As human beings, we change their minds all the time, politicians are no exception. Why can’t politicians in general (this is not about any particular person or party) be stra... moreAs human beings, we change their minds all the time, politicians are no exception. Why can’t politicians in general (this is not about any particular person or party) be straightforward about experiencing reverse thinking on a serious and pertinent issue instead of burying it in subterfuge and double-talk that tries to disguise a perfectly normal human action? I have no expectation that any political figure should be superhuman, and I don’t see changing one’s mind as an automatic symbol of weakness. less
They get coddled and given wiggle room and excuses for "acting out" and they get gifts and presents and enticements and ALL THE ATTENTION.Same thing in the VAXED (the good kids) an... moreThey get coddled and given wiggle room and excuses for "acting out" and they get gifts and presents and enticements and ALL THE ATTENTION.Same thing in the VAXED (the good kids) and UNS (the bad kids)And so it goes. Nothing ever changes. Whether you are a selfish spoiled brat who tantrums and hissy fits or a a really good kid.Disgusting ain't it?
To hide low-quality cheese from which the cream from the milk used is extracted for other use which leaves plain white milk. To hide it...COVER IT UP...they dye it.Now that you kno... moreTo hide low-quality cheese from which the cream from the milk used is extracted for other use which leaves plain white milk. To hide it...COVER IT UP...they dye it.Now that you know are you still gonna eat it or switch to undyed cheeses?
That takes effect September 1.AlsoClass discussions of CURRENT EVENT is restricted. So no knowing about January 6 when it happened or when the second shoe drops. Keep the kiddies i... moreThat takes effect September 1.AlsoClass discussions of CURRENT EVENT is restricted. So no knowing about January 6 when it happened or when the second shoe drops. Keep the kiddies ignorant. What could it hurt?Yep. A law that bans political activism and political advocacy. Don't give kids anything to think about that might upset them or criticize them or thwart their natural tendencies or go against what their daddy dearest and crummy mummy taught them. WHITE IS RIGHT. Bottom line it. WHITE IS RIGHT. WHITE IS RIGHT. WHITE IS RIGHT.So we educate our children to be IGNORAMUSES because we just don't want them to ever have to think about any of it. Just learn what we allow you to learn and shove it up where the sun don't shine for all of the "other stuff".Stupid dumb parents and ignoramus stupid dumb kids. They mimic one another think like one another act like one another and disappear inside one another all homogenized and pasteurized and cauterized and lobotomized.They will lead this country one day. Might as ... less
Both fla guv da snot clod and tex guv greg rabbit have mandates against mask mandates in their states as droves of kids test positive for COVID and are ONCE AGAIN forced to l... moreBoth fla guv da snot clod and tex guv greg rabbit have mandates against mask mandates in their states as droves of kids test positive for COVID and are ONCE AGAIN forced to learn REMOTELYDumbbunny stupid dumb clodhead rabbits as guvs Changing nothing around them while the sky is falling and kids are dying
If you get the booster earlier than recommended before your initial shots are losing sufficient efficacy your protection will not last as long as it should. You will be over- prote... moreIf you get the booster earlier than recommended before your initial shots are losing sufficient efficacy your protection will not last as long as it should. You will be over- protected short term which is unnecessary it will have worn off before it would have been most helpful/useful.So don't rush right out and push yourself ahead of others and have to be the first. You will be shooting yourself in the foot. If you got your shot in December sure go ahead. But if you got it in April what are you nuts?
Did every American soldier have a translator by his side at all times?How many more thousands of ours and our translators AND THEIR FAMILIES ARE STILL THERE?Joe says that deadline ... moreDid every American soldier have a translator by his side at all times?How many more thousands of ours and our translators AND THEIR FAMILIES ARE STILL THERE?Joe says that deadline may have to be extended. The Taliban says better not try or there will be devastating consequences.Between Scylla and CharybdisOnce again that's where we end
Getting vaccinated. He talked as usual out of both sides of his mouth. Get vaccinated but keep your freedoms. Get vaccinated but keep your freedoms.So finally the dog is wagging th... moreGetting vaccinated. He talked as usual out of both sides of his mouth. Get vaccinated but keep your freedoms. Get vaccinated but keep your freedoms.So finally the dog is wagging the tail not the other way around?Guano has met the enemy and they is antivaxers. Will not put up with his bullsh** on this. With them it is EITHER/OR. He do know dat and dey do no dat he noWill he keep talking out of both sides of his mouth or will he go back to pacifying the dog and being once again antivax?Stay tuned. He is afraid of losing them so he will obey them. They know it he knows we know it. So much for big daddy being "the decider". Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha less
Well we are still behind the 8 ball with millions still unvaxed the first round.Giving booster shots to those who are vaxed and running out?How do we know the booster shot will las... moreWell we are still behind the 8 ball with millions still unvaxed the first round.Giving booster shots to those who are vaxed and running out?How do we know the booster shot will last or slow down Delta?So sit and wait for "them" to get their act together and figger out what to do which they clearly don't know at te moment.Our lives are in danger but what's the hurry? Why worry?
