack of morality integrity intelligent and appropriate and just. Just STOP. Safer that way. Have never tried it but perhaps it's time to do so. The evil is still there after what was a monumental display of demonic idiotic treasonous traitorous ideology standing side by side with Putin. The treasonous traitor is still there. The liar denier is still there. Having lost none of Comrade trump's adoring defenders/apologists? Not even one? I don't know but t'is probably so. That it IS SO is staggering. less
They are adamantly convinced that Comrade trump loves his country and the people and is doing exactly what he should be doing. Seeking peace. They lash out at those who would criti... moreThey are adamantly convinced that Comrade trump loves his country and the people and is doing exactly what he should be doing. Seeking peace. They lash out at those who would criticize him for what he said/implied. They are the real enemies of the people and the country. Comrade trump is the real hero fighting to save his country from them. I think that about sums it up. How many of them there are I cannot know. The fact that there is even ONE like that after Comrade trump's performance shocks me. SIGH. More to come? You betchure bippy! :( less
Just payback on the ENORMOUS debt Comrade trump has to repay to Putin. He will be best puppet lapdog any murderous despot dictator ever had. See the tail wagging furiously to and f... moreJust payback on the ENORMOUS debt Comrade trump has to repay to Putin. He will be best puppet lapdog any murderous despot dictator ever had. See the tail wagging furiously to and fro and fro and to? Just the beginning of what will be beautiful synchronicity and melding of master and clown. Symbiotic. Sinister.
Back on the old campaign trail in 2016 Hillary accused Comrade trump of being a Putin PUPPET! Comrade trump said memorably "Puppet? I'm no puppet. You're the puppet". D'ya remember... moreBack on the old campaign trail in 2016 Hillary accused Comrade trump of being a Putin PUPPET! Comrade trump said memorably "Puppet? I'm no puppet. You're the puppet". D'ya remember way back to then? But here we are. We see how uppity the puppety Comrade trump is. The Puppet Hillary called him out to be several years ago is finally completely out of that closet and unmasked forevermore. We see the strings being controlled by Vlad and how jerky and awkward Comrade trump is. Comrade trump believes he is a real live boy you see and Putin will let him continue to think so. What harm does it do? :( less
Comrade trump brought the NFL to its knees. The Comrade was very specific about the importance of showing patriotism by holding your hand over your heart and STANDING while the nat... moreComrade trump brought the NFL to its knees. The Comrade was very specific about the importance of showing patriotism by holding your hand over your heart and STANDING while the national anthem was played. Calling those who took a knee "sons of bit**es" who should be fired? Looking back on it don't you find it terribly amusing how duplicitous Comrade trump was, is and always will be? He demands standing for the playing of the national anthem to show our reverence and patriotism for our country. Yet he sells the country out to Russia defending it and its barbaric leader while attacking reviling defiling demeaning his own country and its people. Here's the kicker. His base will not abandon him. The very same ones who so self-righteously backed up his view of knee-takers don't mind that he commits treason and is a traitor. Now I would say their values are "flexible" wouldn't you? Will they still support him and adore him when he bombs the blue states to get rid of those American citizens who didn't vote for the Comr... less
Or will they stick to him like glue and rejoice because they are enemies of the people too? All happy little Russkies finally out of the closet who can stop pretending they are pat... moreOr will they stick to him like glue and rejoice because they are enemies of the people too? All happy little Russkies finally out of the closet who can stop pretending they are patriotic Americans. The masquerade ended on stage in Helsinki yesterday. Comrade trump put it all out there for the world to see/hear. He is aligned WITH a Russian despot dictator and AGAINST America and Americans. Finally. Y'all can drop the pretense.
He thinks he owns the red states so as long as everyone in them compliments him they will stay safe. He wants to bomb someone. Why not bomb the folks in America who despise him? Th... moreHe thinks he owns the red states so as long as everyone in them compliments him they will stay safe. He wants to bomb someone. Why not bomb the folks in America who despise him? That will be another first. SIGH. What other dirty tricks does the Comrade have up his a**?
Apparently Trump worships Churchill. (even though he wasn't a Dictator) .... he WAS the most powerful guy around at one time in Europe at least.The praise hasn't been fully r... moreApparently Trump worships Churchill. (even though he wasn't a Dictator) .... he WAS the most powerful guy around at one time in Europe at least.The praise hasn't been fully reciprocated by Churchill's family. The late leader's grandson called Trump a "daft twerp" last year for connecting the United Kingdom's rise in crime to “radical Islamic terror.”
Let it ride? Turn away? Ignore the threat to the country? Head down. Brains disengaged. Patriotism having been left at the door long ago what will Congress do about this president?