You can't specifically name the jerk or you are called on the carpet and told that we have to play nice and calling John Doe jerk is not allowed. HOWEVER you can label "some"... moreYou can't specifically name the jerk or you are called on the carpet and told that we have to play nice and calling John Doe jerk is not allowed. HOWEVER you can label "some" or "those" jerks all day long and its hunky dorry..It isn't jerk then that is forbidden. It is naming the specific jerk that is not allowed.. A forest can be labeled jerk but you don't dare name individual trees as jerks. Makes complete sense. Right?.
I had two. GREEN TEA ice cream in a Japanese RestaurantREAL ITALIAN SPUMONI in an upscale Italian Restaurant.I've had favorites over the years. For a couple of decades I was hooked... moreI had two. GREEN TEA ice cream in a Japanese RestaurantREAL ITALIAN SPUMONI in an upscale Italian Restaurant.I've had favorites over the years. For a couple of decades I was hooked on Jamoca Almond Fudge a la 31 Flavors! But for bliss? Green Tea and Spumoni!Every experience bliss due to ice cream?
The White House sex the trump doesn't hate the dissenters. HE HATES DISSENT. What the he** does that mean to you? No dissent is the only thing he will tolerate? That means he deman... moreThe White House sex the trump doesn't hate the dissenters. HE HATES DISSENT. What the he** does that mean to you? No dissent is the only thing he will tolerate? That means he demands 100% agreement with his views. Is that OK with you? Seriously? Because?
It was one of the dames he hung out with. Don't know if he "knew" her in the biblical sense but I expect he did and she became a PROCURER of little girls to sate his craving for th... moreIt was one of the dames he hung out with. Don't know if he "knew" her in the biblical sense but I expect he did and she became a PROCURER of little girls to sate his craving for them. Maybe she got paid handsomely for that just as a MADAM at a brothel would be. But how many brothels consisting of little girls have you ever heard of? Anyway all the folks who partied with jeff eps and visited his island or his apartment or his home or flew on his planes or whatever are gonna be dragged in and investigated. Could be there will be lots of heads that roll on this one. Famous heads. Some that might shock you and their families too. Good. Truth may take awhile to win the race but eventually? Well with luck eventually is now.The racist prig prez hooked up with jeff eps lotsa times when he was a balding middle-aged newly divorced conceited fella with undyed thinning hair. On tape and video their close relationship is forever recorded. How nice for the trump families to watch. The middle-aged trump looked like he was swea... less
They refused to sign on to anything criticizing the racist prig prez. Some spoke up on his behalf supporting his racist comments lying through their teeth when they said "it wasn't... moreThey refused to sign on to anything criticizing the racist prig prez. Some spoke up on his behalf supporting his racist comments lying through their teeth when they said "it wasn't racist". NOW? They are so full of spattered sh** that hit the fan after the racist prig's rally crowd started chanting SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK. They finally realize what trouble they are all in. They were too stupid dumb to realize it as it occurred. Now they are in panic mode terrified of the fallout that will FALL ON THEM FOR SILENCE AND CONSENT. THEY ARE NOW THE TARGETS OF RAGE! How does it feel big boys? Really swell? Guess who is gonna pay the price at election time? You're not too swift so you get all the guesses you need to get it right. Slow. Dull. Obtuse. Dense. The BEST of what is available apparently. How pathetic is that? Tragedy or comedy? less
What is more sick deviant perverted unless they attack babies infants toddlers too. Some do you know. Ah the lives of the rich and powerful. They go where no one dares to go ... moreWhat is more sick deviant perverted unless they attack babies infants toddlers too. Some do you know. Ah the lives of the rich and powerful. They go where no one dares to go or cares to go. SIGH. What next?
SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACKThe crowd got that from trump who ORIGINALLY said"if you don't like it here GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM."That bit him in the a** bigtime... moreSEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACKThe crowd got that from trump who ORIGINALLY said"if you don't like it here GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM."That bit him in the a** bigtime bigly so he backed down AGAIN and said "if you don't like it here you can leave"Then he bathed in the glory of the rallygoers' chants SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK. He embraced it and absorbed it and let it wash all over him in ecstacy and got off on all of it like a golden shower.Now he has gotta BACKTRACK again. Poor sap. He doesn't have a clue what to do. He is like a dog on a leash. Wherever the leash goes he do go too. No clue.Well he provided the leash and the minihims took it and ran with it and now they are dragging him like a ragdoll behind them. How pathetic is that? less
How about to Australia's GREAT BARRIER REEF? There will be at least 63 million plus who leave. How big is GREAT? Will it accommodate that many homo saps? Or the Marianas Trench?. M... moreHow about to Australia's GREAT BARRIER REEF? There will be at least 63 million plus who leave. How big is GREAT? Will it accommodate that many homo saps? Or the Marianas Trench?. Maybe Captain Nemo lives down there and has room in the Nautilus for them. Somewhere isolated of course where their white nationalism can be best practiced. Just wondering what happens when happily ever after ain't gonna happen no way no how.
It is against the law to STEAL or MURDER. Why can't it be against the law for a citizen who doesn't vote? Charge big fines and penalties. You can't put the in jail but you can make them pay!
Kevin McCarthy...House of Representatives MINORITY racist prig's party leader..LIED 8 TIMES when he talked about the racist prig's racist comments about the 4 Congresswomen of colo... moreKevin McCarthy...House of Representatives MINORITY racist prig's party leader..LIED 8 TIMES when he talked about the racist prig's racist comments about the 4 Congresswomen of color whom he ATTACKED. Little Kevin McM LIED EIGHT TIMES! The mini him is just as jacka**y and queer as the racist prig is to think anyone will buy the lie except of course those who adore liars. Good job Kevin! Keep lying like that and you will go far in politics. The racist prig might give you a biglier job. I mean he admires LIARS for obvious reasons. Tsk tsk tsk. This is the BEST the racist prig's party has to offer? Progress. Ain't she purty? less
This land BELONGED TO PEOPLE OF COLOR and pasty whites invaded it. They were not invited to come here but come here they did anyway because nothing was going to stop them from taki... moreThis land BELONGED TO PEOPLE OF COLOR and pasty whites invaded it. They were not invited to come here but come here they did anyway because nothing was going to stop them from taking what they wanted that belonged to others never them. The whites were selfish and greedy then and many of them still are that. They were and ALWAYS WILL BE FOREIGNERS IMMIGRANTS INVADERS second rate. Unacceptable. When the shoe is on the other foot it ain't so great is it?
The billybarr refused to charge the white cop whose ILLEGAL chokehold on Eric Garner killed him.I mean when it is WHITE versus color y'all know WHITE WINS.That is why the racist pr... moreThe billybarr refused to charge the white cop whose ILLEGAL chokehold on Eric Garner killed him.I mean when it is WHITE versus color y'all know WHITE WINS.That is why the racist prig chose billybarr. He is such a perfect lapdogpuppetboy with huge authority to determine what will and what willn't be tolerated. Comforting ain't it?So all the weaponized wackadoodle racist prig adoring admirers can go out and target shoot/kill anyone the racist prig dislikes despises hates and nothing will happen to him/her/them except well quiet celebration. Another one bites the dust.You think the Wild West before laws were enacted was bad? You ain't seen nuthin' yet! less
For instance you are offered a zillion bucks to advertise a brand of something you think is VILE.Would you pretend you like it and endorse it? Would you be so delighted with ... moreFor instance you are offered a zillion bucks to advertise a brand of something you think is VILE.Would you pretend you like it and endorse it? Would you be so delighted with the money you'd ACTUALLY USE it even though you despised it? Is integrity worthy anything to you or is it money? So you justify the lie by saying "everyone lies all the time" and move on and enjoy your riches. Wouldja?
Nope. Video and audio of the balding racist prig partying with Jeff on at least one occasion at Mar a Lago. Very buddy buddy cozy. That was before he dyed his thinning hair. Right ... moreNope. Video and audio of the balding racist prig partying with Jeff on at least one occasion at Mar a Lago. Very buddy buddy cozy. That was before he dyed his thinning hair. Right after Ivanna dumped trump and he was single he swung with Jeff and enjoyed the beautiful women they both lusted after. Now whether the racist prig swung with little girls the way Jeff did is unknown. At this time. But he sure enjoyed Jeff's company and there was a friendship there that is undeniable and unmistakable. The racist prig lies all the time about everything and convinces his peeps of his innocence or maybe he doesn't. However he cannot refute the video and audio that the rest of us see. He doesn't care. His peeps don't care. They love him precisely because he is a womanizing racist prig. I doubt they would abandon him for any reason. If he raped a 12-year-old they'd probably blame her for seducing him. He owns them. less
They must love their kids a whole bigly bunch to bring them to a racist prig hate celebration. Get 'em while they're young. Imagine youngsters shouting SEND HER BACK? And lis... moreThey must love their kids a whole bigly bunch to bring them to a racist prig hate celebration. Get 'em while they're young. Imagine youngsters shouting SEND HER BACK? And listening to all the vile HATRED. Absorbing all of it and getting excited about it. These are awesome loving devoted parents. There should be some reward especially for them. Don'tcha think?
