That is what we are hearing from some folks who don't necessarily support or like what the guy leading the country is doing but they feel if they leave things will get worse for th... moreThat is what we are hearing from some folks who don't necessarily support or like what the guy leading the country is doing but they feel if they leave things will get worse for the country and for we the people. Would you hang in under those circumstances for the good of your country? For how long?
Wouldn't you want witnesses to attest to what went on just to protect yourself? Especially if it were a meeting with an "adversary" although I cannot remember ever being in s... more Wouldn't you want witnesses to attest to what went on just to protect yourself? Especially if it were a meeting with an "adversary" although I cannot remember ever being in such a meeting. But in governments everywhere there are probably countless meetings with adversaries. The more notes taken the better. And then you distribute memos of what occurred to other interested parties. No secret stuff. Secret stuff means you have something to hide. Secret stuff going on with an adversary that is unknown to your own side is very suspicious. less
Should a genius be given more wiggle room and forgiven for unpleasant words/actions just because he/she IS A GENIUS? I say no. Genius is more intelligent than us regular folk... moreShould a genius be given more wiggle room and forgiven for unpleasant words/actions just because he/she IS A GENIUS? I say no. Genius is more intelligent than us regular folks and therefore more capable of being kind. What do you say and why?
When you have grown up with something and it is taken away how easily do humans adapt? I think the earth is getting warmer. Thousands of years there was no electricity and people m... moreWhen you have grown up with something and it is taken away how easily do humans adapt? I think the earth is getting warmer. Thousands of years there was no electricity and people managed to survive. Could we suvive again? People would die of course. Those on life support that requires electricity. I just wonder how much damage would occur initially until we figured out a way to survive it. I'm old enough to remember ice boxes and fan. No refrigerator. No air conditioning. It's better now. Maybe we'll find out how tough we are. I hope not but ya never know! :) less
There are all kinds of ways we could be crippled. Taking down power grids for instance. I don't know how difficult or how easy it would be to do but it worries me. If the internet ... moreThere are all kinds of ways we could be crippled. Taking down power grids for instance. I don't know how difficult or how easy it would be to do but it worries me. If the internet goes down and stays down for days what would be affected? Would the damage be permanent or fixable? If a power grid does down how do we operate without electricity or power? I wonder if "the enemy" is currently working on it.
"Russian spies will replace them". At first the answer seems like a joke but upon reflection who is gonna stop 'em from applying and being hired? That way they will have access to ... more"Russian spies will replace them". At first the answer seems like a joke but upon reflection who is gonna stop 'em from applying and being hired? That way they will have access to all our secret stuff first hand. SIGH. Another thing to worry about. Do you?
I have about 12 yrs ago could have been this same boat. There was an accident yesterday one capsized killing 17 of 32 people. Sudden storm. Water was calm when they went in bu... moreI have about 12 yrs ago could have been this same boat. There was an accident yesterday one capsized killing 17 of 32 people. Sudden storm. Water was calm when they went in but 60 mile winds came up while on the water. Very sad.
I've been to the opera, and ballet and to a really posh place called Glyndebourne where for some reason you had to to bring a very posh picnic and had to stand up to watch the show... moreI've been to the opera, and ballet and to a really posh place called Glyndebourne where for some reason you had to to bring a very posh picnic and had to stand up to watch the show! These are not my normal stomping grounds but I did enjoy a bit of culture vulturing and have got a taste for it.. What made me think of this is that there is apparently a Netflix like subscription thingy to an Arts based on demand thingy.. Marquee tv.. I wondered if anyone had ever heard of it, or tried it - it's apparently available in the US and Canada too. less
Yet if anyone DARE return what he dishes out they excoriate such folks. Comrade Bonespur's base are all one-way street folks. He can do anything and they love it. But if anyone cha... moreYet if anyone DARE return what he dishes out they excoriate such folks. Comrade Bonespur's base are all one-way street folks. He can do anything and they love it. But if anyone challenges or takes exception to it they get all whiny hissy fitty accusatory. Why is that? Are they brain-challenged? What's going on with them that they accept and sypport all his sh** but get incensed when anyone dares return any of it? Anyone know?
It is ridiculously simple. This is Bonespur's way of thanking Putin for making him the US President. He has finally acknowledged it and wants Putin to know how very grateful he is ... moreIt is ridiculously simple. This is Bonespur's way of thanking Putin for making him the US President. He has finally acknowledged it and wants Putin to know how very grateful he is for doing that. In return Comrade Bonespur will be the ever-faithful loyal puppetclown useful idiot he was born to be. Everyone wins. Putin gets the worldwide acknowledgement of his essential crucial significant role in this and Comrade Bonespur gets to be the puppet clown he was always meant to be servicing a strong tough manly man. Something Bonespur wishes he were but knows he isn't. Isn't that sweet? less
The 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528 Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact frequency that has bee... moreThe 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528 Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact frequency that has been used by genetic biochemists. "528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature.
He sez only he can fix it whatever the it is. He said he knows more than the generals. Why not just let him be donald and show us how little he needs others? The current Congress i... moreHe sez only he can fix it whatever the it is. He said he knows more than the generals. Why not just let him be donald and show us how little he needs others? The current Congress is useless. The check and balance they are supposed do is MIAFire all their a**es. Senators are more sensible . Let's let him show his stuff. See what happens. What could it hurt?
Coates was as diplomatic as he could possibly be while still answering honestly. A couple of questions he didn't answer and Andrea did not press him on them. I thought he did... moreCoates was as diplomatic as he could possibly be while still answering honestly. A couple of questions he didn't answer and Andrea did not press him on them. I thought he did a good job under the circumstances. He didn't throw Bonespur under the bus but Bonespur wants to throw him out. HOWEVER Bonespur dare not do that. If he does then Mattis and Kelly and others will leave as well.
To entertain him and suck up to him in the White House? To make nice and be ever so pleasant and let him be here ON HIS TERMS? What an effrontery to everything The United States used to be.
Same thing PRECISELY. Only the 9/11 guys caused a lot of deaths. The election hackers caused our system to be upended and suspected and irrevocably damaged AND THEY ARE STILL... moreSame thing PRECISELY. Only the 9/11 guys caused a lot of deaths. The election hackers caused our system to be upended and suspected and irrevocably damaged AND THEY ARE STILL DOING IT RIGHT NOW! Both were TERRORISTS. The election hacking guy though is gonna eat on our dime and be entertained and canoodled with on our homeland soil. Does anyone else think that is way weird way bizarre way stupid dumb way TREASONOUS? Anyone?
A) Call all the hospitals.B) Gather up bail money.C) Frantically contact everyone both of you know until someone sings. D) Change the locks. Hopefully the person you stayed wi... moreA) Call all the hospitals.B) Gather up bail money.C) Frantically contact everyone both of you know until someone sings. D) Change the locks. Hopefully the person you stayed with will take you in because you're not welcome back.E) Wait patiently. Surely there's a good explanation. F) Something else. (Please explain.)
NOTE: this question was inspired by a similar one recently posted by another member.