.I heard an Indian TV contest did not work so well when some of the contestants...um, failed to perform on cue. I think I have a good shot at doing well on the show...
Cheering mobs. Always the same ones. Hearing the same lies. Day after day month after month eternity after eternity. NO EXIT! NO ESCAPE. No breaks or brakes. 24/7 forever. Dumb don... moreCheering mobs. Always the same ones. Hearing the same lies. Day after day month after month eternity after eternity. NO EXIT! NO ESCAPE. No breaks or brakes. 24/7 forever. Dumb don on stage hoisting a rally. Same words same lies no change. FOREVER to infinity and beyond. A delight for y'all ain't it though?
Who d'ya think is most likely to take HIM OUT? Sauce for the goose is gander sauce too don'tcha know?He takes out bad guys and he is a bad guy eventually he will be taken too. Woe ... moreWho d'ya think is most likely to take HIM OUT? Sauce for the goose is gander sauce too don'tcha know?He takes out bad guys and he is a bad guy eventually he will be taken too. Woe is you. You didn't think it through didja? I thought not.
For me it would be simply being trapped in a room with dumb don for eternity with no possibility of dying or escaping out of it. An infinitely endless existence listening to him li... moreFor me it would be simply being trapped in a room with dumb don for eternity with no possibility of dying or escaping out of it. An infinitely endless existence listening to him lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie. No way to die. No way to leave. TRAPPED FOR ETERNITY with dumb don. Can you think of a worse?
Cuz dumb don was a product of show biz. Fake it till ya make it. He ran a mediocre "reality" show don'tcha know and was all about numbers. Just in case he'd be looking down at a sp... moreCuz dumb don was a product of show biz. Fake it till ya make it. He ran a mediocre "reality" show don'tcha know and was all about numbers. Just in case he'd be looking down at a sparse crowd his fambly would wanna make sure he'd not haunt them for doing nothing about his numbers. You think I'm joking?
Well obviously they KNOW they're way smarter than him. They can look down on him and love him just because he is so stupid dumb. Like a mentally defective favorite child! That's th... moreWell obviously they KNOW they're way smarter than him. They can look down on him and love him just because he is so stupid dumb. Like a mentally defective favorite child! That's the secret to his success. Being so much dumber than everyone else! Good for their egos don'tcha know?
"This is a preposterous situation. Soleimani was a legitimate military figure. Not only is it STUPID from a military perspective it INVITES RETALIATION."Dumb don doesn't think a se... more"This is a preposterous situation. Soleimani was a legitimate military figure. Not only is it STUPID from a military perspective it INVITES RETALIATION."Dumb don doesn't think a second ahead. His head is not wired for thought. He acts and then figures out a way to justify why the sh** is always hitting the fan. A**backward man. Acts then tries to make a plan. Dumb don.
Now it is IMMINENT. We await the retaliation of Iran for what dumb don done done. Simple as that.And dumb don promises his reaction to Iran's retaliation will not be appropriate. I... moreNow it is IMMINENT. We await the retaliation of Iran for what dumb don done done. Simple as that.And dumb don promises his reaction to Iran's retaliation will not be appropriate. It will be overboard overmuch overdone as is everything he has always done.Dumbsh** nitwit idiot created a situation other presidents were SMART ENOUGH to avoid. His degree of dumb is beyond belief and bar none but there ya have it. Dumb to the googolplex and beyond. He has a lock on Dumb for decades or centuries to come.
I know there's no way to bet money on this, but I'd like an estimate of what the over/under is. Two years after he leaves office? Five years? Or has the GOP base been so thoroughly... moreI know there's no way to bet money on this, but I'd like an estimate of what the over/under is. Two years after he leaves office? Five years? Or has the GOP base been so thoroughly distilled that it's full of never-say-die fire-eaters? (I've seen some polling which suggests at least the Dominionist Christain segment has gone full Jesus Camp for Trump)
If only he had a small streak of smart somewhere in that head but nope he don't. Homogeneity rocks and rolls and rules in his head. Dumb without any dilution of smart for flavor. T... moreIf only he had a small streak of smart somewhere in that head but nope he don't. Homogeneity rocks and rolls and rules in his head. Dumb without any dilution of smart for flavor. Too bad how sad not glad.
Front page was at least half taken up with the photo of the millions of mourners. Each one of them mourns their loss and hates the person who caused it. All that hate directed at d... moreFront page was at least half taken up with the photo of the millions of mourners. Each one of them mourns their loss and hates the person who caused it. All that hate directed at dumb don. Well he's used to it. He don't give no never mind. Off to his next disaster. No skin off his nose or fat off his butt.
Doesn't matter if Solemani wasn't an imminent threat he was a bad guy.Backtracking tail between legs as usual.Beat the drum loud and then when you are called on for giving everyone... moreDoesn't matter if Solemani wasn't an imminent threat he was a bad guy.Backtracking tail between legs as usual.Beat the drum loud and then when you are called on for giving everyone a headache you tell them something different to save your sorry a**. Sorry Charlie it ain't workin' for ya. Stupid dumbs surround the biggest stupid dumb the one and only dumb don. They are falling over themselves tracking back. Somewhere in future time I hope they will HAVE to answer to someone/something for their consistent LIES. Universal justice will finally get all of them I hope. Or KARMA. A balancing out of all the harm they are doing...they will pay for it. An eye for an eye worked well once upon a time. Maybe it's time to try it again. A life for a life? Lock up all those who were instrumental in caging and kenneling little kids? Poetic justice. It has a long memory. It will getcha. less
The Pentagon sez NO they will NOT destroy historic sites because in so doing that is a WAR CRIME and the military reserves its right to say no to a dumb don dumb don who doesn't kn... moreThe Pentagon sez NO they will NOT destroy historic sites because in so doing that is a WAR CRIME and the military reserves its right to say no to a dumb don dumb don who doesn't know that. Boy he sure is dumber than dumber getting more dumber every day.
If you are lucky you might just get a spectacular divine sublime reply that elevates the question making it far more worthwhile than it was.Today was such a day. I lucked out alrea... moreIf you are lucky you might just get a spectacular divine sublime reply that elevates the question making it far more worthwhile than it was.Today was such a day. I lucked out already and it's still very early in the day. I have high hopes there will be more. What could it hurt to hope?The spectacular reply was from an Answermug friend who reminded me of a lovely song I used to sing in church many decades ago as a child Reading the words again elevated my heart and filled it with gratitude and appreciation.I hope all of you are lucky today too. less
If RIGHT IS RIGHT in one case how can the same RIGHT be wrong in another?The answer is it can't. Only the conscience-free stupid dumbs espouse such crap and expect others to believ... moreIf RIGHT IS RIGHT in one case how can the same RIGHT be wrong in another?The answer is it can't. Only the conscience-free stupid dumbs espouse such crap and expect others to believe that. Why that is I'm not sure except that they really believe they are smarter than everyone who isn't them and will be able to fool scam con trick lie their way out and the dumbbunnies will believe them. They don't know THEY ARE THE DUMBUNNIES. Dumbunnies never do. SIGH.So ya take a lindsay graham of decades ago he comes down HARD on one side of the issue. Look at his squirmy squishy squashy maggotthink today? I rest my case.They are all like that..those dumb don toady sycophants. No conscience. Born that way or made that way by whom what why? less