Or just the ones we are currently burdened by and with? Is it just our dumb luck or are we being punished for not paying attention, being too lazy to vote, being too indifferent to... moreOr just the ones we are currently burdened by and with? Is it just our dumb luck or are we being punished for not paying attention, being too lazy to vote, being too indifferent to care when it mattered most? An evil curse ?
It isn't the kids that are ineglible. It is the cold heartless calculated incompetent inept impotent stupid dumb government who screwed up bigly and refuses to fix the mess it crea... moreIt isn't the kids that are ineglible. It is the cold heartless calculated incompetent inept impotent stupid dumb government who screwed up bigly and refuses to fix the mess it created. What dolts!
How about money-laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud? Collusion, conspiracy? Being an agent of the enemy? Attacking the country you allegedly swore to protect and preserve while swee... moreHow about money-laundering, bank fraud, wire fraud? Collusion, conspiracy? Being an agent of the enemy? Attacking the country you allegedly swore to protect and preserve while sweet-talking the enemy and rolling over for him? How does treason sound? So you see the normal ordinary pedestrian typical average dirty tricks played by pols is the least of his worries. How about income tax evasion? His ace accountant has been subpoened. The guy knows everything there is to know about the financial dealings of everything TGITWH owns or has participated in for decades. There's a worry that isn't gonna be "alternative facted" away. less
Carroll formed friendships with children and really had none with adultsAlice was one of 3 sisters (Lorina and Edith the other two), children of Henry George Liddell, Dean of Chris... moreCarroll formed friendships with children and really had none with adultsAlice was one of 3 sisters (Lorina and Edith the other two), children of Henry George Liddell, Dean of Christ Church at Oxford.Carroll took photos of nude and semi-nude children including a full frontal of Alice's sister LorinaHe said "I confess I do not admire naked boys in pictures. They always seem to me to need clothes whereas one hardly ever sees why the lovely forms of girls should ever be covered up."He once wrote a 10-year-old girl "Extra thanks and kisses for the lock of hair. I have kissed it several times for want of having you to kiss you know, even hair is better than nothing".Perhaps you already knew this. I did not. It does make one wonder though what other backstories there are of what other writers. Better not to know? less
What is so seductive about BAD that it has its fans? What is so enticing about criminal, illegal, immoral that draws some to it? A walk on the dark side? A visit to a dangerous wor... moreWhat is so seductive about BAD that it has its fans? What is so enticing about criminal, illegal, immoral that draws some to it? A walk on the dark side? A visit to a dangerous world? Living on the edge? That's the answer to the why I guess. Russian Roulette! Different strokes and all. Y'all. :(
Liars are always accusing other liars of lying. Smart aren't they? They think that by making an accusation about someone else their lies will be minimized in the eyes of others. Do... moreLiars are always accusing other liars of lying. Smart aren't they? They think that by making an accusation about someone else their lies will be minimized in the eyes of others. Doesn't work that way. Along with LIAR such a person is also a HYPOCRITE. RudyG, TGITWH. LIARS and HYPOCRITES. How many others be there that do that? It doesn't matter how many others. The only thing matters is how much power do those other liars and hypocrites have over you? If none who gives a rat's a** how many lies they tell and how often they are hypocritical? No one. BUT when it is a person of unlimited power who lie and lies and lies and lies then it matters bigly continually. SIGH. Wonder why RudyG and others like him are such clueless dimwits? Accusing others of what you yourself are guilty of does NOT take the heat off you. It turns it up higher and higher and higher. less
Eagle Eyes they be always looking for words that offend them. Always ready to write/right/rite wrongs as they see them. Why they believe they are the arbiters of that I cannot fath... moreEagle Eyes they be always looking for words that offend them. Always ready to write/right/rite wrongs as they see them. Why they believe they are the arbiters of that I cannot fathom. But they have taken on the mantle of "protecting" people from everything that goes against THEIR ideas. Gotta be that way. They are dressed in red, white and blue of course and see themselves as VERY PATRIOTIC! Upholding the values and traditions and rules and regulations and laws and protocols and precedents of the United States of America. Oh. Wait. No. They do the exact opposite. They justify defend upending all of those things every day in every way with every breath they take, every move they make. Aren't they just the swellest things ya ever saw? So cute and all? Saluting the flag and singing the Anthem as they go about their duties to preserve protect...no... wait ---destroy attack. SIGH. Aren't we lucky to have 'em? less
Billions of years ago there was nothing. Today there is so much it is mind-boggling. How can you get anything from nothing? Wheat corn rice barley apple pears oranges plums peanuts... moreBillions of years ago there was nothing. Today there is so much it is mind-boggling. How can you get anything from nothing? Wheat corn rice barley apple pears oranges plums peanuts almonds cashews pineapple steel gold diamonds machines buildings computers televisions radios airplanes autos etcetera etcetera etcetera.
