Mueller is coming for you. Get out now while the getting out is possible. Russia will embrace you and extract every bit of info they can from you in return for which you can live y... moreMueller is coming for you. Get out now while the getting out is possible. Russia will embrace you and extract every bit of info they can from you in return for which you can live your life out there. PROVIDING you don't cross Putin. Else you could die from some nerve agent or "disappear" to a gulag or dank basement solitary confinement till you die. But be a good little boy and obedient little girl and spill your guts and you'll be just fine. You have been warned. Ignore at your own risk.
Could it be some deep-seated psychological abnormality with which they were born? A built-in hair shirt that causes them to welcome suffering as atonement for something that is wro... moreCould it be some deep-seated psychological abnormality with which they were born? A built-in hair shirt that causes them to welcome suffering as atonement for something that is wrong with them? How else to explain the proclivity of some to defend so vigorously mediocrity?
The first Gallup poll measuring presidential popularity came out in the 1930's.Abraham Lincoln was prez from 1861- 1865. There were no presidential polls then.Has anyone seen... moreThe first Gallup poll measuring presidential popularity came out in the 1930's.Abraham Lincoln was prez from 1861- 1865. There were no presidential polls then.Has anyone seen the poll to which the nappy baby blimp alludes or is that just another one ofhis fake claims of greatness bestness betterness to offset his desperate feelings of inadequacy/self-loathing?
Comey spilled his guts vis a vis potential dirt on Hillary shortly before the 2016 prez election and it was a red herring. It screwed Hillary bigly. A highly touted memo saying the... moreComey spilled his guts vis a vis potential dirt on Hillary shortly before the 2016 prez election and it was a red herring. It screwed Hillary bigly. A highly touted memo saying the investigation into her emails was open again because some of them were found to be on a sex pervert's computer(Dem Anthony Wiener). Then a coupla days before the election Comey said NOTHING WAS FOUND. Meanwhile the intense investigation into trump and Russia colluding and conspiring was kept secret. Not one leak. Not one. Well we need access to the TRUTH as it is uncovered! You see what happens when the truth is hidden. It will happen again. The nappy baby blimp loved the results so much he is doing nothing to prevent it's happening again. SIGH. Whatta guy. less
Every job has a learning curve. Even jobs you've done before elsewhere have learning curves because the supervisors are different and the co-workers are different and the talent/ab... moreEvery job has a learning curve. Even jobs you've done before elsewhere have learning curves because the supervisors are different and the co-workers are different and the talent/ability/experience and quality of work exhibited by all of them is different. I get that. HOWEVER isn't there a timeframe however variable within which you know if the employee is worth keeping? If no learning or improving is occurring when does the employee get sacked/bounced/booted/fired?
Well he**'s bells when ya got a nappie baby blimp that denies you ever did anything wrong and refuses to admit it then that encourages enables facilitates the bad guys to do more o... moreWell he**'s bells when ya got a nappie baby blimp that denies you ever did anything wrong and refuses to admit it then that encourages enables facilitates the bad guys to do more of the same. As long as trump is prez we will be undone by his doing Putin's bidding. The meeting tomorrow between trump and putin will not do a thing to help or protect America. SIGH. His fans cheer him on to the detriment of their country. So much for patriotism and wanting their country back and wanting to Make America Great Again. Bullsh** empty rhetoric. Sad isn't it? less
On July 27, 2016 then-candidate trump invited Russia, if they were listening to, find and release Hillary's "lost" emails. THE VERY SAME DAY the 12 Russian Intelligence officers la... moreOn July 27, 2016 then-candidate trump invited Russia, if they were listening to, find and release Hillary's "lost" emails. THE VERY SAME DAY the 12 Russian Intelligence officers launched a new attack to hack Hillary's personal emails. So trump spoke and Russia WAS LISTENING and did his bidding. Do YOU believe in coincidence or do you believe there is no such thing? If the latter then clearly trump and putin were already mighty cozy and HE KNEW what his words would do. A signal to go ahead and start working on what they had all been plotting to do. Trump and Russia in collusion to take down and out his only competitor and install him as president. It worked. less
The indicted are all Russian Military officersVictor Netyksho RMO (Russian Military officer)Major Boris AntonovDmitriy Badin, RMO Ivan Yermakov, RMOSr. Lt. Aleksay LukashovLt. Col.... moreThe indicted are all Russian Military officersVictor Netyksho RMO (Russian Military officer)Major Boris AntonovDmitriy Badin, RMO Ivan Yermakov, RMOSr. Lt. Aleksay LukashovLt. Col. Sergey MorgachevLt. Captain (?) Nocolay KozachekPavel Yershov, RMO2nd Lt. Artem MalyshevCol. Aleksandr OsadchukAleksey Potemkin, RMOAnatoliy Kovale, RMOTheir crimes? Conspiracy to commit an offense against the United StatesAggravated Identity TheftComputer FraudConspiracy to Launder Money Hacked one State Board of Election and stole info on 500,000 Americans including their names, addresses, partial social security numbers, dates of birth and drivers' license numbers less