The fairy tale about "The Emperor's New Clothes" was a children's fantasy meant to emphasize the value of truth. A child points out that the emperor is NAKED and wearing no clothes... moreThe fairy tale about "The Emperor's New Clothes" was a children's fantasy meant to emphasize the value of truth. A child points out that the emperor is NAKED and wearing no clothes. All the adults who had been raving about the beauty of the Emperor's garments were taken aback. They saw what was not there. How is that possible? By suggestion? Wanting so much to believe in something they created it in the mind's eye? Mass hypnosis to which the child was immune? Do you tell the truth ALWAYS even when those around you insist that black is white day is night and rain is pure imagination all concocted for obfuscation by THE ENEMY? The purpose of that is what exactly? less
Collusion and conspiracy are the same. Criminal conspiracy IS A CRIME. ERGO so is criminal collusion. Now I know semantics gets kinda tricky but what is the differen ce between a b... moreCollusion and conspiracy are the same. Criminal conspiracy IS A CRIME. ERGO so is criminal collusion. Now I know semantics gets kinda tricky but what is the differen ce between a bank ROBBERY and a bank HEIST? None. All this circumlocution meant to confuse and obfuscate only makes the confusers look pathetic and ridiculous and ignorant.COLLUSION"A secret agreement esp. for fraudulent or treacherous purposes; CONSPIRACY""A secret understanding between two or more persons to gain something illegally, to defraud another of his or her rights"CONSPIRACY"The act of conspiring""An evil, unlawful or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot"The FIRST SYNONYM FOR CONSPIRACY IS COLLUSION.Any of you who insist on buying the lies RudyG et al is selling should CONSULT A DICTIONARY. COLLUSION/CONSPIRACY ARE THE SAME. NO DIFFERENCE. NONE. ZERO. NADA. ZIP. If you can read and comprehend then you can understand. Otherwise fuggeddaboutit! Sheesh. So much time spent promulgating baldfaced lie... less
Everyone has a price. Money can buy anything. Money is everything. Greed is good. God wants us all to be rich. God is on our side and hates our enemies. That about sums it up doesn't it? :(
If the drowning folks stayed out of the water they would not be drowning would they? So obviously they brought on themselves and therefore got what they deserved. Simplistic perhap... moreIf the drowning folks stayed out of the water they would not be drowning would they? So obviously they brought on themselves and therefore got what they deserved. Simplistic perhaps but that is exactly what some folks think. That is the extent of their ability to reason. It also absolves them of any responsibility whatsoever. Nice and tidy isn't it?
Who is the arbiter of "what you deserve"? How can that idea/view/philosophy/policy be separated from partisan politics or religion or any other mindset that is rigid aloof uncaring... moreWho is the arbiter of "what you deserve"? How can that idea/view/philosophy/policy be separated from partisan politics or religion or any other mindset that is rigid aloof uncaring and dispassionate? It is arrogance in its purest form. "You got what you deserved". Comforting words. SIGH. Sadly a view held by many who would not hold out a helping hand to folks who are drowning. Why should they get wet?
He cannot admit Russia installed him as prez even though he knowingly worked with them to effect that end. He thinks his protestations will bear fruit. All it does it show how abje... moreHe cannot admit Russia installed him as prez even though he knowingly worked with them to effect that end. He thinks his protestations will bear fruit. All it does it show how abjectly pathetic a person he is which we all already know.
It is always on the backs of the people. The despot dictator billionaire FAT CATS engorge themselves and drink till they are SATED while others die of starvation and dehydration. I... moreIt is always on the backs of the people. The despot dictator billionaire FAT CATS engorge themselves and drink till they are SATED while others die of starvation and dehydration. It is the way of despot dictators. They are the people TGITWH admires and is inspired to copycat. How d'ya like that?
That should build a he**uva wall $112 Billion and all! It's YOUR MONEY. You can't have it all. Which do you want MOST....Wall, Welfare Farm Bailout, Another humongous tax cut for m... moreThat should build a he**uva wall $112 Billion and all! It's YOUR MONEY. You can't have it all. Which do you want MOST....Wall, Welfare Farm Bailout, Another humongous tax cut for mostly the wealthy. I know it's a hard choice but that's why y'all get the big bucks. To make hard choices! SIGH.
~ basically just two notes played back and forth but I remember most, in spite of its limited use, the harmonica in the music score to "Magic"- - a scary movie I liked~ harmo... more~ basically just two notes played back and forth but I remember most, in spite of its limited use, the harmonica in the music score to "Magic"- - a scary movie I liked~ harmonica appears right away in the first two-minutes-long opening theme
For instance do you have to cross every t and dot every i for some people while others are able to comprehend what you allude to without your having to say so in so many words? How... moreFor instance do you have to cross every t and dot every i for some people while others are able to comprehend what you allude to without your having to say so in so many words? How do you react if they test you too?
I want to put this as DELICATELY as possible.The fox wants to eat the chickens. Why do you go to it and confer about what should happen to the chickens?Why would you confer with an... moreI want to put this as DELICATELY as possible.The fox wants to eat the chickens. Why do you go to it and confer about what should happen to the chickens?Why would you confer with any organization who has a dog in the fight or an ox to gore? Government is supposed to GOVERN based on what is best for the country and the people. How are consulting VESTED INTERESTS with specific agendas and goals going to be of any help to determine that? You consider regulations on the oil industry. You ask them what they would prefer and then roll over and give them precisely what they want? How is that GOVERNING and not capitulating? Something stinks bigly here. less
How often do you say "what does he see in her?" or "what does she see in him"? Maybe that's all that's going on folks. You wonder what the folks who support TGITWH see in him. Gott... moreHow often do you say "what does he see in her?" or "what does she see in him"? Maybe that's all that's going on folks. You wonder what the folks who support TGITWH see in him. Gotta be something there we don't see. We know what he sees in them. Deliverance dependability and loyalty.What is that indefinable something that causes bonding?