How can someone who couldn't possibly ever hold a job be a competent "boss"?Would YOU hire chump for any position in YOUR company knowing that he is a compulsive liar not to mentio... moreHow can someone who couldn't possibly ever hold a job be a competent "boss"?Would YOU hire chump for any position in YOUR company knowing that he is a compulsive liar not to mention all the others trashy crappy immoral illegal unholy things he is? What on earth for?
Or have a secret nod or wink or handshake or butt wiggle? How DO you differentiate between pasty white darkened on purpose and naturally beautifully tan-at-birth individuals?
Putin/RussiaKim/North KoreaCrown Prince/Saudi ArabiaWHITE NATIONALIST RACISTSSEXUAL MISDEEDS FOR HIS DEVIANT PERVERTED SEXUAL ABUSE OF WOMEN. Men too? MebbeIllegal corruptions/crim... morePutin/RussiaKim/North KoreaCrown Prince/Saudi ArabiaWHITE NATIONALIST RACISTSSEXUAL MISDEEDS FOR HIS DEVIANT PERVERTED SEXUAL ABUSE OF WOMEN. Men too? MebbeIllegal corruptions/crimes and selling out his country to anyone who will pay him enough. He is a seedy needy greedy money hoor boor and rotten to the coreCRUEL and INHUMAN TREATMENT OF HIS TARGETS OF HATE OF WHICH THERE ARE VERY MANYInciting/instigating/riling up his wackadoodle crackpot weaponized cabal et al and dog whistling to them every day in every way especially at his hate rallies. less
He is enraged and blinded by humongous jealousy when others eclipse him and he is always being eclipsed. All he has is his base. He knows it or he wouldn't play exclusively to it. ... moreHe is enraged and blinded by humongous jealousy when others eclipse him and he is always being eclipsed. All he has is his base. He knows it or he wouldn't play exclusively to it. But they cannot give him what he longs for and lusts after and is obsessed with. Being respected/admired for being a good person. Was he born bad? Is he indeed the poster homo sap for BAD SEED?
Because chump and his cabal et al SPECIFICALLY THREATEN ATTACK INSULT to frighten their targets. They wouldn't do it otherwise.That is the ONLYreason FOR CRUELTY and INHUMANE... moreBecause chump and his cabal et al SPECIFICALLY THREATEN ATTACK INSULT to frighten their targets. They wouldn't do it otherwise.That is the ONLYreason FOR CRUELTY and INHUMANE TREATMENTat the border. To frighten their targets of hate enough so they will stay away.They are all about FEAR and HATE. Two-pronged driver. Their endgame if successful always make them Giddy with joy! Keep "the other" away. Scare the crap out of them.FEAR HATE CELEBRATE. The new chant for the chump rallies. Three words. Won't be too much for the simple-word-loving crowd to comprehend grasp understand. FEAR HATE CELEBRATE. GREAT? less
Tweet chump, the real homo sap, totally sabotaged what Teleprompter chump said the day before.Nothing new. Teleprompter chump is shackled to words written by others. He DARE NOT ad... moreTweet chump, the real homo sap, totally sabotaged what Teleprompter chump said the day before.Nothing new. Teleprompter chump is shackled to words written by others. He DARE NOT ad lib.Tweeter chump ad libs, shoots from the hip and spews hate and gibberish attacking specific targets of hate AT EVERY RALLY! That is why he holds so many rallies. To throw his worshipping adorers as much RED MEAT as they can eat which is why they are always so bloody after each rally. They LOVE chump and what he stands for and sits for and lives for and lies for and commits treason for. SIGH. I do not believe that "some of them are very fine people". If they were "very fine people" they wouldn't be there to hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. Period. Would they?The Tweet chump is the same chump who shows up at the hate-filled rallies where the audience shows their joy by chanting 3-word chants that only they appreciate, value, find meaning in so bigly. It's their thing or they wouldn't be there. Right? less
Released real names, addresses, work address, twitter handles. If a person is harmed on the list, should he be charged with insighting violence? Or another charge?
