Courtney Brown and Kristee Wilson couldn't decide what to do with a dame they stopped in Georgia . So they flipped coin using a cellphone app and arrested her. Wasn't that clever a... moreCourtney Brown and Kristee Wilson couldn't decide what to do with a dame they stopped in Georgia . So they flipped coin using a cellphone app and arrested her. Wasn't that clever and cute and resourceful?
Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal? The Republican culture is all about religion and controlling what others do that offends their religion. Any deviation from that ever by... moreFiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal? The Republican culture is all about religion and controlling what others do that offends their religion. Any deviation from that ever by anyone? They want NO CONTROLS over environment or education or investment or anything that has to do with making MORE MORE MORE MORE money. Anything that slows moneymaking down is VERY BAD and they despise it and work hard to destroy it. Any lifestyle of which they disapprove. Any actions of which they disapprove. Any beliefs of which they disapprove. They come down real hard due to their own perfection and self-righteous condemnation of the actions of others. Being perfect gives them that ABSOLUTE right. Doesn't it? less
Does it depress or impress you that the person who took the oath of office to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America sees fit to trash some of us whi... moreDoes it depress or impress you that the person who took the oath of office to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America sees fit to trash some of us while abroad? Why?
The nappy baby blimp's WIFE is an immigrant. Wasn't his FIRST WIFE AN IMMIGRANT TOO? His mom was an immigrant. Would he be anti-them too? Assuming they were LEGAL? He has to explai... moreThe nappy baby blimp's WIFE is an immigrant. Wasn't his FIRST WIFE AN IMMIGRANT TOO? His mom was an immigrant. Would he be anti-them too? Assuming they were LEGAL? He has to explain himself logically in words that we can understand. Think he can?
Fox News and White House mouthpieces jump to conclusions all the time BEFORE an investigation is concluded and facts/truth have been FACTUALLY ascertained. All the RudyG's you can ... moreFox News and White House mouthpieces jump to conclusions all the time BEFORE an investigation is concluded and facts/truth have been FACTUALLY ascertained. All the RudyG's you can put on the head of a pin don't mean diddly no matter h ow much what they say you WISH were true. They don't know anything. So what they try to do convince you about wishful thinking things that are all lies. No substance. That is not where truth resides. Truth resides in FACTS. Not "alternative facts" that sally anne something insists is fine. Nor sarah sanders facts which aren't facts at all but what she has been instructed to say. Nor Sean Hannity facts which is as much bullsh ** as anything anyone says. If they didn't jump to conclusions and lie a lot they would get no exercise at all. :) less
Instead of working on impeaching the blazing president the Republican majority congress is starting a fire to destroy Rosenstein. What is wrong with them? Wrong focus. Wrong fire. ... moreInstead of working on impeaching the blazing president the Republican majority congress is starting a fire to destroy Rosenstein. What is wrong with them? Wrong focus. Wrong fire. Wrong-headed. Wrong motived. Wrong purpose.
The consistency of the reaction to the trump world tour touches the heart. It shows the alikeness of we the people wherever we are. Nappy baby blimps and people marching in protest... moreThe consistency of the reaction to the trump world tour touches the heart. It shows the alikeness of we the people wherever we are. Nappy baby blimps and people marching in protest and signs stating dismay and disgust and revulsion. People are the same all over.
They do not get actions/reactions. Cause/effect. They don't think ahead. They do not foresee any consequences of their actions. They live NOW. No before. No next. NOW. Is that enou... moreThey do not get actions/reactions. Cause/effect. They don't think ahead. They do not foresee any consequences of their actions. They live NOW. No before. No next. NOW. Is that enough to survive and thrive?
Weight gain? Weight loss? Alcoholic stupors? Drug-induced "highs"? Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting to see if they are going to get away with it or they will be nailed and j... moreWeight gain? Weight loss? Alcoholic stupors? Drug-induced "highs"? Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting to see if they are going to get away with it or they will be nailed and jailed and charged and tried and have justice be served mightily upon them?
Are all attack dogs bulldogs foaming at the mouth and crazed out-of-control deadly? They don't have to make any sense of course. They just shout and yell and stomp and bark and roa... moreAre all attack dogs bulldogs foaming at the mouth and crazed out-of-control deadly? They don't have to make any sense of course. They just shout and yell and stomp and bark and roar and fume and fury and spectacle themselves with promiscuous and wanton abandon. Irrational is the medium they use. By design or because that is the only weapon available to them? It is not admirable. It is not impressive. It is not serving them well when they do that. How can they be so obtusely oblivious to that fact? There was a bigly blowback to that display of distemper. They did not help themselves. Let's have more of the same on that level or bigger just because they were so very entertaining as we watched them do themselves in. Who ever tires of observing fools making fools of themselves unknowingly? less
The nappy one was asked if he would ask Putin to return the 12 to the United States for prosecution. He was somewhat noncommital but he did not call it a RIGGED WITCH HUNT. So will... moreThe nappy one was asked if he would ask Putin to return the 12 to the United States for prosecution. He was somewhat noncommital but he did not call it a RIGGED WITCH HUNT. So will the trinity of Rudy G, Hannity and Nappy find other things to say at this late date or will they finally realize that SILENCE IS GOLDEN and SHUT UP? How smart are they at figuring out what is going on AS IT IS GOING ON?