Once again in DIRECT OPPOSITION to what his Intelligence Community has been telling him he goes opposite pretzelized inside out and is back to LYING BIGLY. Meanwhile the world is w... moreOnce again in DIRECT OPPOSITION to what his Intelligence Community has been telling him he goes opposite pretzelized inside out and is back to LYING BIGLY. Meanwhile the world is watching and LAUGHING at him. He thinks he is admired in Russia? How do you admire a fool, a puppet, a useful idiot?. His staff went to all the trouble to try to "FIX" him and he refuses to be fixed. He reverts to type. You can't paint zebra stripes on a jacka** and be shocked when they wash off. The more Comrade Bonespur talks the more it appears that senility is now directing him in all things and EVERYONE BUT HIS BASE AND THE TOADY CONGRESS is certain Comrade Bonespur off his rocker! less
I was discussing this with my counsellor... and I very often do step, knowingly outside my comfort zone, particularly if it's a matter of injustice... But i don't like doing it.. f... moreI was discussing this with my counsellor... and I very often do step, knowingly outside my comfort zone, particularly if it's a matter of injustice... But i don't like doing it.. feel nervous etc..
The thin-skinned weak will never challenge the strong because they know they cannot withstand it or compete with it . So it submits. It is docile. It never disagrees. It always wan... moreThe thin-skinned weak will never challenge the strong because they know they cannot withstand it or compete with it . So it submits. It is docile. It never disagrees. It always wants to please. That is why the strong will always dominate the weak and have their way with them. SIGH. A thin-skinned weak prez is undesirable. Have any of them ever prevailed?
He couldn't do it. He was ADVISED INSTRUCTED TOLD to do it but he couldn't resist throwing in that lie about "others". His backdoor. His ace up his sleeve. His loophole. Good enoug... moreHe couldn't do it. He was ADVISED INSTRUCTED TOLD to do it but he couldn't resist throwing in that lie about "others". His backdoor. His ace up his sleeve. His loophole. Good enough for Putin to pat him on the a** and tell him what a good boy he is. He doesn't have a clue what words mean. He reads them and says them and has zero ability to comprehend their meaning. Repeatedly. Agonizingly. Foreverly. SIGH. :(
A wiser person than the Comrade would cut it open and under circumstances have it anywhere it could pick up conversations. Putin is KGB. (Once KGB ALWAYS KGB even if KGB chan... moreA wiser person than the Comrade would cut it open and under circumstances have it anywhere it could pick up conversations. Putin is KGB. (Once KGB ALWAYS KGB even if KGB changes its name) Once a spy always a spy. Once you murder you will always be a murderer.
Coverups always make things worse yet the stupid dumbs continue to engage in doing them. Why? Because they are incapable of learning anything at any time for any reason. They keep ... moreCoverups always make things worse yet the stupid dumbs continue to engage in doing them. Why? Because they are incapable of learning anything at any time for any reason. They keep repeating what doesn't work oblivious to the fact that the hole they insist on digging gets deeper. They complain of the dark and have no idea it is their own doing. The deeper they dig the darker it will get. Nyet?
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/61710/what-are-you-teaching-your-kids-about-authority-figures~
Whether you call him prez president King Comrade Don Juan Doofus Don or Lord & Master. The guy is off the charts in number of lies he tells. Of course many of them are due to senil... moreWhether you call him prez president King Comrade Don Juan Doofus Don or Lord & Master. The guy is off the charts in number of lies he tells. Of course many of them are due to senility. He repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats the same old lies as he also tells new lies. There must be a GREATEST LIAR IN THE WORLD trophy somewhere out there. He wins. Anyway the USA has the distinction of loving guns the most best in the world...AND having the acknowledged most best liar in the world in the White House. Now that is something to be very proud of and support, isn't it? We got bragging rights for the most gun-related deaths and the most best lying prez. Maybe we should get bumper stickers attesting to that. Whatcha think? less
Would that be heaven or he** for thee? I see seas of people treading water forever after. When they tire they just float and then resume treading water again. None of them will be ... moreWould that be heaven or he** for thee? I see seas of people treading water forever after. When they tire they just float and then resume treading water again. None of them will be able to communicate with one another. It will be similar to the TOWER OF BABEL. Only it will be seas. Everyone speaks a different language so they will be making sounds to no avail forever after. That way there is no cruel and unusual punishment but ALSO NO surcease from sorrow. They will enjoy all the emotions attendant thereto in a forever of their own design. The treasonous traitors and those who support them will be forever together. :) A kind and benevolent end for them who were never kind or benevolent. less
You interview prospective employees. You check out their references. Some companies even TEST prospective employees and there are often training/waiting/trial periods to see if the... moreYou interview prospective employees. You check out their references. Some companies even TEST prospective employees and there are often training/waiting/trial periods to see if the employee has the right stuff and can do the job. None of that happened with Comrade Bonespur. He showed up. He elbowed everyone out of the way. He broke all the rules and was rude and dishonest and insulting. The "NEVER TRUMP" Republicans who spoke so eloquently about all his defects caved, rolled over, gave in. None of them had the courage of their convictions. All of them wimped out. So whom do we blame for getting such defective goods? If "the people" never had Comrade Bonespur to vote for the Comrade would not be our Albatross today. Hey hey hey. :( less
He already spilled his guts last year to two Russians in the Oval office when he told them about some info Israel had shared with him that was CLASSIFIED. His disdain contempt for ... moreHe already spilled his guts last year to two Russians in the Oval office when he told them about some info Israel had shared with him that was CLASSIFIED. His disdain contempt for our Intelligence Agents is undeniable. His tie to Putin is obvious. Comrade bonespur is doing exactly what puppetmaster Putin wants him to do and as such he is a treasonous traitor who should be impeached and imprisoned for high crimes. For starters.
I think of Amapola and Deborah's Theme from "Once upon a time in America" .... Deborah's theme sends a shiver up my back the instant I hear it...it's just haunting ...Can you name ... moreI think of Amapola and Deborah's Theme from "Once upon a time in America" .... Deborah's theme sends a shiver up my back the instant I hear it...it's just haunting ...Can you name any other great music from such films ?