I did have someone but she changed her mind and also changed her mind about being my friend as well. have no idea why since i just saw her yesterday and there ... more I did have someone but she changed her mind and also changed her mind about being my friend as well. have no idea why since i just saw her yesterday and there was nothing unusual going on, knew her since last winter, she was going to go and now she aint, she was a nurse too so she wouldve been perfect for it. anyways, im not afraid to go alone, the problem is if i show up by myself they wont do it, dont have family around to take me either.ive asked a home health aide about it but they wont do it as a one time thing. i was doing home testing every yr for this reason until my last one showed up positive, i dont mind paying people and wondered if i should put an ad up on craiglist. any suggestions or do i just cancel it and let whatever happens happens, cant force people to go with me. less
I'm so glad you asked. Here's how.Instead of selecting people who are intelligent experienced knowledgeable and talented in any particular field he chooses those with mediocre to n... moreI'm so glad you asked. Here's how.Instead of selecting people who are intelligent experienced knowledgeable and talented in any particular field he chooses those with mediocre to no brains no experience no knowledge no talent. In fact he bends over backwards to select those folks who despise the department he appoints them to lead so they won't show any favoritism at all. Now isn't he a precious guy? Don't choose the best and brightest. Choose the worst and the dullest. Equal opportunity ROCKS in the nbb government. He is SO SPESHUL isn't he? Lucky aren't we? Someone "up there" must love us a lot to have gifted us with him. less
He is smarter than everyone and anyone and only he can fix it. He can't help it if folks refuse to listen to him can he? The world problem-solver in one tall fat old man. Why not u... moreHe is smarter than everyone and anyone and only he can fix it. He can't help it if folks refuse to listen to him can he? The world problem-solver in one tall fat old man. Why not use him? Why not cede the running of world to him? He can be president and king and despot and dictator and leader and judge and jury and military too. All problems should end up on his desk if people seriously want them solved. Look how swell he has done in America? I rest my case
When/if they are named and they all combined to "fix" the election so that the nbb would be elected. Election tampering. Cheating. Conspiring with a hostile foreign power to ... moreWhen/if they are named and they all combined to "fix" the election so that the nbb would be elected. Election tampering. Cheating. Conspiring with a hostile foreign power to harm an American citizen to insure the election of another American citizen. Kinda makes you feel dirty doesn't it? Shouldn't it?The nappie baby blimp is not denying it now he is blaming Obama for all of it. Next he will blame Hillary then the Dems then everyone who despises him. It will be everyone's fault and he will be the innocent "victim" who became president because of all the shenanigans and dirty tricks and lies. Two-edged sword I expect. SIGH. Will he still be a yuppy guppy all sucky uppy with Vlad? Will he ever stop adoring the enemy and do something to defend his country? Inquiring minds would like to know what his intention is. less
The oath sez the prez will faithfully to the best of his ability "preserve protect defend he Constsitution of the United States. Why doesn't it say anything about preserving ... moreThe oath sez the prez will faithfully to the best of his ability "preserve protect defend he Constsitution of the United States. Why doesn't it say anything about preserving protecting defending THE COUNTRY?The only thing the nbb has done and is preserve and protect the obscenely wealthy and mak them wealthier.He has GUTTED the EPA nad the FDA so that doesn't preserve protect or defend either the country(environment) or the people (cosmetics prescriptions food). The cuontry is on its own and so are we t he people. less
ALL HE** would have broken loose. To inform the public that Russia was meddling in the election to insure Trump got elected and to hurt Hillary? Now how would that have gone over w... moreALL HE** would have broken loose. To inform the public that Russia was meddling in the election to insure Trump got elected and to hurt Hillary? Now how would that have gone over with the trumpettes and the Republican Congress? The sh** would have hit the fan they would all have exploded in rage at Obama for "trying to sway the election". Y'all know that's true. But trump doesn't know that apparently since he is now whining about it and asking why his predecessor didn't "do something about it"? Unmask it. Let everyone know what was going on with the bots and the fake accounts and the Russian hacking into the DNC? Seriously this is what you would have preferred to what happened which is nothing that helped Hillary and everything that helped nappie baby blimp. Whatever Obama might have done would have been attacked by nbb. It didn't matter what it would have been it would have bee wrong. So there you have it. What are you going to do with it? More importantly what does nbb plan to do about it to INSURE... less
What were they afraid she was going to say? Why the gender bias? Why the two-prong attack? Why such inconsistency? Why such unprofessional conduct? Why the secrecy? Why oh why was ... moreWhat were they afraid she was going to say? Why the gender bias? Why the two-prong attack? Why such inconsistency? Why such unprofessional conduct? Why the secrecy? Why oh why was any of it NECESSARY? Diversion. Deflection. Muddying the waters. Irrelevant. Incompetent. Inept. Impotent. All those really good things of which the House Republican attack dogs are very well-known for being. Vicious. Vitriolic. Vile. Villainous. Vituperative. Venal. Vindictive.
A murdering mafia thug couldn't be charged for the folks he murdered. So they put him away for tax evasion. If collusion/conspiracy can't be proven can "they" be put away for money... moreA murdering mafia thug couldn't be charged for the folks he murdered. So they put him away for tax evasion. If collusion/conspiracy can't be proven can "they" be put away for money laundering or bank fraud or emoluments violations or treason or traitorship or other crimes? Get them out of the game. Anything they did wrong will do. It should be so easy because they did so many things wrong for so long and left lotsa tracks. Which track will prove most useful?
What people thought of Hillary affected how they voted. SO CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY the hacking and lying and faking and phony balonies pretending to be Americans on FB and other plac... moreWhat people thought of Hillary affected how they voted. SO CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY the hacking and lying and faking and phony balonies pretending to be Americans on FB and other places affected the election outcome. Why is that such a difficult thing to comprehend? It does not take a genius to understand how that works. ALSO the two Comey memos affected the election outcome(because it affected what people thought of Hillary). And ALSO the fact that Strzok kept his mouth shut and didn't leak the info that Trump and his campaign was being investigated at the same time for its collusion with Russia. That would have been a biggy but Strzok kept his mouth shut. So the perfect storm of Russian Collusion (fake phony pretend lies), the Comey memos and Strzok silence bonded together to make it a slam dunk for trump. Lucky him unlucky us. SIGH. less