Hezbollah (therefore Iran) maintains SLEEPER AGENTS in America waiting to be activated by a coded signal to commit mass murder and create maximum chaos.A sleeper agent named Ali Lo... moreHezbollah (therefore Iran) maintains SLEEPER AGENTS in America waiting to be activated by a coded signal to commit mass murder and create maximum chaos.A sleeper agent named Ali Lourani sez he is just waiting for the signal.Whether the extremely stable genius stupid dumb don done done enough to warrant activation remains to be seen.If the extremely stable genius wisely stupid dumb don actually does destroy historical treasures it will certainly trigger rage and action.Is the extremely stable genius wisely stupid dumb don actually that stupid dumb or is he just running off at the mouth because he doesn't know what he has done or how it will be received?That remains to be seen as well. Meanwhile are y'all havin' a he** of a time waiting to see what your beloved timebomb guy will do next? Someone pulled the pin. When this grenade lands it will be too late to regret take back bemoan. Y'all will be gone. Blown to smithereens. less
Assassinating an Iranian big shot military guy from a country that is one of his pals will does not please the vlad or make him glad but will make him mad as he**!The doofus dumb d... moreAssassinating an Iranian big shot military guy from a country that is one of his pals will does not please the vlad or make him glad but will make him mad as he**!The doofus dumb don is on his way to being the greatest whatever ever known.For y'all you'll say GOD gave him to you and so he is the second coming and the greatest prez there ever will be. For the rest of us who aren't ensnared in his evil web what will he go down in history as being the very "best" of?
PULL OUT OF THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEALASSASSINATE A MILITARY BIGSHOT IN A COUNTRY WITH WHOM WE WERE NOT AT WAR?Hard cherse ain't it? Both exceedingly stupid dumb and dumber.Will what he... morePULL OUT OF THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEALASSASSINATE A MILITARY BIGSHOT IN A COUNTRY WITH WHOM WE WERE NOT AT WAR?Hard cherse ain't it? Both exceedingly stupid dumb and dumber.Will what he does next whatever it is be stupid dumber still?
The Nuremburg Trials that charged tried and convicted Nazis will be nothing in comparison to the trials focusing on the war crimes of the IMPEACHED FOREVER crazed bull paper tiger ... moreThe Nuremburg Trials that charged tried and convicted Nazis will be nothing in comparison to the trials focusing on the war crimes of the IMPEACHED FOREVER crazed bull paper tiger hapless witness dumba** jacka**.Believe it. The world will not likely let him get away with it though his adoring worshippers love him for all he has done in the same of SATAN! To their dying day with their dying breath they will sing his praises. That is exactly what the antiChrist was predicted to do. Didja know? He would charm the people and make them believe in him and then the denouement the end.Is the IMPEACHED FOREVER crazed bull paper tiger don the anti-christ? I do not know but he will do until the real one comes along. Smoothing the path. Paving the way. Turning people into willing sheeple to accept adore abide obey. less
Y'all are real lucky cuz you're gonna get even more of the same. Until he take takes us down a road from which there will be no return you sit and watch and listen and admire befor... moreY'all are real lucky cuz you're gonna get even more of the same. Until he take takes us down a road from which there will be no return you sit and watch and listen and admire before you expire. Any day now.
Last I heard it will cost ya $250K per year to be a member. You get to hobnob with the same ilk as you providing you are obscenely wealthy. Golf and dining and hobnobbing with all ... moreLast I heard it will cost ya $250K per year to be a member. You get to hobnob with the same ilk as you providing you are obscenely wealthy. Golf and dining and hobnobbing with all the "best" people. You get access to the crazed bull paper tiger IMPEACHED FOREVER don and might end up an Ambassador or in his cabinet if you play your cards right. A la la land of elegance and glamor and rich bit**es and bas**rds whose only care or concern is self. Whatta life. Whatta a glam man. The world in his hands coming apart at the seams and he plays golf! Of course he does because he can. less
Prisons and jails treat folks far to humanely. Anyone anywhere anti the great him will be dispatched for life to a labor camp. Mebbe Russia will gift him with some of their harshes... morePrisons and jails treat folks far to humanely. Anyone anywhere anti the great him will be dispatched for life to a labor camp. Mebbe Russia will gift him with some of their harshest land on which to build these LABOR CAMPS.The first to go? Anyone who criticizes the delicate flower sensitive soul weak sister aka crazed bull paper tiger the great IMPEACHED FOREVER don! Ain't he got class and sass and pisass?
What's he gonna dew? Where's he gonna goa? Have no fear m'dears. He goether to the BIG HOUSE to work directly for the crazed bull paper tiger don.A step up or a step down? You decide.
VTB Bank, a Russian state-owned bank, backed DEUTSCHE BANK when it extended loans to the crazed bull paper tiger don. He was such a gawd-awful risk NO ONE WOULD LOAN HIM ANY MONEY!... moreVTB Bank, a Russian state-owned bank, backed DEUTSCHE BANK when it extended loans to the crazed bull paper tiger don. He was such a gawd-awful risk NO ONE WOULD LOAN HIM ANY MONEY! Russia to the rescue!Another first. What other amurrican "prez" obtained backing for huge loans from a hostile foreign country?Strings attached to that backing? Promises made by the crazed bull paper tiger don? Follow the money. All roads lead to Putin.This is why the crazed bull paper tiger don has done what he has done. He OWES Russia BIGLY. Proud of him aren'tcha? Anything for money honey. Sell out my country? Sure why not what could it hurt? less
He died in a local hospice after being sent from one hospital to another. He had several strokes after a "summer from hell" for both of us. He died in my arms. I felt rather peacef... moreHe died in a local hospice after being sent from one hospital to another. He had several strokes after a "summer from hell" for both of us. He died in my arms. I felt rather peaceful at that moment, his life was not worth living anymore. And I had been at the breaking point, mentally and physically, I was his caregiver at home. Now, being 84, I begin a life I never knew, doing EVERYTHING myself and living alone ( with my cat ), starting with all the phone calls and paper work.
