Trump congratulated the Kansas City Chiefs on their Super bowl win and he added that the Chiefs had made Kansas State proud. The Chief's actually hail from neighbouring ... moreTrump congratulated the Kansas City Chiefs on their Super bowl win and he added that the Chiefs had made Kansas State proud. The Chief's actually hail from neighbouring Missouri so I figure when Trump realizes he made a mistake be will get a map and draw a new border that shows Missouri is part of Kansas. Cheers!
Apparently society puts a bazillion pounds of pressure for people to have kids and she wants them to know it's OK not to want kids or have them.As if we don't already KNOW that?Peo... moreApparently society puts a bazillion pounds of pressure for people to have kids and she wants them to know it's OK not to want kids or have them.As if we don't already KNOW that?People will hoor for any topic to make a buck. I think it sucks.When people decide not to have kids I congratulate them. They would have made lousy parents so they save a kid a miserable life.SIGH. Follow the money.
What they say out loud and HOW THEY VOTE in private ain't necessarily the same. Ain't it a shame that don WILL NEVER KNOW HOW HIS WUSSES voted! NEVER KNOW FOR SURE. NEVER KNOW FOR ... moreWhat they say out loud and HOW THEY VOTE in private ain't necessarily the same. Ain't it a shame that don WILL NEVER KNOW HOW HIS WUSSES voted! NEVER KNOW FOR SURE. NEVER KNOW FOR SURE. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER KNOW.Talk is cheap remember.
Will they comply until they die and give the don party line version?What would you do if you weren't you but were one of them? Spill your guts? Tell the truth before you die so you... moreWill they comply until they die and give the don party line version?What would you do if you weren't you but were one of them? Spill your guts? Tell the truth before you die so you won't be haunted and hounded by guilt or stay true blue until the end in the thereafter and keep sticking to your story of perfect contentment for the perfect man whom a Perfect God sent to provide them with the perfection of God's protection?
Why buy all of them when one will do?Which one will you put out your hard-earned bucks for?MitchLindsayet alI expect that don will dog them as long as they live to make sure they n... moreWhy buy all of them when one will do?Which one will you put out your hard-earned bucks for?MitchLindsayet alI expect that don will dog them as long as they live to make sure they never step out of line. I wonder though.
I've never smoked seriously in my life so I can't speak to it authoritatively. I tried it once when I was 10 and it cured me! But it seems that giving up smoking is a very ha... moreI've never smoked seriously in my life so I can't speak to it authoritatively. I tried it once when I was 10 and it cured me! But it seems that giving up smoking is a very hard thing to do for some people. Others can quit cold turkey. My dad did. My brother-in-law did. So did my sister but she had a much harder time with it than her husband did. Is it a psychological addiction more than a physical one? I always thought "it gives me something to do with my hands" was a very lame reason to start smoking. Anyway I just wonder why giving up something that could potentially kill you or others as it has proven to do a zillion times would be difficult at all? Do you too? Shouldn't it be a NO BRAINER? A bottle labeled POISON is not something you should keep ingesting. Neither is a cigarette something you should inhale or exhale or get involved with at all. . less
Do you hope he does a splendid job, sticks to the script written for him EXACTLY and rocks or hope he goes on a tirade hissy fit rant off script and humiliates himself once again?Why?
Get rid of them right? Just a bunch of trashy crap. No value no worth no useful life.THEN you have to build something to replace what you destroyed. That's the tough part. Why do N... moreGet rid of them right? Just a bunch of trashy crap. No value no worth no useful life.THEN you have to build something to replace what you destroyed. That's the tough part. Why do NIHILISTS blow stuff up without already having a replacement society on deck ready to bat? the dumb don NIHILISTS got off on the blowup. They don't think that far ahead. They are so entranced with the BLOWING UP they do not spend any time on what comes after.What should come after in your opinion? Why?
Some folks have a steel rod up their butts. For this or that or the other. I wonder how that steel rod got shoved up there?. They had to have help right? No one is THAT flexible.
Do you always have a big party with booze and food and raucously go nuts if "your team" loses? What's the big deal anyway?What "WE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD" sports trophy means th... moreDo you always have a big party with booze and food and raucously go nuts if "your team" loses? What's the big deal anyway?What "WE ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD" sports trophy means the most to you?Super Bowl Ring for FOOTBALLStanley Cup for ICE HOCKEYBASEBALL CHAMPIONSSOCCER CHAMPIONSBASKETBALL CHAMPIONSTennis and golf are individual sports not team.
The 5th stated definition is very interesting.5.The principles of a RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARY group active in the latter half of the 19th century holding that existing social and polit... moreThe 5th stated definition is very interesting.5.The principles of a RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONARY group active in the latter half of the 19th century holding that existing social and political institutions must be destroyed in order to clear the way for a new state of society and employing extreme measures including terrorism and assassination.Didn't Steven Bannon early on in the dumb don bid for presidency state that everything should blown up to start all over again?Hasn't dumb don done exceedingly well at effecting that at the feet of the Russian ex-KGB head vlad putin baby? Vlad put in the order and dumb don rolled over and has done nothing but DESTROY existing institutions/ protections. Dumb don is such a very obedient liddle boy isn't he?So dumb don is obviously a NIHILIST as are all his adoring worshippers. NIHILISM is alive and well in Russia and America and wherever despot dictators evildoers are in control.Now y'all know what you are. Y'all who adore dumb don. Happy? less
Is the pain toleration level of those who have many tattoos everywhere on their bodies less? Do you have to be drunk to get a tattoo because it hurts less? I mean a needle in the b... moreIs the pain toleration level of those who have many tattoos everywhere on their bodies less? Do you have to be drunk to get a tattoo because it hurts less? I mean a needle in the body when you get an shot isn't ever really pleasant. To undergo hours of needles in the body seems really painful. Is it? And having a diamond stud on your tongue or cheek? It's very brave painwise I think. I'm a chicken so I would not voluntarily get holes poked in my body. No pierced ears.
Can a PERFECTIONIST and one who isn't achieve long-lasting happiness together?Sure. That's Jim and me. He is the perfectionist. I'm not. Here we are still together 23 years later.I... moreCan a PERFECTIONIST and one who isn't achieve long-lasting happiness together?Sure. That's Jim and me. He is the perfectionist. I'm not. Here we are still together 23 years later.Is your story the same? One of you is and one of you ain't isn't a perfectionist?
Those of you who see yourselves as being perfectionists have a very bumpy road ahead. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. So you strive to achieve the impossible. Must be very f... moreThose of you who see yourselves as being perfectionists have a very bumpy road ahead. Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. So you strive to achieve the impossible. Must be very frustrating and disappointing when you don't. Did you get paid for getting good grades?
And we ABSOTIVELY POSILUTELY must look down upon and soundly roundly CHASTIZE CHASTIZE those who do it PURPOSELY! That is way way way way worser. Verbal evilsayers aren't so swell.... moreAnd we ABSOTIVELY POSILUTELY must look down upon and soundly roundly CHASTIZE CHASTIZE those who do it PURPOSELY! That is way way way way worser. Verbal evilsayers aren't so swell. May they roast in he** slowly.HOW DARE THEY PLAY WITH WORDS? WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE? WHOM DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?