Inspired partially by this post and its answers and comments:
The majorly enormous jacka** took a snippet from the episode not realizing he was indicting his boss and the entire gubment. Once again a hipshot hotshot superficial glance at some... moreThe majorly enormous jacka** took a snippet from the episode not realizing he was indicting his boss and the entire gubment. Once again a hipshot hotshot superficial glance at something that was all about something else. Dumb sh**! How is he gonna get out of that? I dunno. Let him sink in it.Nancy Pelosi ripped up dumb don's SOTU speech.The Simpson character tearfully rips up a piece of paperWhat jacka** didn't know was the tearful character talked about CORRUPTION IN GUBMENT giving a resounding INDICTMENT OF IT. That was the point of the episode. CORRUPTION IN GUBMENT but the dumba** clearly didn't know that. Dumb and dumber. You think you've seen rock bottom in deep dumb and then you're wrong because another dumb jacka** goes wronger still and the rock bottoming is deeper still deeper still deeper. They are all alike. Vying with one another for dumbest dumb among them. The winner gets to have dinner with dumb don at Mar a Lago at which time and place Melania will give such dumb bunny the Medal of Freedom. Nice... less
The dumb don didn't have to lift a finger. He just watched along with everyone else as the Dem organization in Iowa kept shooting itself in the foot. Still no complete results. Sti... moreThe dumb don didn't have to lift a finger. He just watched along with everyone else as the Dem organization in Iowa kept shooting itself in the foot. Still no complete results. Still stuck at 71%! The longer the stuck the worse they are in the muck.Is there any coming back from this? It will always be the centerprice of the 2020 prez election. A black eye for Iowa? Sit back relax and watch the fun. See a political party that SHOULD HAVE HAD THE UPPER hand dissolve. No excuses. No cover up. No lying denying "alternate reality" spokesmouths to make it okay. It happened. I won't ever unhappen. What next? The Apocalypse? Armageddon? The Rapture? Left Behind? less
Why is that "necessary"? They want more land so they take yours. Is that 'want" really necessary or just another form of evil with which normal people have to contend? I dunno. It'... moreWhy is that "necessary"? They want more land so they take yours. Is that 'want" really necessary or just another form of evil with which normal people have to contend? I dunno. It's complicated.
You are ALWAYS on the side of power and anyone who undermines those who report on ABUSES of power should be shot down assassinated silenced? No morality integrity honor then right?... moreYou are ALWAYS on the side of power and anyone who undermines those who report on ABUSES of power should be shot down assassinated silenced? No morality integrity honor then right? POWER ROCKS ROLLS RULES? Sheesh. SIGH.
Breathtaking technological advancements achievements since ancient times when the wheel and fire were the hottest things (no pun intended) homo saps had going for them.Character de... moreBreathtaking technological advancements achievements since ancient times when the wheel and fire were the hottest things (no pun intended) homo saps had going for them.Character development? Hahahahahahahahahaha! Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman!Why is that? Why have we been able to achieve marvelous things but as a species we fight to kill and fight to get what others have and fight to be the most powerful and fight just because we like to fight? Makes no sense that such a shoddy source as homo sap has soared intellectually but disappeared morally. Go figger. less
Why the con scam puppy and kitten pretense of having others contend for the presidency? Waste of money and time and bullsh**! The GOP voters will SLAM DUNK for dumb don. They have ... moreWhy the con scam puppy and kitten pretense of having others contend for the presidency? Waste of money and time and bullsh**! The GOP voters will SLAM DUNK for dumb don. They have no choice. There will be camera in every booth taking photos of how they vote and any who dare go off the range will be SEVERELY dealt with. Though it won't matter because their votes will be changed to comply with the plan that there will be no one who dares run against DA MAN. He's got this.
