I can't believe what I am witnessing in this day and time. In the theater of your mind, think back to our generation when we rode motorcycles, bicycles, played sports, went fishing... moreI can't believe what I am witnessing in this day and time. In the theater of your mind, think back to our generation when we rode motorcycles, bicycles, played sports, went fishing, went hunting, and several of us went to school together. We didn't always agree with one another, but even though several of us had trucks with gun racks, no one ever took out a gun and shot someone. We were God-fearing, even though many of us, such as myself, rebelled. We took summer jobs for extra money and had a decent life during our era. Now I sit here watching the news. COVID is killing America due to poor leadership, Biden is making a mess out of the Afghan withdrawal which is getting many killed and doing a disservice to our military men and women who served and gave their lives. Now we are older and would have never dreamed that such craziness would have hit our world. I can't stomach this curse of liberalism which is destroying our way of life. less
I'm guessing the citizens of that country are pleased that their lives are valued.Meanwhile back at the ranch all the kids of "unknown" ages are maskless 24/7...what else is Americ... moreI'm guessing the citizens of that country are pleased that their lives are valued.Meanwhile back at the ranch all the kids of "unknown" ages are maskless 24/7...what else is America for but FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM right?Carry on those who survive. RIP those who don't. Too bad to the long haulers who will never get rid of it.Life in America. Where freedom to do/not do trumps all.I bet there are no other countries as casual and laxadazical about death and life and stuff as good old America. Betcha. No other country puts FREEDOM first before everything anything and everyone anyone like good old America do. less
After they take over the land, then what? Where will they go for resources like food and health care? They don't make sense to me in any way shape or form.
ARE YOU KIDDING?A loser whinya** hissy fitty tantrummy treasonous ex prez advises Joe to resign for Afghanistan. The loser prez who almost brought down our country!His own pa... moreARE YOU KIDDING?A loser whinya** hissy fitty tantrummy treasonous ex prez advises Joe to resign for Afghanistan. The loser prez who almost brought down our country!His own party members attack him for it.No percentage in it.
His nephew and rightful heir received 60 trunks. What happened to the rest of them? They were in the possession of the government. I think good old creepy weirdo J. Edgar Hoover wa... moreHis nephew and rightful heir received 60 trunks. What happened to the rest of them? They were in the possession of the government. I think good old creepy weirdo J. Edgar Hoover was involved.To this day no one knows why when where. They "disappeared" into thin air.What do you suppose might be in them that is of such great consequence that the government STOLE them and said nothing at all?
What gift does florid guv snata clod deserve for this wondrous thing he effected?It cannot be ignored this great feat of awesomeness. What is an appropiate sign of great appreciati... moreWhat gift does florid guv snata clod deserve for this wondrous thing he effected?It cannot be ignored this great feat of awesomeness. What is an appropiate sign of great appreciation given by the parents of these children?Put your thinking caps on. What does a clod deserve most?
THere will be an EMERGENCY session called to MANDATE mask wearing and override the dipsh** snata clod mandate against mandates.Let's see how many the dipsh** snata clod causes to g... moreTHere will be an EMERGENCY session called to MANDATE mask wearing and override the dipsh** snata clod mandate against mandates.Let's see how many the dipsh** snata clod causes to get it? Give me a number. Any number that will turn him on very bigly? How about 100,000 kids get sick and some die because of him? How would that work for you? Those of you who so adore the dumbsh** dipstick guv of florid snata clod ya vant he should be president? Sound good?
You can't win. You are DAM*ED if you do and DAM*ED if you don't.No one likes the dad who says NO MORE and means it. Tough bananas. Someone at some time HAD TO SAY NO and it was JOE... moreYou can't win. You are DAM*ED if you do and DAM*ED if you don't.No one likes the dad who says NO MORE and means it. Tough bananas. Someone at some time HAD TO SAY NO and it was JOE. GET OVER IT. Fer cryin' out loud. WE fought 20 years. The Afghans wouldn't even fight a day. They just stopped fighting and rolled over. What are we supposed to do with that?
Where is he hiding? Why is he hiding from his millions of adoring worshippers? They bleed for him they lust for him they pray for him they worship him. He loves the adulation bigly... moreWhere is he hiding? Why is he hiding from his millions of adoring worshippers? They bleed for him they lust for him they pray for him they worship him. He loves the adulation bigly. Why is he denying himself that joy? What does he do all day anyway? Eat and get fatter?
