Though plague he is most assuredly he is very puny very weak very inept and impotent. Still how many homo saps will the white plague with orange hair have harmed before he is wiped... moreThough plague he is most assuredly he is very puny very weak very inept and impotent. Still how many homo saps will the white plague with orange hair have harmed before he is wiped out stamped out put out and no longer a threat to mankind? Millions/BILLIONS?
The don believes and believes in PUTIN and RUSSIA and so too do the dumb don donettes. Question is were they always anti-America pro-Russia but afraid to speak up until dumb don ma... moreThe don believes and believes in PUTIN and RUSSIA and so too do the dumb don donettes. Question is were they always anti-America pro-Russia but afraid to speak up until dumb don made it OBLIGATORY? Trash the US everything and suck up to Russian everything. Who knew this was the fate to be revered celebrated that came along with the dumb don brand? At least some so-called "American citizens" are over the moon with joy at being finally let out of their box of silence. No longer need to pretend they love America. They do not. They spit on the Constitution spit on the history spit on the rules the laws the protocol. They spit on it all with the permission and admiration of the dumb don. He is so proud of what he has wrought. He intends to wrought more like that and accelerate the wroughting. What is there to stop him? Who will dare go against him? The monster that lies in the deep. You don't want to upset him or you will "die". That's how the Republican Senate eunuchs feel because you see how easily greedily faithfu... less
Some people live to goad others. They get off on it. For whatever reason.Do you allow them to drag you into their arena? Are you always up for a good "fight"? Why?
Including politics politicians advocates for wrongdoing undoing. Trivial. Irrelevant. Puny. Unimportant. TEMPORARY Turgid. Trash heap of history is replete with such ignominious pe... moreIncluding politics politicians advocates for wrongdoing undoing. Trivial. Irrelevant. Puny. Unimportant. TEMPORARY Turgid. Trash heap of history is replete with such ignominious periods in human history. A blip on the radar screen. Now you see it now you don't. Arriving here gone. What was it? Remember that when dumb don and the dumb don donettes act up. Trivial. Irrelevant.Puny. Unimportant. TEMPORARY. SHORT-LIVED. When in the throes of food poisoning the pain is unbearable. But it doesn't last. Same with dumb don. He is unbearable but he won't last. To that end we can focus our energies He is unbearable but he won't last. less
Take cake. There are lots of different kinds and many of the ingredients are identical from one to the other. Slight variations proportions but still basically flour sugar eggs som... moreTake cake. There are lots of different kinds and many of the ingredients are identical from one to the other. Slight variations proportions but still basically flour sugar eggs some kind of fat/liquid/ You can add cocoa powder or nuts or fruit or different flavorings but cake is cake is cake is cake. You don't confuse it with pie or cookies or pudding.Angel Food, Devil's Food, carrot cake, fruitcake, pound cake.What's YOUR favorite cake? Is it one you often make? Does your cake "take the cake"?
I expect it's unwise to be 100% honest 24/7. Some things we just let slide to move on and not get entangled in a conversation we've no desire to be in. Short sweet move on.
While LUST is defined firstly in the dictionary as it pertains to sexual desire that is not where it stops or all it is. If you read far enough in the definition you will find it c... moreWhile LUST is defined firstly in the dictionary as it pertains to sexual desire that is not where it stops or all it is. If you read far enough in the definition you will find it covers a far broader landscape.3. A passionate or overmastering desire or craving as in "a LUST FOR POWER"Ardent enthusiasm as in a LUST for lifeTo have a strong yearning or desire or excessive cravingWhy do people stop at the surface and not dig deeper? I have no idea.
You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every politician is corrupt in some way. Life is too short to spend it worrying about things you can’t control. That... moreYou’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every politician is corrupt in some way. Life is too short to spend it worrying about things you can’t control. That’s my opinion, at least.
