He was living in Reykjavik, Iceland when he allegedly instant messaged then Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning with advice on password cracking.There has been no attempt to grant Assang... moreHe was living in Reykjavik, Iceland when he allegedly instant messaged then Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning with advice on password cracking.There has been no attempt to grant Assange a jury trial in Iceland. None. His legal team have not been appraised of the charges against him, nor how this can POSSIBLY be considered an act of terrorism. "Collateral Damage" was straight journalism. Embarrassing to the US but hardly an act of terror.
I've always really liked Supertramp's album "famous last words" and my question is about the first song on that album - - "Crazy."I've looked in numerous places over time and I can... moreI've always really liked Supertramp's album "famous last words" and my question is about the first song on that album - - "Crazy."I've looked in numerous places over time and I cannot find out what the group is singing at the 1:18 to 1:31 mark. The liner notes on the CD have all the songs' lyrics, and the group is singing something at this point in the song, yet, no words are marked. No website in which I've looked identifies the words/ verbalizations, either.To me it sounds like they're singing : " Try min i cal" over and overAnyway, I like the song (the entire album, actually; especially "It's Raining Again") and this video has the lyrics posted with subtitles in SpanishEven if you don't answer, I hope you might listen to the song, ha less
Everyone is saying that's exactly what trump will do. Flip on everyone including his kids.That's pretty sad if true.What are the odds he WILL FLIP? Any odds that he won't?
You are put to death immediatelyYou are placed in solitary in a dungeon and given bread and water till death do you part from lifeWhich would you choose?
Well VERY EARLY on good old mitch and good old kevin both lay the blame of 1/6 at the feet of trump.Now? Well my gawd no one blames him for anything. Know why?NOTHING HAPPENED. Som... moreWell VERY EARLY on good old mitch and good old kevin both lay the blame of 1/6 at the feet of trump.Now? Well my gawd no one blames him for anything. Know why?NOTHING HAPPENED. Some VERY RESPECTFUL CITIZENS showed up at the capitol to pay their respects.Very calm. Well behaved. Nothing broken or harmed.So here we are dragged back into the funny house with those mirrors that weird you up.They are all weirded up again and probably are gonna stay they until death do they part.A moment of clarity. Then back to their absormal.Better than nothing? less
Some communist socialist musta thunk that one up.What needs to be done is to INCREASE immunity FOREVER. NO PAROLE. NO DEATH PENALTY. It stands and stays to protect those whose job ... moreSome communist socialist musta thunk that one up.What needs to be done is to INCREASE immunity FOREVER. NO PAROLE. NO DEATH PENALTY. It stands and stays to protect those whose job it is to protect us. When they do the opposite and attack us well they're only human after all. Ya gotta cut 'em a break. They need a PASS at all times.Sure. You bet. Why not? What could it hurt? Lifetime immunity coming right up.
They are all probably just ANTIFA and BLACK LIVES MATTER troublemakers who need to be 'put down' like a dying animal.Harsh?I think not. "They" dearly want to "put down" all who are... moreThey are all probably just ANTIFA and BLACK LIVES MATTER troublemakers who need to be 'put down' like a dying animal.Harsh?I think not. "They" dearly want to "put down" all who aren't their ilk. Now the question is how best to "put down" so they don't keep bouncing back. That is what the put downer wannabes are currently working on. Gotta do it skillfully so there is no blowback. Got to make it look 100% self-defense. Of course.
What's better than having the wolf "investigate" the chickenhouse to find out why some chickens disappeared and left blood and feathers behind?Very clever these GOP pols. Infiltrat... moreWhat's better than having the wolf "investigate" the chickenhouse to find out why some chickens disappeared and left blood and feathers behind?Very clever these GOP pols. Infiltrate "the enemy" by prtending to agree and then STRIKE! I see it coming. You?
Why would any warrior leave hospitals whole to treat the injured and dying? That makes no sense at all.Best to target all such places just in case one of the enemy hides out in the... moreWhy would any warrior leave hospitals whole to treat the injured and dying? That makes no sense at all.Best to target all such places just in case one of the enemy hides out in them. But really when it comes down to it destroying as much as they can was is and always will be goal. Once there will be nothing left to destroy. That will be the day when peace arrives and Palestinians become extinct. That is the goal of the YAHOO. He is determined to reach it so when will the next "skirmish" occur? Time is money.Right now potable war is scarce or non-existent. That's a good way to keep golng for the YAHOO. Keep doing things that don't show so it will look like it is ALWAYS the Palestinians who start things.That way you are always the victim and "you have a right to defend your country" so you let alone for awhile to destroy away to your heart's content and then someone steps in and says "that's enough. Stop." That's the way it goes. Some find joy in it. Others despair. No one promised anyone a rose garden. less
They won't dare reclaim them until trump dies and I have no idea when that will be.In the meantime the rent cost cost keeps going up and up and up and up. What doesn't go up in cos... moreThey won't dare reclaim them until trump dies and I have no idea when that will be.In the meantime the rent cost cost keeps going up and up and up and up. What doesn't go up in cost in this world?
