When they kill/consume their own. Either literally or figuratively. Usually the enemy is "THE OTHER" and we cleave unto and protect our own kind. But there are some who have no loy... moreWhen they kill/consume their own. Either literally or figuratively. Usually the enemy is "THE OTHER" and we cleave unto and protect our own kind. But there are some who have no loyalty to anyone or anything but themselves. It is these who commit the most unspeakably evil deeds. Betray their own. Kill their own. Sell them out. Dispatch. Doom. Destroy. A special he** awaits them. If you can't trust your own kind to protect you what kind of scum are they who would do that reprehensible evil? We see such a scumbag out on the world stage. Our very own Comrade Bonespur. A more certain betrayal we have never seen perpetrated by a president. Shameless for those who know what shame is. Terrifying. Treacherous. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. It is fitting. And proper. And inevitable. :( less
Among cannibal animals are the followingPraying MantisBlack Widow SpiderTiger SalamanderSnd Tiger ShardChickenChimpanzeeRabbitHamsterThere are others, .Animals who eat their own. I... moreAmong cannibal animals are the followingPraying MantisBlack Widow SpiderTiger SalamanderSnd Tiger ShardChickenChimpanzeeRabbitHamsterThere are others, .Animals who eat their own. Icky poo yuck.
Instead of protecting American citizens against the enemy Comrade Bonespur delivers them upon request in timely fashion. That is being "considered" allegedly Per Sarah Liar Sanders... moreInstead of protecting American citizens against the enemy Comrade Bonespur delivers them upon request in timely fashion. That is being "considered" allegedly Per Sarah Liar Sanders. Bonespur and his security team are talking it over. That alone should shock y'all. You are all targets for that kind of treatment. Well except for the Comrade Bonespur corcuplent a** kissers. You are certainly because he needs you he wants he loves you and s long as are obedient and never cross him and always defend him you are safe. Of course unless he changes his mind and takes a great dislike to you for some reason. That is always a possibility! less
DEEPEST place on earth. Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines..36, 070 ft(almost 7 miles)DEEPEST place on land. Bentley Subglacial Trench in Antarctica.... moreDEEPEST place on earth. Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines..36, 070 ft(almost 7 miles)DEEPEST place on land. Bentley Subglacial Trench in Antarctica. 1.5876 miles.
With each walkback more sh** hits more fans so you keep it up trying to correct and just make it worse. Every single time you make it worse. Is there a limit to the number of walkb... moreWith each walkback more sh** hits more fans so you keep it up trying to correct and just make it worse. Every single time you make it worse. Is there a limit to the number of walkbacks per screwup or is it limitless endless infinite? SIGH! :(
Of course she can flee to a Russian Embassy and get sanctuary. But did you also know if she is inside a car no one can stop the car or search it? She has immunity inside the car so... moreOf course she can flee to a Russian Embassy and get sanctuary. But did you also know if she is inside a car no one can stop the car or search it? She has immunity inside the car so that is why she is under lock and key and being watched like a hawk. The Russians will try anything and everything to extract her including killing people. She is a potential goldmine of worthwhile information. So hopefully our guys can keep the bad guys from taking her. What a mess Comrade Bonespur has created on every level you can imagine and more. Full speed ahead. What's next? less
Now that is surely proof that the complete and thorough Russianization of Comrade Bonespur has been effected. Can you imagine any other president who would "consider" such a reques... moreNow that is surely proof that the complete and thorough Russianization of Comrade Bonespur has been effected. Can you imagine any other president who would "consider" such a request? Putin hates McFaul. There are also other Americans he hates and would like nothing more than to erase them from existence by whatever means possible. So now that Bonespur is "considering" the request with his security team how do you suppose that makes other United States employees stationed in foreign countries feel about their safety and security? They KNOW that Comrade Bonespur does not have their backs He does what Putin wants him to do. Which means of course that "they" can come for you too. Whether the final word is YES or NO the fact that Bonespur didn't laugh in Putin's face and say "of course I won't do that" tells us all we need to know about what he is now. Whatever it was he was before as icky yucky as it used to be is gone. He is now officially a lackey for Putin. Sleep well tonight. What's there to wo... less
The conspiracy collusion criminal treasonous traitorous enterprise spider web is endless and humongous. It stretches out into the Universe and it's doubtful we shall ever see its e... moreThe conspiracy collusion criminal treasonous traitorous enterprise spider web is endless and humongous. It stretches out into the Universe and it's doubtful we shall ever see its end. Suffice it to say collecting the information, investigating the criminals involved will never end because so many anti-Americans are involved. So far American citizens haven't been indicted. That is yet to come. But plenty of Russians are on the hotseat. Once done the trials will go on forever. Some pot of gold for lawyers!. Those are the jobs Comrade Bonespur can be thanked for helping to make richer and richer and richer. As if they needed it.. No coal mine jobs. No steel jobs. Just acres and acres and acres of lawyers. :( less
Yep. On the podium at a press conference, Her first one in two weeks. She interprets. The first prez to ever need one! I don't know what language her boss speaks though. It must be... moreYep. On the podium at a press conference, Her first one in two weeks. She interprets. The first prez to ever need one! I don't know what language her boss speaks though. It must be very arcane ancient obsolete. Sanskrit or Hieroglyphics?. Anyone know? :(
Jared Kushner, everyone's GOLDEN BOY, has been protected from being served subpoenas. At home, at work, at play. Isn't that a swell as he** benefit for being the SIL of Comrade Bon... moreJared Kushner, everyone's GOLDEN BOY, has been protected from being served subpoenas. At home, at work, at play. Isn't that a swell as he** benefit for being the SIL of Comrade Bonespur? Of course Comrade Bonespur is also protected as other various and sundries surrounded by Secret Service. I wonder if any of those folks feel guilty or are they all Comrade Bonespur devotees?. So if anyone is gonna serve Bonie with anything he/she will have work around the Secret Service. More special treatment. Where the he** does it end? Using government employees to prevent other government employees from doing their jobs. Sweet! :( less
"The Russian efforts are aimed at sowing discord and divisiveness in this country"-Christopher Wray"They continue their efforts to undermine our democracy"Mr Dan Coats -director of... more"The Russian efforts are aimed at sowing discord and divisiveness in this country"-Christopher Wray"They continue their efforts to undermine our democracy"Mr Dan Coats -director of National Intelligence How are they doing that -by creating various groups and influencing them to hate each other?