The dumb don dense defense and cabal et al do that 24/7 on TV no less. They lie and then they are outed by having on TAPE and AUDIO what they deny. Does that ever cause them to sto... moreThe dumb don dense defense and cabal et al do that 24/7 on TV no less. They lie and then they are outed by having on TAPE and AUDIO what they deny. Does that ever cause them to stop the lies? Are you kidding? They double down double down the double down and double double double down the double with a straight face no less. The sincerity OOZES out of every pore. The stench is intolerable as they lie some more. I suppose they do not ever notice it. The adamant insistence that they are right is laughable unphotographable stay little valentine stay...each day is valentine's day. But I digress. less
I thought the reincarnated were the ones fated to serve out their lives experiencing the effects of what their actions were in prior lives.How is this any kind of justice for the r... moreI thought the reincarnated were the ones fated to serve out their lives experiencing the effects of what their actions were in prior lives.How is this any kind of justice for the rest of us who are so badly damaged by this monstrous man?Can anyone explain why he gets to live THIS LIFE as he does harming the entire world? What's it all about Alfie?
He has rallies to lie to his base frequently directly because he is so afraid if he doesn't surround them with constant lies they could get wise and discover he is the vert best li... moreHe has rallies to lie to his base frequently directly because he is so afraid if he doesn't surround them with constant lies they could get wise and discover he is the vert best liar the world has ever produced and also the very worst homo sap. They go together. Best liar/worst homo sap. PBJ. Ham and eggs. No kidding!
His a** will be nailed to the wall and he will be tried and found guilty and jailed and die in prison. At least he'll lose some weight. He won't an obese old man. No tweets no rall... moreHis a** will be nailed to the wall and he will be tried and found guilty and jailed and die in prison. At least he'll lose some weight. He won't an obese old man. No tweets no rallies no interviews no communication. Held in solitary confinement 24/7. He has worked so hard to get what he deserves. Why would we deny him that happy ending?
Not at all. He had the support and blind devotion adoration of y'all. Spend the money. Who cares? Conservative is a figment of someone's imagination. For the dumb don crowd all the... moreNot at all. He had the support and blind devotion adoration of y'all. Spend the money. Who cares? Conservative is a figment of someone's imagination. For the dumb don crowd all they care about are FASCIST judges and ANTI WOMEN'S HEALTH legislation and KEEPING PEOPLE OF COLOR OUT OF THE COUNTRY and BADMOUTHING DEMS and GOING AFTER AND DESTROYING ALL OF DUMB DON'S ENEMIES OF WHOM THERE VERY MANY AND GROWING MANIER BY THE DAY.Character is worthless. Y'all don't give a dam* about it. Just keep your jobs a jobbing and your money flowing in and legislating your religion to force others to what YOU want and you don't care what dumb don does including annihilating everyone he hates. You'd support anything he does. Go for it! Rally it! Tweet it! Twit it! It's all ya got and all ya want. You are satisfied with roadkill. Must hit your tastebuds. less
The Republicans in the House and especially the Republicans in the Senate ARE ALL CHATTEL.PROPERTY of the greedy money-hungry hoor dumb don. He owns them lock stock and barrel. The... moreThe Republicans in the House and especially the Republicans in the Senate ARE ALL CHATTEL.PROPERTY of the greedy money-hungry hoor dumb don. He owns them lock stock and barrel. Their families too because whatever they think they own he owns them and all they possess. A pathetic holding by any standard. Girly men eunuch males and flibitty gibit "yes dear" women. A fine estate to pass on to his kids along with all the billions he has stolen extorted demanded.. They are all the PROPERTY of dumb don INCLUDING dumb don dense defense team and the cabal et al. less
Why would you believe a guy who only ever opens his mouth to tell lies? Tweets lies? Rallies lies? Lies about all his lies? I know he is wise and an extremely stable genius but ya ... moreWhy would you believe a guy who only ever opens his mouth to tell lies? Tweets lies? Rallies lies? Lies about all his lies? I know he is wise and an extremely stable genius but ya see he never said he was an HONEST wise extremely stable genius did he? How come why not? He didn't get around to it? Didn't think about it? Or knows you don't give a rat's a** that he lies 24/7 so he figgered he wouldn't have to lie about that. He gives you way too much credit right? Or is it really way too little?