I expect trump will make sure to primary those 35 brave House souls. He is very good and quick to revenge retaliate just to keep folks in line.Don't know if any GOP Senator dared.
Lifetime protection from the Secret Service for all former presidents.Didja know that?Of course we the taxpayers pay all branches of government for the work they do.What did other ... moreLifetime protection from the Secret Service for all former presidents.Didja know that?Of course we the taxpayers pay all branches of government for the work they do.What did other presidents do? What's the rule about that?If Secret Service stays at a President's home are they supposed to charge? Or a Vice President's?I mean why would they stay in a motel? How do they protect a president or vice if they aren't right there on the premises all the time?Is there a standard going rate for stuff like that or do they charge whatever they want and can get away with?One wonders. less
I do not do POKER FACE. When I have a very good hand people simple quietly fold. Not an advantage but what are ya gonna do?How about you? Do you have an excellent POKER FACE that n... moreI do not do POKER FACE. When I have a very good hand people simple quietly fold. Not an advantage but what are ya gonna do?How about you? Do you have an excellent POKER FACE that never reveals anything at all and also have no tells?
I have an exceedingly difficult time VISUALIZING. Always have. I don't know if that has anything at all to do with my lousy sense of direction but I just thought I'd toss that in t... moreI have an exceedingly difficult time VISUALIZING. Always have. I don't know if that has anything at all to do with my lousy sense of direction but I just thought I'd toss that in the mix.I can't visualize what a room will look like if you move the furniture around. I have to be doing it and have it done and then I "see" it. A definite mental defect I'm sure. It doesn't make things easy. I've gotten lost a lot in the past when I was driving and sometimes I've been scared to death because I got so disoriented. These days Jim does all the driving so I don't have to ever worry about again. Hopefully..I wonder why that is? My friend Old School has a built-in direction signal. He never gets lost. Magic for sure as far as I can tell. But not for me. Are you like that too? You never get lost or disoriented? less
One day in some way and somewhere all those who committed crimes and got away with it will be punished.Probably billions of people to which that applies. Know or know of any who fi... moreOne day in some way and somewhere all those who committed crimes and got away with it will be punished.Probably billions of people to which that applies. Know or know of any who fit that bill?
So we pass the COVID 19 relief bill WITHOUT ANY REPUBLICANS and guess what happens next?They go back home to constituents who LOVE it and brag about it!Would I kid you?NOT ONE REPU... moreSo we pass the COVID 19 relief bill WITHOUT ANY REPUBLICANS and guess what happens next?They go back home to constituents who LOVE it and brag about it!Would I kid you?NOT ONE REPUBLICAN VOTED FOR IT.But all of them are taking victory laps.Sound familiar? Sigh. Sadly so.
The GOP has absolutely no interest in being relevant in our government. They abstain ignore avoid "turn the other cheek" meaning they turn away. Okay. We get it. Fortunately we don... moreThe GOP has absolutely no interest in being relevant in our government. They abstain ignore avoid "turn the other cheek" meaning they turn away. Okay. We get it. Fortunately we don't need them to get things done. We wanted to work together but it takes two to tangon and they have no rhythm nor desire to move on anything at any time at all.So we move forward without them at their request on their behest. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!
Matt Gaetz, tail lure greene and step on your neck (the Liz Cheney replacement)They go on tour together speaking to crowds of people who totally and completely believe in them and ... moreMatt Gaetz, tail lure greene and step on your neck (the Liz Cheney replacement)They go on tour together speaking to crowds of people who totally and completely believe in them and what they stand for. Always smiling. Always a good kind word for everyone.Progress.For those who think that is blasphemous relax. I talked to GOD about it and HE understands why I framed my question as I did or I would have heard from HIM. HE did not tell me if HE agrees with my assessment. But I passed it by HIM first and I didn't get any flak back! less
The Freemasons of today say there is no connection whatsoever between their organization and the Knights Templar. None. Zero. Nada.And yet?Young people whose parent is a Mason have... moreThe Freemasons of today say there is no connection whatsoever between their organization and the Knights Templar. None. Zero. Nada.And yet?Young people whose parent is a Mason have organizations they can join.Job's Daughters for the GirlsDE MOLAYS for the boysSo I ask you why would there be a De Molay anything in Freemasonry if there were no connection at all with the long ago Knights Templar?Full Disclosure. My sister was Queen of her Bethel as a teen. We had an uncle who was a Mason so that's why.I don't expect Masons to admit they are. They have a secret handshake so they can identify one another. less
"And please do not show up drunk and no telling jokes during the meal because one time someone did tell a quite funny (clean) joke and it caused a couple of people to burst into la... more"And please do not show up drunk and no telling jokes during the meal because one time someone did tell a quite funny (clean) joke and it caused a couple of people to burst into laughter and spit out their mouthful of food".
Couple of days ago my friend fell from the kitchen counter where she was standing and needed an ambulance to attend to her. She is ok now but walking around on crutches.Traumatized... moreCouple of days ago my friend fell from the kitchen counter where she was standing and needed an ambulance to attend to her. She is ok now but walking around on crutches.Traumatized her poor cat too; cat did not know what to do.