Jeff Bezos, a billion times richer than trump, purchases the FAUX network and uses it 24/7 to mock ridicule out the real honest to badness trump! Yep! 24/7 all anti anti anti... moreJeff Bezos, a billion times richer than trump, purchases the FAUX network and uses it 24/7 to mock ridicule out the real honest to badness trump! Yep! 24/7 all anti anti anti anti anti. How about THAT? ONLY TRUTH would be allowed. TRUTH 24/7. TRUTH 24/7. For a change.Of course trump would sic his insurrectionists on the entire bunch and blow them up or bomb them or murder 'em all. .Still. Some fantasies are fantasticker than others. This would be one of them don'tcha think?
A. Small table-top modelB. Rickety $14.99 special from Mal-Mart, with the spindly legs and rust-prone bodyC. Sturdy $200 propane model D. Brick & mortar backyard edific... more
A. Small table-top modelB. Rickety $14.99 special from Mal-Mart, with the spindly legs and rust-prone bodyC. Sturdy $200 propane model D. Brick & mortar backyard edifice complete with canopy and hooked up to the house’s electrical system and is so big that it takes up enough space for a spare bedroomE. Some kind of indoor modelF. Other ~
ALL Humans Beings to go: “back where they came from” (i.e. disappear), and then - Bring back the Dinosaur!
... moreInstant-Fix for the Climate Emergency:
ALL Humans Beings to go: “back where they came from” (i.e. disappear), and then - Bring back the Dinosaur!
Dinosaur – Advantages for the World:
> Good attitude.
> Nicely behaved.
> Zero-Denial on “human-caused climate change”!
> Loving parents.
> Great body!
> Sustainable living.
> Excellent recyclers of both vegetables and vegetarians.
> Shopping with zero plastic bags.
> Outstanding dispute-resolution.
> Produce only organic waste.
> Devour others without discrimination of: politics, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual-orientation ...
> Zero human-trafficking.
> Make small-dinosaurs all night, and have fun all the daytime (when not being devoured).
We mark Pearl HarborWe mark 9/11We will mark 1/6What joyful things do we mark, remember, celebrate as a nation? Or is that the nature of the beast? We only mark our tragedies?
How do you about "settling a score"? Do you set it up or do you have to wait for it to reveal itself to you? Is it a SURE THING or something serendipitous that just falls int... moreHow do you about "settling a score"? Do you set it up or do you have to wait for it to reveal itself to you? Is it a SURE THING or something serendipitous that just falls into your lap?Are you a long revenge retaliating score settler. What's your score? WINS/LOSSES/DRAWS?
My parents did not have firm religious beliefs, allowing me and my siblings to decide if we wanted to follow (or to not follow) a religion. I went to religious services for a... moreMy parents did not have firm religious beliefs, allowing me and my siblings to decide if we wanted to follow (or to not follow) a religion. I went to religious services for a few years as a child.
25 of the 55 who signed it owned slaves.They included that "3/5 a person clause". Did no one there notice how insulting a thing that is?We pray to the Constitution and insist it is... more25 of the 55 who signed it owned slaves.They included that "3/5 a person clause". Did no one there notice how insulting a thing that is?We pray to the Constitution and insist it is followed because it the basis of what we are whom we are. Allegedly.Well it was certainly who THEY WERE at the time they wrote it.It is NOT WHO WE ARE NOW. Mostly. Some reactionaries who dream of owning slaves once again would disagree. They are the insurrectionists who want their country back to what it used to be in 1776! How forward thinking of them. Visionaries all of them. less
Why would she think they would care enough to care enough to support it? They made up their minds in advance because they were WHIPPED INTO IT BY THAT SON OF AN ITCH MITCH.Now six ... moreWhy would she think they would care enough to care enough to support it? They made up their minds in advance because they were WHIPPED INTO IT BY THAT SON OF AN ITCH MITCH.Now six defied him and I don't know if he has contracts out on them to take them out but he will make them pay in some way.The rest of the spineless whinya** girlymen rolled over for him as expected and voted NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.Sad. Embarrassing. Shameful. Humiliating.Typical Republican. They chicken out at the last minute. They flinch. They cringe. They shake. They shiver. They fade. They melt. THEY DON'T DELIVER. less