For me it would be an opium den or a drug-addicts hangout. A brothel or bullfight or FIGHT CLUB. A political rally. A political convention. A gun show. A safari. A locked room fill... moreFor me it would be an opium den or a drug-addicts hangout. A brothel or bullfight or FIGHT CLUB. A political rally. A political convention. A gun show. A safari. A locked room filled with snakes all writhing all poisonous. A girl's night out. Shopping with anyone for anything at any time. A slaughter house. A puppy mill. An execution hanging lynching. A gin joint filled with drunks. An ancient roman entertainment of lions eating Christians or slaves fighting to the death. Any battlefront during a war. Watching a firing squad do its job. Being forced to listen to every word of a speech made by someone I cannot stand. Being in the company of unfriendly people. Black Friday out and about anywhere. The site of any massacre especially of children.That's a dam* long list and if I were to give more time to it it would be longer. Is your list of "dare nots" as long or longer? less
"Space-time is swirling around a dead star proving Einstein right again about General Relativity". Isn't that exciting? Did Einstein ever get anything wrong?The concept of space-ti... more"Space-time is swirling around a dead star proving Einstein right again about General Relativity". Isn't that exciting? Did Einstein ever get anything wrong?The concept of space-time boggles my mind. It is an entity in reality.
When dumb don and the dumb don dense cabal et al are gone Sally Ann Conway will write a BESTSELLER to END ALL BESTSELLERS disclosinghow she and George WERE ALWAYS ON THE SAME PAGE ... moreWhen dumb don and the dumb don dense cabal et al are gone Sally Ann Conway will write a BESTSELLER to END ALL BESTSELLERS disclosinghow she and George WERE ALWAYS ON THE SAME PAGE POLITICALLY and she told him every little thing that she experienced day after day and they ridiculed and laughed about how dumb dumb don really was to keep her on all that time as she was totally and completely CONNING him! She's ain't a CONWAY for nuttin' honey!
So mike pompousa** attended West Point? Fellow west pointer Retired Army Major General Paul Eaton said that about the infamous a**. Nothing like receiving an unsolicited opinion/ev... moreSo mike pompousa** attended West Point? Fellow west pointer Retired Army Major General Paul Eaton said that about the infamous a**. Nothing like receiving an unsolicited opinion/evaluation by a peer is there?DISGUSTING PERFORMANCE rings true. There are many other dumb don dense defenders who share that noble designation. DISGUSTING PERFORMERS ENGAGE IN DISGUSTING PERFORMANCES. It is a well-known given. Everyone say so. That I can tell you! Ringing endorsement that the pompoua** is living up to his potential. That is essential for everyone isn't it? less
Allegedly it could be up to a couple hundred bucks. Cash for votes.Allegedly they are NOT going into white neighborhood and doing likewise. BIGOTRY! REVERSE RACISM!I know. That use... moreAllegedly it could be up to a couple hundred bucks. Cash for votes.Allegedly they are NOT going into white neighborhood and doing likewise. BIGOTRY! REVERSE RACISM!I know. That used to be done all the time and probably still is. It was called "walking around money" or something and the big bosses in the different neighborhoods did that as a matter of course to buy votes.So dumb don's dense defenders are NOT at all original. As usual they are copycatting the ideas of others.What would you demand to buy your vote? Also how would anyone KNOW whether or not you cheated and took the money and voted for dumb don's opponent? They wouldn't. Ahah! I see why folks would take the money and run. Wouldn't you? I would even though money ain't my carrot. Just taking it and not selling what the jerks think they are buying would be very worth it. Shell game. Shill game. And so it goes! And then I'd contribute it to the opponent. Salt in the wound don'tcha know? These dummies would be financing the dumb don opponents. Isn't that ... less