THE NEW YORK TIMESFrom the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin InterferedJames B. Comey, James R. Clapper Jr. and John O. Brennan at a Senate hearing on Russia’s ... moreTHE NEW YORK TIMESFrom the Start, Trump Has Muddied a Clear Message: Putin InterferedJames B. Comey, James R. Clapper Jr. and John O. Brennan at a Senate hearing on Russia’s election interference in January 2017.CreditAl Drago/The New York TimesBy David E. Sanger and Matthew Rosenberg. July 18, 2018WASHINGTON — Two weeks before his inauguration, Donald J. Trump was shown highly classified intelligence indicating that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had personally ordered complex cyberattacks to sway the 2016 American election.The evidence included texts and emails from Russian military officers and information gleaned from a top-secret source close to Mr. Putin, who had described to the C.I.A. how the Kremlin decided to execute its campaign of hacking and disinformation.Mr. Trump sounded grudgingly convinced, according to several people who attended the intelligence briefing. But ever since, Mr. Trump has tried to cloud the very clear findings that he received on Jan. 6, 2017, which his own int... less
The question is: "Will you wear an outfit made entirely out of unused plastic garbage, bin bag/liner as an outfit, why or why not?" What is their answer?
Or in some way weak? Here in the UK things are changing but many still believe counselling is for those who are weak, or who don't have any friends, or who are a bit mad...
I've had to get rid of my bed and my couch cause of issues with bedbugs in my apt building. about 3 months ago i got rid of my couch and had nothing to sleep o... more I've had to get rid of my bed and my couch cause of issues with bedbugs in my apt building. about 3 months ago i got rid of my couch and had nothing to sleep on so i went to walmart that afternoon and got me an airbed, I got one with a built in pump, it worked great for a while but now when i sleep at night it will deflate, not all the way which is nice since i have hip implants and would rather not have to get up from the floor all the time. and when i get up to go to the bathrm at night its lower than it was when i went to sleep. i find it annoying cause its not like i can blow it back up in the middle of the night cause my neighbors might complain since its loud, so i blow it up before i go to sleep. it didnt use to do that when i first got it. there is no holes in it, at least not that i know of. i cant get a regular bed cause if theyre still in the building they will nest on my mattress, i got the air bed on purpose so it couldnt do that and i havent seen bugs in months cause of i... less
Wonder how involved Comrade Bonespur may be in that mess? All the "Human" satellites surrounding him are very dodgy weird queer odd bizarre crooked bent pretzelized. He sure ... moreWonder how involved Comrade Bonespur may be in that mess? All the "Human" satellites surrounding him are very dodgy weird queer odd bizarre crooked bent pretzelized. He sure knows how to pick him doesn't he? He promised us the best people and I bet that was the best he could get since you couldn't pay the BEST people to work for him enough money to humiliate themselves like that. So his best is at best far less than mediocre at best. At worst? Wait and see. ::)
As long as the great god Putin tells Comrade Bonespur "no I didn't do it" Comrade Bonespur will believe him and support him. That is your future folks. This is not a national AMERI... moreAs long as the great god Putin tells Comrade Bonespur "no I didn't do it" Comrade Bonespur will believe him and support him. That is your future folks. This is not a national AMERICAN emergency we have going on right now. It is a GLOBAL WORLDWIDE emergency. The Comrade is useless. He is under some grand spell. Manchurian Candidate type. Completely brainwashed and slushy mushy conviction. No will. No spine. No nothing. Are ya game to see how far downhill the Comrade is ready to go for Putin? Place yer bets :( less
Comrade Bonespur wants to forget the past and start from now. Yes. That is exactly how stupid dumb he is. SIGH. This is the mind and "heart" and "spirit" and "emotion" and "h... moreComrade Bonespur wants to forget the past and start from now. Yes. That is exactly how stupid dumb he is. SIGH. This is the mind and "heart" and "spirit" and "emotion" and "humanity" we have to work with. How did we get stuck with such a mucky cluck?
I kinda like making them, or more, I worry I will forget stuff and I like to be productive.. I always give myself massive, 'to do' lists at the weekend, which is probably a shame, ... moreI kinda like making them, or more, I worry I will forget stuff and I like to be productive.. I always give myself massive, 'to do' lists at the weekend, which is probably a shame, and at the start of the summer break I have an enormous list of stuff to catch up on.... I usually manage to do most of it too and that is a good feeling.
Michael Hayden is a retired USAF 4-star general and former Director of the National Security Agency. To have such a one say OH MY GOD thrice should bother y'all BIGLY. Does it?