Mid-term elections are right around the corner. A few months away. We know they have continued to meddle. We know they have the ability to take out our power grids. WHAT IF o... more Mid-term elections are right around the corner. A few months away. We know they have continued to meddle. We know they have the ability to take out our power grids. WHAT IF on election day in November they shut everything down? How much chaos confusion would that create?
How many honorable people are out there doing the best job they know how to do versus those who are out for themselves who cheat and lie and betray every day at our expense? Would ... moreHow many honorable people are out there doing the best job they know how to do versus those who are out for themselves who cheat and lie and betray every day at our expense? Would you really want to know or are we better off not knowing? How depressed would it make you if you were to find out there are MILLIONS of them?
Senator Elizabeth Warren comes to mind with her advocacy of Consumer Protection agencies. Maybe Bernie Sanders too. Whatever other pols out there were advocates of clean air,... moreSenator Elizabeth Warren comes to mind with her advocacy of Consumer Protection agencies. Maybe Bernie Sanders too. Whatever other pols out there were advocates of clean air, clean water, clean land. Who else out there cares? Face it folks the deck is surely stacked against us. Of course it used to happen in the before and it will happen in the after but can it ever be worse than it is now? HOW?
Not only does Betsy de Vos shill for and promote private school vouchers she has investments in them. She is hawking products that will make her richer at the expense of public sch... moreNot only does Betsy de Vos shill for and promote private school vouchers she has investments in them. She is hawking products that will make her richer at the expense of public school education. We cannot fund two types of education. Since she makes money privatizing and has never attended a public school in her life why would you expect her to do what is best for we the people? Isn't that the best job anyone could ever have? Making decisions about things that can make you wealthier as it screws the needs of the public? And getting away with it in plain sight? Boy things have sure changed!. When you screwed folks you usually did it behind closed doors. This dame goes out and about proudly selling it. Betsy de Vos. Role Model for what TGITWH promised us. She is clearly one of the "BEST" people isn't she? less
Watering down drugs to make more money. People dieCharging exorbitant prices for drugs people cannot afford. People dieEliminating the pre-existing condition insurance covera... moreWatering down drugs to make more money. People dieCharging exorbitant prices for drugs people cannot afford. People dieEliminating the pre-existing condition insurance coverage as TGITWH wants to. People will die. Me among them.Child pronographySex slave tradeBeing president/king/despot/dictator/leader of a country
The job of prez is not a good fit. TGITWH knows it and desperately wants OUT. So he helps Mueller gather evidence of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and intimidating witnesse... moreThe job of prez is not a good fit. TGITWH knows it and desperately wants OUT. So he helps Mueller gather evidence of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and intimidating witnesses by tweeting threats and insults and attacks about lotsa folks. Mueller has so much evidence and information from the mouth(fingers) of TGITWH he probably doesn't know where to start. TGITWH meanwhile is getting very impatient wondering what is taking Mueller so long to charge him, subpoena him, indict him, get him out of his misery. So he keeps digging his hole deeper. If he doesn't realize he is grievously harming himself by doing that he is stupid. If he isn't stupid then it is purposeful and planned. Either way that's the prez folks apparently wanted and that's what they got. Label him however you want. It doesn't matter. less
Thinking perchance there might be one god around that actually exists The God that Christians asked for help never did anything for them -if they did ask.
If they only sign the Business name, should the bank refuse to honor the check? ie. If XYZ Biz pays car repairs.Check is made to ABC Auto and Signed XYZ BizShould the bank pay... moreIf they only sign the Business name, should the bank refuse to honor the check? ie. If XYZ Biz pays car repairs.Check is made to ABC Auto and Signed XYZ BizShould the bank pay it? Also if the XYZ Biz check is stolen....who is on the hook? The Auto repair who took the check (with NO ID and No personal signature) or the Bank who honored the check (with No personal signature)?
~ perhaps THE most perfect six minutes I've both seen and heard~ give it a listen and a view if you haven't seen this:)"Rockin' Back Inside My Heart" Julee Cruise
With the Chief Financial Officer of the trump organization ordered to appear before a Grand Jury wonder what TGITWH worries about? Forget Michael Cohen. Worry about your acco... moreWith the Chief Financial Officer of the trump organization ordered to appear before a Grand Jury wonder what TGITWH worries about? Forget Michael Cohen. Worry about your accountant don. Sweat that out. You don't really think he would take a bullet for you do you? He knows where every skeleton is buried from your daddy's days. That's a long time to commit a lot of crime and what you feared most is now coming true. An investigation into your taxes and finances and real estate deals including all those with Russians. Any money laundering? Time to flee the country? less