How are those things related you ask? I shall tell you. 62 % of the students attending that high school are Hispanic. So much for judging a book by its cover unless the parents of ... moreHow are those things related you ask? I shall tell you. 62 % of the students attending that high school are Hispanic. So much for judging a book by its cover unless the parents of these kids are Republicans. Does color matter? Just because a school is painted red, white and blue one shouldn't assume anything. Right? Why red, white and blue though? Have YOU ever seen any school painted in the same colors are the flag? Are we supposed to salute it as we pass by? Are we supposed to assume those who attend are more patriotic than those who attend other schools that are made of brick or stone or wood or cement or whatever? It seems to me that red, white and blue is symbolic. Of what? less
The hard right exemplified by Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows are at the forefront of bold things. Are they in charge? Haven't heard much about Nunes. Is his influence over and done wi... moreThe hard right exemplified by Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows are at the forefront of bold things. Are they in charge? Haven't heard much about Nunes. Is his influence over and done with and is he just another casualty or is he lying low planning wondrous things? Inquiring minds wanna know. Do YOU know?
Would Putin drop trump like a hot potato and distance himself? A powerless trump is useful for what to whom and why? A criminally-indicted trump has what leverage to whom for how l... moreWould Putin drop trump like a hot potato and distance himself? A powerless trump is useful for what to whom and why? A criminally-indicted trump has what leverage to whom for how long? How fast would Putin move on to the next useful idiot in line and erase trump from his memory banks? Any guesses?
There MUST BE some grand and glorious counterintelligence plan underlying all of it. Why else would a country's "leader" be so respectful and deferential to an enemy that has done ... moreThere MUST BE some grand and glorious counterintelligence plan underlying all of it. Why else would a country's "leader" be so respectful and deferential to an enemy that has done much harm and continues to do much harm? Any idea why TGITWH is acting so unpresidential and reverential? Is there something essential in his words and deeds that we are missing and don't understand? It must be very confidential and a deep-state maneuver. The potential for being beneficial is elusive. Any ideas or is it all TOP SECRET? His apparent LOVE for Putin makes no sense at all...superficially. Does it make sense at any level in any universe for any reason? less
Allegedly TGITWH sez he was just waiting for an invitation. Now this is a great and good old-fashioned test of strength. Arm wrestling perhaps? Which guy's arm will get smacked dow... moreAllegedly TGITWH sez he was just waiting for an invitation. Now this is a great and good old-fashioned test of strength. Arm wrestling perhaps? Which guy's arm will get smacked down hard on the table and which guy will be on top?Command performance on foreign soil...enemy territory. What could possibly go wrong, right?
Austin Clay did it with a pickax . Then he called the police, left the scene and later turned himself in. He destroyed it but his original plan was to steal it, sell it and g... moreAustin Clay did it with a pickax . Then he called the police, left the scene and later turned himself in. He destroyed it but his original plan was to steal it, sell it and give the money to 11 women who accused TGITWH of groping them. You know who bailed him out? James Otis, the guy who took a sledgehammer to it two years before. Clay could get up to 3 years in prison for vandalism. This is a very good example of "being neighborly". In the good old long ago olden days you lost your barn neighbors got together to help you rebuild it. Your lost your crops other farmers got together and chipped in to get you back on your feet. Today it is rare if unheard of for such a "neighborly" act to occur. In the day of "I've got mine get your own you lazy bum" it is almost unheard of. Warms the heart. Kinda. Doesn't it? less
if God is God then He made Muslims too right? Unless there are different Gods and the God of Christians is not omnipotent. What is God to you for those who believe in such a suprem... moreif God is God then He made Muslims too right? Unless there are different Gods and the God of Christians is not omnipotent. What is God to you for those who believe in such a supreme being? If God takes sides and is on your side why does he favor some of this creations and hold in disfavor others? Why would God make junk? How does that make any sense at all?
This administration has NO conscience and Republicans have no conscience.That is the difference.It will take a BLUE WAVE this MID TERM to effect any change that will save America f... moreThis administration has NO conscience and Republicans have no conscience.That is the difference.It will take a BLUE WAVE this MID TERM to effect any change that will save America from the SLAUGHTERHOUSE Trump has drained the swamp to contain.
just wondered cause i know this guy that is special needs and can work at this place doing factory type jobs but if i was to go there and... more just wondered cause i know this guy that is special needs and can work at this place doing factory type jobs but if i was to go there and apply they wont hire me. my sister is on disability and shes been working for yrs, I know this girl from this bible study ive been going to who was working at the golden corral for a while and she used to do meth, now shes back in jail, if i was to try and get a job there they probably wouldnt hire me, i heard shes back in jail for something like attempted murder and assault, she was out on bail, so why do people like that get hired so easily while im forced to be out of work for yrs cause noone will hire me?im bilingual too, ive never been in jail,never done drugs and dont even drink. any ideas? less
Not even one of the many. Did it not occur to them they were being unpatriotic? Or did they not care because patriotism is just a word and can't compare with getting dirt on an opp... moreNot even one of the many. Did it not occur to them they were being unpatriotic? Or did they not care because patriotism is just a word and can't compare with getting dirt on an opponent or having foreign governments pay big bucks to get you elected. T'is a pity or should be. Shouldn't it? Not one trump person at all did the right thing.