Firstly he will incarcerate all who have ever criticized him. The budget will go 95% to building more prisons to house the billions who have crossed him. The 5% of the budget left ... moreFirstly he will incarcerate all who have ever criticized him. The budget will go 95% to building more prisons to house the billions who have crossed him. The 5% of the budget left will go to everything else starting with DEFENSE and ending up with social security/medicare. Of course. DUH. Anyone knows THAT. Everyone says so. If you aren't part of everyone you will be shipped off to somewhere else.Secondly he will change the pledge of allegiance to"I pledge allegiance to dumb don and all the evil he represents and will support everything he has done done or will do and you will too if you know what's good for you!"That's it. That's the pledge. A whole lot simpler than the one we currently have isn't it?He will roll along singing a song and will die in office because he will have replaced the constitution with making him and his offspring and their offspring kings for life for eternity in perpetuity. Even the dames will be king. It's a guy thing.Each remaining dumb don-approved homo sap will be given a list of DIR... less
How do you show mercy to the merciless and forgiveness to those who do nothing but hurt harm destroy sabotage annihilate? It does not compute for me. How/why does it compute for you?
With 71% of the votes in this is the way it lays out at the moment vis a vis the iowa caucusesPete 26.8%Bernie 25.2%Liz &... moreWith 71% of the votes in this is the way it lays out at the moment vis a vis the iowa caucusesPete 26.8%Bernie 25.2%Liz 18.2%Joe 15.4%So dumb don put all his eggs in the biden basket and tripped. He was impeached because of his lust for getting fake dirt on joe. He thought joe was his sure thing competition. What if joe ain't it? The nitwit don done done himself in for a fantasy that was never gonna be reality. A fitting end to an idiot's swordplay with windmills. Full of sound and fury signifying NOTHING.All for naught would indeed be the best revenge against the monster. Delicious if it holds true everywhere. Delicious for the moment if it only holds true for Iowa.The stupid dumb threw away his presidency for nothing. The stupid dumb will always be an asterisked prez who was IMPEACHED in the HOUSE for stupidity? That would be awesome. We'll see what happens. Everyone sez so. That I can tell you. less
Glad you asked.Marine General Frank McKenzie (top US commander for the mideast) is very QUIETLY in Iraq trying to mend relations. The don annihilates and it's up the adults wearing... moreGlad you asked.Marine General Frank McKenzie (top US commander for the mideast) is very QUIETLY in Iraq trying to mend relations. The don annihilates and it's up the adults wearing big boy pants to try to undue the damage and try to salvage anything possible.BLOW IT UP don! What could it hurt?
It seems jared the k is slow walking the TAKEOVER OF THE WEST BANK. What does jared the k have to do with anything? Why doesn't net JUST INVADE AND TAKE IT? Who is going to argue w... moreIt seems jared the k is slow walking the TAKEOVER OF THE WEST BANK. What does jared the k have to do with anything? Why doesn't net JUST INVADE AND TAKE IT? Who is going to argue with that? Oh well maybe the Palestinians might have something to offer and maybe those who support them might put in a word or two but the awesome net can blow it up before he is removed from office for corruption. What's stopping him?
For me the grocery store would be BRISTOL FARMS and the clothing store would be BLOOMINGDALE'S. NEIMAN MARCUS would be a very close second. At outlet malls they have the designer b... moreFor me the grocery store would be BRISTOL FARMS and the clothing store would be BLOOMINGDALE'S. NEIMAN MARCUS would be a very close second. At outlet malls they have the designer brands of course but the AMBIANCE is very different. Those outlet stores are the last stop in the lives of the things sold there. What happens to things that don't sell? Do they discard them or give them to homeless shelters thrift shops?
Here 'tis...I'm at work and I have this man I work on who is a golfer. He has an inflamed psoas. Too much torque in his swing. So, he needs a massage in his freak... moreHere 'tis...I'm at work and I have this man I work on who is a golfer. He has an inflamed psoas. Too much torque in his swing. So, he needs a massage in his freaking groin area. This is delicate. I don't want to do that area and we are not supposed to work it.So... I recommended he do a CBD massage and I would give him a free hotstone with it. Even though he is rich, he is cheap. So he brought his own cbd in. It was a $60 small jar. My CBD massage would have been only $30. SO, I used the whole jar on him. And I played all my Billie Eilish while doing it since the true proof that it works (the C B D) is if you can listen to music you never listened to before and not freak out about it.He liked her and the massage. ( CBD is good) less