From the 1930s to today, what are some NFL rules and penalty calls that have been completely deleted* from the rulebook?*Completely deleted, not merely modified, tweaked, altered, ... moreFrom the 1930s to today, what are some NFL rules and penalty calls that have been completely deleted* from the rulebook?*Completely deleted, not merely modified, tweaked, altered, changed, upgraded, etc. ~
An agile, mobile QB who rushes, or one who is quick to launch a pass or to hand off the ball, all of those actions contribute to avoiding a sack, but the effectiveness of the linem... moreAn agile, mobile QB who rushes, or one who is quick to launch a pass or to hand off the ball, all of those actions contribute to avoiding a sack, but the effectiveness of the linemen in protecting the QB should not be excluded from the equation. ~
I Googled Amazon Rainforest fires. Now the site sez 2,240,000 acres have been burned so far and that it has been ONGOING since January of 2019 and is still going.Now in Australia s... moreI Googled Amazon Rainforest fires. Now the site sez 2,240,000 acres have been burned so far and that it has been ONGOING since January of 2019 and is still going.Now in Australia so far 12 million acres have been burned and it started in September? Can that be right?The fire next time appears to be going on worldwide. Besides Australia and a few months ago California and the Amazon Rainforest where else is getting hard hit?
It seems that getting worse is what has to happen before it starts to get better. But the length of time this has taken seems unprecedented to me? An Aussie friend reminds me of th... moreIt seems that getting worse is what has to happen before it starts to get better. But the length of time this has taken seems unprecedented to me? An Aussie friend reminds me of the Amazon fires but were they as long lived?
Why not let them know the exact locations you dumbbunny jacka** and give 'em a heads up while you are at it?Geez. Dumb shines during tough times don't it though?
What follows gagging? Throwing up of course. Imagine sea after sea of MAGAs gagging and barfing in unison as the crazed bull paper tiger don perform his one-trick pony repertoire o... moreWhat follows gagging? Throwing up of course. Imagine sea after sea of MAGAs gagging and barfing in unison as the crazed bull paper tiger don perform his one-trick pony repertoire on stage? What a sight. A delight. Are you a MAGA? Wanna be one?
This was inspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/97661/what-are-some-common-misconceptions-about-diet-sodaSo, anyway my cousin is badly overweight.  ... moreThis was inspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/97661/what-are-some-common-misconceptions-about-diet-sodaSo, anyway my cousin is badly overweight. I know he's over 350 pounds because he mentioned getting his free meal at Heart Attack Grill so he knows he's overweight. We try not to mention it but it's kind of hard to stay quiet about it when he says that drinking diet soda's going to help. It's kind of a hard subject to bring up because he'd just see a family intervention as bullying him. He's not interested in advice even though we know what worked for other people but it's all something he's heard before.I know it's hard for him because neither of his parents nor his sister were overweight but his parents sent him to weight loss camp every year which probably made him negative about losing weight. less
You are the host of a radio or TV show. Do you invite "guests" on your show whom you know will lie to you all the time about everything to spread lies over the airwaves?Of course i... moreYou are the host of a radio or TV show. Do you invite "guests" on your show whom you know will lie to you all the time about everything to spread lies over the airwaves?Of course if the LIARS lie about things you support that's a no-brainer! You not only provide the forum for the liar you support join in and agree with him/her/them/they all the way everyday. But if/when the liars lie about things that you disagree with do you still invite them on to disseminate hate? If you do then do the lies go unchallenged or do you say "YOU ARE A LIAR!"Ethical dilemma or a no-brainer? How much right do liars have to spread their lies? The same rights YOU have to shoot them down figuratively? What wouldja do? Would you always remain POLITE and RESPECTFUL no matter how egregious outlandish absurd and ridikkalus the lies? less
This glorious war that the glorious crazed bull paper tiger don started will need to be fought by someone.I bet you can count on the finger of one hand how many rich will join. You... moreThis glorious war that the glorious crazed bull paper tiger don started will need to be fought by someone.I bet you can count on the finger of one hand how many rich will join. You may not even need that one finger.No surprise.
Y'all. All deaths from this act of war that your "hero" ordered are all on YOU.Y'all are the assassins. Every death is your fault. How does it feel to be the executioner? Enjoy. Ke... moreY'all. All deaths from this act of war that your "hero" ordered are all on YOU.Y'all are the assassins. Every death is your fault. How does it feel to be the executioner? Enjoy. Keep track. Count the heads of the dead. Shame on you.
Laying that at the feet of GOD?That GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS only begotten son to die for our sinsTHAT SAME GOD WOULD THEN DELIVER EVIL TO DESTROY THE WORLD?The crazed bu... moreLaying that at the feet of GOD?That GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS only begotten son to die for our sinsTHAT SAME GOD WOULD THEN DELIVER EVIL TO DESTROY THE WORLD?The crazed bull paper tiger don is not from GOD but from DEVIL. Not a gift but a dam*ing us to he**!Y"all are so transparent. Y'all talk GOD and support defend embrace adore worship DEVIL.Figgers.
They only ever show up to speak up about what's wrong or terrible or awful. Never ever about what's wonderful and awesome and amazing. It's as if they don't want you to see that si... moreThey only ever show up to speak up about what's wrong or terrible or awful. Never ever about what's wonderful and awesome and amazing. It's as if they don't want you to see that side of them for some reason. Are you one of THOSE people?