Or are they dirty rotten HYPOCRITES and tell their kids to always tell the truth, never lie as they lie lie lie lie lie lie?How many parents are straight shooters, true blue, depen... moreOr are they dirty rotten HYPOCRITES and tell their kids to always tell the truth, never lie as they lie lie lie lie lie lie?How many parents are straight shooters, true blue, dependable, solid, cogent and honor honor and integrity?Can you count them on the finger of one hand?
Who told the FIRST LIE? Why? What was it about?Who was the first to place blame for what he/she/they did on another? What dirty deed was done that the blame was shifted for?For starters.
Is that just SOP? Individuals selling things don't charge tax. But a business has to charge the going tax rate doesn't it?You buy it from the source. You sell it in your store to a... moreIs that just SOP? Individuals selling things don't charge tax. But a business has to charge the going tax rate doesn't it?You buy it from the source. You sell it in your store to another business owner. He sells it to someone.That's 3 taxes on the purchased item isn't it?So limit?
With global connectivity and 24-hour access, it‘s slowly beginning to happen here more and more at odd hours, including almost any time on Saturdays and Sundays.:[
My grandparents were born during the 1880's. My grandparents were very much part of my life when I was growing up during the 1950's. My grandparents would take me to wa... moreMy grandparents were born during the 1880's. My grandparents were very much part of my life when I was growing up during the 1950's. My grandparents would take me to watch movies, to the park, etc.
I am male. I learned to cook by watching my parents cook. At age 8 I was able to make a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast without parental supervision... moreI am male. I learned to cook by watching my parents cook. At age 8 I was able to make a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast without parental supervision. At age 12 I started to bake cakes, cookies, etc. During my early teen years I cooked simple main courses that were mostly hands-off cooking: roasts, chicken, etc., while also learning to cook very simple dishes.
Where does the second amendment give anyone the right to massacre others in droves?Where does the second amendment authorize what occurs in America daily?Where is it written that n... moreWhere does the second amendment give anyone the right to massacre others in droves?Where does the second amendment authorize what occurs in America daily?Where is it written that no matter how many mass massacres there are the second amendment people will have the RIGHT to FIGHT any legislation to calm and lessen the devastation?WHERE IS IT WRITTEN?
The FAILED ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT IS 100% POLITICAL.Stupid stupid stupid stupid.The footooheads (aka former repubbaccans) say they want no part of it because i... moreThe FAILED ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT IS 100% POLITICAL.Stupid stupid stupid stupid.The footooheads (aka former repubbaccans) say they want no part of it because it is POLITICAL.See how stupid they are? Stupider still are those who buy that. You don't do you? WHAT IS AN ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION ABOUT IF NOT POLITICAL?YES I'M SHOUTING and SCREAMING but to no avail because it does no good. Stupid is as stupid does and stupid is what stupid supports. There is no GAINSAYING that at all.
FoodShelteringPaying billsI thought that's what millions have been struggling to do. Are any of THEM TRAVELING TOO?Seriously?Someone is lying about something.
Many states and some federal agencies have contracted with a company called ID.ME in order for individuals to verify their identification prior to approving or ... more
Many states and some federal agencies have contracted with a company called ID.ME in order for individuals to verify their identification prior to approving or extending a particular government service, benefit, or access to information on government-related. This need for identity verification as a requirement has increased greatly over the past year due to two factors: COVID19, and the explosion of fraudulent payments in the billions of dollars being made to identity thieves, imposters, hackers, posers, etc. In response to that fraud, combined with the fact that all businesses have gone to a more computer-based way of conducting operations, government offices became overwhelmed with trying to keep up with the demands and needs of the people. One of the largest and most important areas that ID.ME is being used is several state’s unemployment departments, obviously widespread due to the shutdown of many businesses and worldwide job-loss. Unemployment benefits also made up a large ... less
The more they have they more they want the more they want the more they NEED. Eventually all want becomes a NEED and what they need they will never stop seeking.It works obversely ... moreThe more they have they more they want the more they want the more they NEED. Eventually all want becomes a NEED and what they need they will never stop seeking.It works obversely perversely conversely.The more you have the LESS you should need or want.But with them it stokes a fire in the belly and closes off all manner of logical thought. GET WHAT YOU CAN WHILE CAN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND DAM* THOSE WHO GET IN THE WAY OF THAT!That are born the obscenely wealth flocks of a feather that fight paying their "fair" share since they believe it is UNFAIR to ask for anything. A vicious cycle. A vicious circle. The only thinking is circular.Vye vye vye vye vye. It is what it isl Suck it up. it won't change. less
Allegedly after trump LOST the 2020 prez election he began floating THE BIG LIE minutely secondly instantly repeatedly. He ordered all those who adore the he** outta him or are ter... moreAllegedly after trump LOST the 2020 prez election he began floating THE BIG LIE minutely secondly instantly repeatedly. He ordered all those who adore the he** outta him or are terrified of him to buy the lie and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat.So since he LOST very bigly he has raked in hundred of millions of bucks from his adoring worshippers. ALLEGEDLY They believe him. They will never leave him. They will always fund him.CONTUMELIOUS man in addition to being the supreme LIAR. The combination is what draws them to him.Being lied to and insulted simultaneously. They lust after it and he gives it to them. less
A Vet asks"What are you thanking me for? Killing other human beings"?Pause, Reflect. Think.Many vets suffer from PTSD. Some turn to drugs or alcohol. Some commit suicide or kill th... moreA Vet asks"What are you thanking me for? Killing other human beings"?Pause, Reflect. Think.Many vets suffer from PTSD. Some turn to drugs or alcohol. Some commit suicide or kill their wives or bothSo we know/are told WAR IS HE**.Unless we've been there we don't know the nature of that HE**.What do we say instead? I have no idea.
Of course if you runaway you'd better know how to run faster than theyIf you stay and fight and kill you'd better be better at it than they areAnd if you want to outthink them you'... moreOf course if you runaway you'd better know how to run faster than theyIf you stay and fight and kill you'd better be better at it than they areAnd if you want to outthink them you'd better be smarter
Don't wear masksDon't get vaccinatedDon't social distanceLive your life as you wish at all times. Dam* those who guilt you and call you SELFISH.You deserve TRUE FREEDOM to be you i... moreDon't wear masksDon't get vaccinatedDon't social distanceLive your life as you wish at all times. Dam* those who guilt you and call you SELFISH.You deserve TRUE FREEDOM to be you in all you infinite variety.Keep staying free till you die. Okey dokey?