That is what WHITE NATIONALISM RACISM is all about. Fear of having their edge taken away. Fear of having to compete on a level playing field without cheating. They are terrified th... moreThat is what WHITE NATIONALISM RACISM is all about. Fear of having their edge taken away. Fear of having to compete on a level playing field without cheating. They are terrified that they will fail and lose because they have never had to prove themselves to test themselves and they all feel INFERIOR. They are soft and lazy and out of step and out of shape intellectually. So there you have it in a nutshell. No self-esteem. No self-confidence. Unless it's rigged they believe they will lose. I guess that would be terrifying for them. A bunch of scairdy cats who have no faith in their own abilities to compete honestly honorably fairly. Some will swim some will float some will drown. Nothing available to grab on to. They will sink or swim on their own all alone. No cheating. Wow! That's a biggie! :( less
All these years later the hot-to-trot consensual sex adult can't let her notoriety go SO she is producing something on AMERICAN CRIME STORY about her sordid past and Clinton and th... moreAll these years later the hot-to-trot consensual sex adult can't let her notoriety go SO she is producing something on AMERICAN CRIME STORY about her sordid past and Clinton and the cheap perverted sex in which she engaged with him most joyfully pridefully and stupidly. Is she normal?Wouln't a normal sane person try to live down her participation in something cheap and sordid BY NEVER TALKING ABOUT IT AGAIN? Is she so needy to be on center stage again she is breathing life into her DISGUSTING past?I don't get it. Do you? Is she as nutty a fruicake as she appears to be? What's her motive? Throwing dirt on Dems to get the dumbunnyjacka** re-elected? She is so weird. less
There are more than few homo saps without hearts. How do they ticking? Batteries or timebombs keep 'em kicking? I dunno but it sure is humbling and humliating to once again waste t... moreThere are more than few homo saps without hearts. How do they ticking? Batteries or timebombs keep 'em kicking? I dunno but it sure is humbling and humliating to once again waste time on a heartless alleged homo sap. Gotta me more aware of what you engage with and not just assume a wicked reply is an anomaly.Move on. Tomorrow is another day. Don't look back. There is nothing there of value.
Mr. Neely was charged with "criminal trespass". So he was somewhere he should not have been? How many WHITES would have been on a leash held by a cop on a horse for the same CRIME?... moreMr. Neely was charged with "criminal trespass". So he was somewhere he should not have been? How many WHITES would have been on a leash held by a cop on a horse for the same CRIME? Isn't that crap cop speshul? Ain't he great? A picture is worth a thousand words? How about an epithet? One-word reply. What ONE WORD would you use?
The infection and invasion of monstrous evil is growing daily. I see no signs of its dying out. Do you? The dumbunnyjacka** has brought all the slimy creatures up and out from the ... moreThe infection and invasion of monstrous evil is growing daily. I see no signs of its dying out. Do you? The dumbunnyjacka** has brought all the slimy creatures up and out from the mud and cheers them on. He loves slime and mud and dirt and evil.
They morphed into THE WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORISTS you see today.PROGRESS. Why? Because the KKK was very happy targeting torturing murdering blacks. The WHITE NATIONALIST RA... moreThey morphed into THE WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORISTS you see today.PROGRESS. Why? Because the KKK was very happy targeting torturing murdering blacks. The WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST SLAUGHTERERS EXPANDED TO INCLUDE MURDERING ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR!New and improved. No longer wear sheets. Don't gotta. The dumbunnyjacka** "prez" is their guy. ONE OF THEM! They walk proud and loud in crowds. He stokes them at rallies. He is the HEAD CHEERLEADER FOR THEM.Yesterday the KKK. Today the WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORIST. What will they become tomorrow? Any ideas how the WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERORISTS who have the dumbunnyjacka** "prez" in their backpockets can become new and improved and better and stronger and more effective? less
Perhaps the connection is there and my inability to see is due to my limitations.Does WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORIST slaughters and Romeo and Juliet have anything in common to ... morePerhaps the connection is there and my inability to see is due to my limitations.Does WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORIST slaughters and Romeo and Juliet have anything in common to you? Would bringing up one cause you to think of the other? Of course death is present is both but death is present everywhere all the time. So do you agree there is a connection? Or are you like me and gobstomped?
