Treasonour TRAITOR. High crimes and misdemeanors. The nappy baby blimp sided with the enemy. Oh my how proud y'all must be of him. Very proud. Proud. :(
Why didn't she tell this lying phony orange fecal matter OFF?He is acting like he didn't even rip her apart five minutes ago. This is a FAKE. THIS IS A PHONY. And Teresa May,... moreWhy didn't she tell this lying phony orange fecal matter OFF?He is acting like he didn't even rip her apart five minutes ago. This is a FAKE. THIS IS A PHONY. And Teresa May, just smiled and took it.IS SHE UNSTABLE? IS SHE STUPIDER THAN HE IS? SHE had an excellent opportunity to TAKE HIM APART in front of the world.This is why he gets away with this stuff. He is a bully and the weaklings let him bully them to death.
Putin knows all the pressure points of world leaders. He knows Angela Merkel is TERRIFIED of dogs so he brought his into a meeting with her. He knows where all the warts and Achill... morePutin knows all the pressure points of world leaders. He knows Angela Merkel is TERRIFIED of dogs so he brought his into a meeting with her. He knows where all the warts and Achilles heel(s) of trump are and of course is using them to get complete obedience from him in public in private between the sheets and elsewhere. An obedient useful idiot is about the best Putin could have hoped for and the lucky got exactly what he wanted! A made-to-order obediently servile servant.
"We need to talk about some sore spots" said Putin. But trump wanted no part of it and avoided it. Strong brave man isn't he? He be very effusive and complimentary and panderingly ... more"We need to talk about some sore spots" said Putin. But trump wanted no part of it and avoided it. Strong brave man isn't he? He be very effusive and complimentary and panderingly oleaginous and unctuous toward Putin. Putin be very dour and sour cold and aloof and noncommittal back. ACK ACK ACK! Confronting issues whenever and wherever he can be da prez who be da man. Strong brave man. :(
Tweet one...Nappy baby blimp calling the investigation into Russian meddling a "RIGGED WITCH HUNT" Tweet two...Nappy baby blimp tweet says "years of US foolishness and stupidity" a... moreTweet one...Nappy baby blimp calling the investigation into Russian meddling a "RIGGED WITCH HUNT" Tweet two...Nappy baby blimp tweet says "years of US foolishness and stupidity" are to blame for poor US/Russia relations.See how easily the nappy baby blimp sells us out to Russia? In response to both nappy baby blimp tweets the Russian Foreign Ministry says "WE AGREE".So you see before the meeting even began they agreed that there was no Russian meddling. Aren't you relieved that the nappy baby blimp agrees with Putin about that? Now what happens to all the guilty pleas and criminal indictments already presented with MORE TO COME outing the American citizens who colluded/conspired/committed treason? It will go on to its conclusion. Mueller pays no attention to the two biggest bald-faced liars in the world. Why should he? He has work to do to protect our country. SIGH. What a world, right? Go figger! :( less
Or was poisoned? Or a sniper shot him to death? People mysteriously disappear in Russia all the time. Journalists and political foes are found dead..mysteriously or due to Novachok... moreOr was poisoned? Or a sniper shot him to death? People mysteriously disappear in Russia all the time. Journalists and political foes are found dead..mysteriously or due to Novachok or some other deadly nerve agent or poison. So what would the US do if that were to occur? Declare war on Russia? Invade? Pay for his release? I thought the US didn't negotiate with terrorists?
The nappy baby blimp is doing it. Turning allies into foes and enemies into BFF's! Making what was priceless worthless and what was threatening and dangerous comfy cozy vulnerable.... moreThe nappy baby blimp is doing it. Turning allies into foes and enemies into BFF's! Making what was priceless worthless and what was threatening and dangerous comfy cozy vulnerable. As good a trick as its opposite?
A puppet government or a willing colluder/conspiritor/conspirer? The Vichy government in France. The Nappy baby blimp government in the US. What's the diff?
Vince Lombardi Superbowl trophy FOOTBALLFIFA World Cup trophy SOCCERStanley Cup HOCKEYNBA Champiuonship Trophy BASKETBALLCommissioner's Trophy World Series BASEBALL
It seems unlikely to me that there isn't. How many billion trillion galaxies and planets and stars are there in the KNOWN universe? What about the UNKNOWN universe? Why one tiny li... moreIt seems unlikely to me that there isn't. How many billion trillion galaxies and planets and stars are there in the KNOWN universe? What about the UNKNOWN universe? Why one tiny little nothing planet has such a variety of life among trillions billions of possibilities seems illogical to me. I'm just sayin' we will never know what we cannot know if it is beyond our comprehension due to our limitations. Right?
Electronic advancements are so convenient aren't they? It is no longer necessary to leave your home. Everything can be delivered to you via electronics or via mail/UPS/FEDEX. Hermi... moreElectronic advancements are so convenient aren't they? It is no longer necessary to leave your home. Everything can be delivered to you via electronics or via mail/UPS/FEDEX. Hermits. Loners. The result of Progress. A good thing or not so hot? You have to go to the doctor or dentist. But everything else can be delivered to you. I suppose the billionaires have doctors/dentists on retainer who will come to them. I remember in the long ago olden days when I was a child our Dr. Heidenrock made house calls. Are any of you old enough to remember your doctor coming to your home? less