He grows up to be elected prez! See what can happen if you are consistent stick to your guns and admit nothing to no one at all ever no matter what no matter who/who(m) forever aft... moreHe grows up to be elected prez! See what can happen if you are consistent stick to your guns and admit nothing to no one at all ever no matter what no matter who/who(m) forever after as GOD is your witness.Good things happen. So does crap. Well no one promised you a rose garden or that life was fair. GET OVER IT.
Currently lately the coined phrase is "meet people where they are".Copycats copycat and spread and talk and spread and talk and spread and talk everywhere that's anywhere you have ... moreCurrently lately the coined phrase is "meet people where they are".Copycats copycat and spread and talk and spread and talk and spread and talk everywhere that's anywhere you have to "meet people where they are"..Remember "NOTHINGBURGER"FAKE NEWSLOCK HER UPEtcetera etcetera etcetera. Are we so bereft of words that we must repeat copycat repeat copycat repeat copycat because we are not imaginative or creative or inventive enough to speak OUR OWN WORDS to fit the occasion AD LIB and appropriate?I don't get it.For those who like to "check things out for themselves" I refer you to definition 11. under COINTo make, invent, fabricate as in "to coin an expression" less
They are men in the closet...wannabe men. So supporting everything and anything men legislate regarding women is like them being the men? I dunno. I'm not a psychiatrist but it is ... moreThey are men in the closet...wannabe men. So supporting everything and anything men legislate regarding women is like them being the men? I dunno. I'm not a psychiatrist but it is certainly TWISTED SCREWY FLAKY NUTS.
They want sex ON DEMAND or they rape. Either way they don't care as long as they get what they wantThey demand control over what women do with their own bodies and because of the d... moreThey want sex ON DEMAND or they rape. Either way they don't care as long as they get what they wantThey demand control over what women do with their own bodies and because of the demented perverted depravity of the way they "think" they see absolutely nothing wrong with that.Now is that true of ALL men? Of course not.Only the wealthy men in power with authority to legislate or rape and get away with it.One of the benefits of being rich and powerful isn't it?
Joking about COVID while people are dying including children doesn't seem sane to me. Doth it seem sane to thee?"Can't you take a joke?" "He was just joking"About death and dying a... moreJoking about COVID while people are dying including children doesn't seem sane to me. Doth it seem sane to thee?"Can't you take a joke?" "He was just joking"About death and dying and pain and the inability to breathe? No. I don't find any of that remotely funny. DO YOU?
NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministrationI don't know what the job pays but I bet you get an E ticket ride flying through some of them. It isn't one person on board...it's more t... moreNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministrationI don't know what the job pays but I bet you get an E ticket ride flying through some of them. It isn't one person on board...it's more than few. All tracking and gathering present time information to feed to those who can apprise the public of what to do.
HaitiAfghanistanCOVIDHENRICalifornia fireDomestic VIOLENT TERRORISTS'TalibanRacist Fascism as practiced by WHITE INFERIORISTSFascist Racism as practiced by WHITE INTELLECTUAL DEFEC... moreHaitiAfghanistanCOVIDHENRICalifornia fireDomestic VIOLENT TERRORISTS'TalibanRacist Fascism as practiced by WHITE INFERIORISTSFascist Racism as practiced by WHITE INTELLECTUAL DEFECTIVES DEFICIENTS INADEQUATESDestruction of Democracy Children dying of COVIDGuano plans to represidentThe ongoing incredible success of THE BIG LIEOther
Me. I'm here to learn and share what I know and enjoy engaging with likeminded folks.What do I bring? Lots of questions.What do I get? Answers or opinions that are thoughtful... moreMe. I'm here to learn and share what I know and enjoy engaging with likeminded folks.What do I bring? Lots of questions.What do I get? Answers or opinions that are thoughtful, helpful, informative and sometimes super exciting!For me it is something to which I look forward.
Simple Minds "Belfast Child"
I'm listening to the song now - - five minutes is a long time but if you're unfamiliar with Simple Minds and/or this song, co... moreSimple Minds "Belfast Child"
I'm listening to the song now - - five minutes is a long time but if you're unfamiliar with Simple Minds and/or this song, consider listening. No promises you'll like it but it's my favorite song from them.(and I know I posted a similar question already in the past, ha)