The average age of Sturgis rallygoers in 2018 was 49The average ge of Sturgis rallygoers in 2019 was 54The rallygoers are getting older, longer in the tooth but well he** why not g... moreThe average age of Sturgis rallygoers in 2018 was 49The average ge of Sturgis rallygoers in 2019 was 54The rallygoers are getting older, longer in the tooth but well he** why not get it on as you go off into the sunset? Others just exactly like you. Heavenly days and daze.
Only GUANOHEADS, GUANO adoring worshippers will be allowed to own guns. Yep. That's it!The anti GUANOS? As usual they will be the unarmed targets.Wait and see. Think it impossible?... moreOnly GUANOHEADS, GUANO adoring worshippers will be allowed to own guns. Yep. That's it!The anti GUANOS? As usual they will be the unarmed targets.Wait and see. Think it impossible? Wait and see.
It was preventable but due to CALLOUS DISREGARD and political GUANOHEAD DELUSIONAL inaction by dipsh**s that is the consequence of such evil.Yes folks. NOW it is attacking YOUR CHI... moreIt was preventable but due to CALLOUS DISREGARD and political GUANOHEAD DELUSIONAL inaction by dipsh**s that is the consequence of such evil.Yes folks. NOW it is attacking YOUR CHILDREN and some of them will die and some of them will become LONG HAULERS with terrible side effects.Good job all of you who fought for NO MASK MANDATES. Excellent outcome. Right? Excellent for undertakers and cemetaries and places that set the dead on fire and turn them into ashes.Could have been PREVENTED. Sad words.
Of course there are some things about which I am not remotely curious. The perverted the depraved the vicious the vile the evil the ugly the gruesome the tawdry the cheap the garis... moreOf course there are some things about which I am not remotely curious. The perverted the depraved the vicious the vile the evil the ugly the gruesome the tawdry the cheap the garish the superficial.That excludes some things but it includes many more things.Are you narrow or broad curiosity wise?
I guess some countries simply are not equipped to fight. Whether it is mental emotional spiritual or physical they expect/require others to do the fighting for them. Scairdy cats p... moreI guess some countries simply are not equipped to fight. Whether it is mental emotional spiritual or physical they expect/require others to do the fighting for them. Scairdy cats pacifists what?Something is missing in them. A spine or the will or pride and patriotism or love of country.Something is very wrong methinks. Afghans just stopped fighting and gave themselves over to the Taliban.AFTER TWENTY YEARS?
They are all NO GOODS. All GUANOHEADS no doubt. BRIGHT REDS. A POX on their houses for what they are doing. May they receive back what they dished out a thousand fold MORE. One can... moreThey are all NO GOODS. All GUANOHEADS no doubt. BRIGHT REDS. A POX on their houses for what they are doing. May they receive back what they dished out a thousand fold MORE. One can only hope.
What does it do AGAINST women?It seems the SHARIA men hate women and subjugate them humiliate them rape them at will.So much for women's rights. Right?SUBJUGATETo bring under compl... moreWhat does it do AGAINST women?It seems the SHARIA men hate women and subjugate them humiliate them rape them at will.So much for women's rights. Right?SUBJUGATETo bring under complete control, subjection; conquer, masterTo make submissive or subservient; ENSLAVE
Warm optimist extroverted flamboyant friendly good-natured generally agreeable energetic playful uplifting social animal social butterfly gregarious swayed by the opinion of others... moreWarm optimist extroverted flamboyant friendly good-natured generally agreeable energetic playful uplifting social animal social butterfly gregarious swayed by the opinion of others enjoy mediatingWOW! That's a lot of good stuff! So are you that person if orange is your favorite color?
Do it two days having to stop only to fuel up. Being a truck driver is where those without a college education can go, work and earn a good living. But they cost a lot more than no... moreDo it two days having to stop only to fuel up. Being a truck driver is where those without a college education can go, work and earn a good living. But they cost a lot more than no one at the wheel.So far AMAZON and UPS have used them. Ever drive a freeway by the side of no one driving a truck? If not you will.BRAVE NEW WORLD