LIke sheep they are ordered to and do the inane insane profane arcane. No questioning. Brains located in the a**/arse cannot question or do anything but obey the massa.
That is why I find insults to be amusing. I always CONSIDER THE SOURCE.Thanks to my dad It has stood me in good stead...or steaded me in good stood.CONSIDER THE SOURCE and you too ... moreThat is why I find insults to be amusing. I always CONSIDER THE SOURCE.Thanks to my dad It has stood me in good stead...or steaded me in good stood.CONSIDER THE SOURCE and you too can be amused.He also said this. "Most people try to do their best. Some people's best is just not very good."True too.
You could "visit" being someone else living someplace else just to see what it would be like?A movie or TV show or book or play or poem? Knowing you could absolutely stay forever t... moreYou could "visit" being someone else living someplace else just to see what it would be like?A movie or TV show or book or play or poem? Knowing you could absolutely stay forever there if you liked it but also being assured that you could come back to being you living where you do?So? Any takers out there or is it way to scary even to imagine a what if?For me it would be CANNERY ROW. I wrote its author John Steinbeck a 28-page fan leader long ago and received a postcard from him in his own handwriting which I obviously TREASURE BEYOND MEASURE. Dated May 9, 1964 he addressed specifically the questions I asked him and I still can't believe it. All these many decades later.I visited Cannery Row when a friend and I drove up the coast to San Francisco. Yes. Those people really existed and that time and place was so well represented in his early works.If you are familiar with them you know what I mean. If not no matter. less
Every year there are automobile recalls with problems showing up that could be dangerous enough to kill you.So what's a good lengthy detailed complete testing? Minutes hours days w... moreEvery year there are automobile recalls with problems showing up that could be dangerous enough to kill you.So what's a good lengthy detailed complete testing? Minutes hours days weeks months years?
We Democrats progressive often criticize Joe. Or Barack. We do not FEAR criticizing them when it is justified.That's how you tell the difference between those who THINK FOR THEMSEL... moreWe Democrats progressive often criticize Joe. Or Barack. We do not FEAR criticizing them when it is justified.That's how you tell the difference between those who THINK FOR THEMSELVES and those who are programmed scripted rigidly controlled.Anyone refute that? Any GUANOHEAD here or anywhere willing to criticize GUANO for anything at all?
That's where the dipstick nutjob crackpots spread lies and conspircy theories and vile vindictive vermin are on there all the time fomenting trouble.Sheesh.A world without twitter ... moreThat's where the dipstick nutjob crackpots spread lies and conspircy theories and vile vindictive vermin are on there all the time fomenting trouble.Sheesh.A world without twitter and f/b. Can you imagine that? Can YOU do without it or are you hooked in permamently? WHY?
GUANOdonald john trumpSNOT CLODFla guv de santisRABBITTex guv abbotRAT GUTSmatt getzTAIL LUREmajorie taylor greeneGRAHAMCRACKERlindsey grahamGUANOHEADSAdoring obsequious donald joh... moreGUANOdonald john trumpSNOT CLODFla guv de santisRABBITTex guv abbotRAT GUTSmatt getzTAIL LUREmajorie taylor greeneGRAHAMCRACKERlindsey grahamGUANOHEADSAdoring obsequious donald john trump worshippers
I decided it was time for a smoke break a while ago but I forgot to put a cigarette in my yap then grabbed my bic lighter and almost lit my beak instead of a cigarette.
EVentually every GUANOHEAD LIAR will die from the thing he/she lied about?Why not? Justice deserved. Justice served.What could it hurt to get what you deserve? Isn't that the hope ... moreEVentually every GUANOHEAD LIAR will die from the thing he/she lied about?Why not? Justice deserved. Justice served.What could it hurt to get what you deserve? Isn't that the hope of everyone?
But MI GAWD CALIFORNIA?Of al the states there are that GUANO hates California is top notch NUMBER ONE.Yet here you are with the Rat Guts getting married there. You explain it. I can't.