Could they all be drugged or doped up or boozed up? Do they see the racist prig rallies as a chance to party hearty and indulge their hatred with no restraints? A big KKK block par... moreCould they all be drugged or doped up or boozed up? Do they see the racist prig rallies as a chance to party hearty and indulge their hatred with no restraints? A big KKK block party? A Nazi American White Nationalist festival? Each one is the same as the one before and the one after that will be the same too. They never tire of it. They always get off on it and one another or so it seems. It's a place to indulge in unlimited HATE. What's not to love?
The SEND HER BACK pertains to an AMERICAN CITIZEN (naturalized) who was born in Somalia and is a person of color. But in fact it is directed at all 4 AMERICAN CITIZEN CONGRES... moreThe SEND HER BACK pertains to an AMERICAN CITIZEN (naturalized) who was born in Somalia and is a person of color. But in fact it is directed at all 4 AMERICAN CITIZEN CONGRESSWOMEN, all of whom are people of color and 3 of whom WERE BORN IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They are now the target of the racist prig and his supporters. How long before a weaponized wackadoodle racist prig admirer targets one or all of them for "removal"?The racist prig no longer has to dog whistle. He just lays it all out there and knows his adoring worshippers listen to every word he says and will act. So then after one or more of the 4 is attacked/maybe murdered what happens next?The racist prig will deny any blame or involvement. His defenders will support that view. We all know he is the force the source the instigator the core the fertilizer/manure/sh** that helps spread the plague of racism. He is to be blamed for all that follows from his vile hateful rhetoric. His party has gone silent. They are complicit. He will have ... less
Because we KNOW FOR SURE you know exactly what he is and that is WHY you adore him. That is why you defend protect embrace worship him. He was never in the closet. Y'all knew what ... moreBecause we KNOW FOR SURE you know exactly what he is and that is WHY you adore him. That is why you defend protect embrace worship him. He was never in the closet. Y'all knew what a racist prig he was since the 1970's when he and his rich daddy got in trouble for refusing to sell/rent to African Americans. Y'all knew he was a racist prig when he took out an ad about the five young black men who were INNOCENT of the charge of raping a woman. PROVEN INNOCENT. He insisted then and still does now they are GUILTY! With every word he says every though he thinks every thing he does he celebrates being a RACIST. He defended the Charlottesville American Nazis and White Nationalists. The difference now is that HE HAS THE POWER TO IMPLEMENT HIS RACISM and really do something awesome bigly with it. So you cheer and chant and support and defend the man who symbolizes your heart's desire. You prayed for him and GOD delivered him unto you right? What GOD hath wrought let no one put asunder. Congrats. less
The trump is the SOURCE OF IT.The trump originally told the Congresswomen to GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM if you don't like it here. The sh** hit the fan and he backed down and t... moreThe trump is the SOURCE OF IT.The trump originally told the Congresswomen to GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM if you don't like it here. The sh** hit the fan and he backed down and then replaced that crap with "if you don't like it here you can always leave". That musta been the IVANKA influence . What kinda bullsh** crap is that? Who believes that?He basked in the GLORY of the robotic mindless mob chanting SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND HER BACK SEND BACK for 13 seconds! Self-satisfied prig that he is. So it ain't happening trump. We KNOW what you are. Replacing word choices don't mean a friggin' thing. We are not as stupid as you think we are. You are however way more stupid than we thought you were. Sheesh. RACISM is alive and well in America. Carry on citizens. Carry on. less
Over sky rights or planetary possession or stars? Where will they be fought? How will they be fought? Who will police the universe? What type of military will it take to fight them... moreOver sky rights or planetary possession or stars? Where will they be fought? How will they be fought? Who will police the universe? What type of military will it take to fight them? Will we use STAR WARS or STAR TREK as a guide?