The very next day the predictable dumbunnyjacka** true to form tweeted invective vile venal evil. He is so restricted. There is nothing surprising about the real dumbunnyjacka**. H... moreThe very next day the predictable dumbunnyjacka** true to form tweeted invective vile venal evil. He is so restricted. There is nothing surprising about the real dumbunnyjacka**. He is tightly structured. No creativity. No humanity. No humility. No emotion. Just another robotic automaton spewing crap. Repeatedly. Foreverly. Unendingly. Teleprompter guy is a real phony baloney. Tweeter guy? Now there's the beef. The real deal. The guy who is so beloved by his WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST TERRORIST-LOVING base. Such a cute couple. Adorable even. less
She said the best thing journalists could do was to IGNORE the dumbunnyjacka**. Do not show any footage of him anywhere. Do not give him what he lusts after with every pound of his... moreShe said the best thing journalists could do was to IGNORE the dumbunnyjacka**. Do not show any footage of him anywhere. Do not give him what he lusts after with every pound of his obese body! ATTENTION! Take that away from him. Black out any mention of him. Ya like or no like? Why?
So he can rush in and pretend to comfort the victims! Stupid dumbunnyjacka** thinks this is the right thing to do. He doesn't give a sh** about the people. He just wants to get his... moreSo he can rush in and pretend to comfort the victims! Stupid dumbunnyjacka** thinks this is the right thing to do. He doesn't give a sh** about the people. He just wants to get his photo taken and have journalists cover him with lots of photos so once again he can be center stage in the spotlight with the microphone. FAKE human being, He is all noise all the time. He is so boring and dull and one-dimensional.
If you are such a nutjob that you plan to murder..either singular targets or mobs...your brain is defective and not working logically. Unless of course you think it is perfec... moreIf you are such a nutjob that you plan to murder..either singular targets or mobs...your brain is defective and not working logically. Unless of course you think it is perfectly logical to murder strangers to sate hate. I don't. You don't like someone? Avoid him/her. But the wackadoodle nutjobs want to exterminate them. How is that sane?
I just think it is so queer and peculiar that some homo saps rush out to defend the use or the RIGHT TO USE weapons of war in non-war situations. Different strokes. Different (WAY ... moreI just think it is so queer and peculiar that some homo saps rush out to defend the use or the RIGHT TO USE weapons of war in non-war situations. Different strokes. Different (WAY DIFFRUNT) brain wiring. Odd. Bizarre. Weird.
Not a smart-a** question. I'd like to know. One of our sons is a hunter. He has rifles but nothing close to semi-automatic. He is an excellent marksman. Shouldn't that be true of a... moreNot a smart-a** question. I'd like to know. One of our sons is a hunter. He has rifles but nothing close to semi-automatic. He is an excellent marksman. Shouldn't that be true of all those who hunt? Just wondering. Thanks.
I got a new dog. He's a two-year-old lab mix that's energetic and sweet. I like names from mythology, books, movies, etc. Right now, we're running with the name Apollo, but I'm not... moreI got a new dog. He's a two-year-old lab mix that's energetic and sweet. I like names from mythology, books, movies, etc. Right now, we're running with the name Apollo, but I'm not sold on it. Any ideas?
I plan on making this recipe sometime soon. I had cut the recipe off the macaroni and cheese box and I still have the recipe. The picture seems appetizing to me in a fun sort of wa... moreI plan on making this recipe sometime soon. I had cut the recipe off the macaroni and cheese box and I still have the recipe. The picture seems appetizing to me in a fun sort of way. It's a pizza -- green peppers and Italian sausage bits added. Kraft Deluxe Macaroni and Cheese deluxe from the box (that's why I wondered if it counted as home-cooked since it's from a box, ha):)
I guess you will all have heard that Toni Morrison died today, aged 81.I loved her novel, Béloved, a brilliant fusion of magical realism and history.Morrison makes Christian... moreI guess you will all have heard that Toni Morrison died today, aged 81.I loved her novel, Béloved, a brilliant fusion of magical realism and history.Morrison makes Christianity and African beliefs work in the novel as though they were as tangible as the laws of physics. The ghost of a murdered baby haunts a family who has escaped the horrific cruelties inflicted on them while they were slaves. The ghost has grown and appears the same age as she would have been had she lived. She lives and acts within the household like a living person, eating, drinking, occupying a bed, and having an affair with a man, but she has the emotions of a jealous and tantrum-prone three-year-old. The tensions build as the unresolved traumas spread to affect some members of the town until finally an act of extraordinary spiritual courage and wisdom brings the story to its climax.
Reading this story gives a powerful sense of how intergenerational trauma works and why it should never be dismissed. Morrison used newspaper clippings ... less