"Their" kids don't breathe in MOLD SPORES. "Their" kids live in better neighborhoods so they attend better schools..many of which are PRIVATE schools.See why they don't care? Their... more"Their" kids don't breathe in MOLD SPORES. "Their" kids live in better neighborhoods so they attend better schools..many of which are PRIVATE schools.See why they don't care? Their kids are fine. Other people kids? Go suck an egg and pound mud. Why SHOULD they care? Oh..because they represent constituents whose kids do? Who cares about them? They vote REPUBLICAN no matter crap we provide them. They'd rather die than vote any other way. They are captive slaves to the "company store". Forever more. Quoth the raven. less
For thsoe who don't know Manchin is an alleged Dem who is holding out for bipartisan anything. He serves a red district so he's gotta kowtow and roll over or they'll kick his a** o... moreFor thsoe who don't know Manchin is an alleged Dem who is holding out for bipartisan anything. He serves a red district so he's gotta kowtow and roll over or they'll kick his a** out. So he is a holdout on everything all the time preferring to save his own fat a** politically than serve the country's best interests.US Ambassador to Joe Machine! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
WHITE SUPREMACISTS Rock and Roll and RULE.All nons will be deported to other lands. NO EXCEPTIONS.The primary directive is WHITE. You can't give exclusions! For GAWD'S sake wassama... moreWHITE SUPREMACISTS Rock and Roll and RULE.All nons will be deported to other lands. NO EXCEPTIONS.The primary directive is WHITE. You can't give exclusions! For GAWD'S sake wassamatta you? Are you blind or something?.WHITE SUPREMACISTS Have a right to white..an ENTITLEMENT..A DUTY..A GOD-GIVEN OBLIGATION
The white supremacist racist fascist domestic violent trump terrorists DEMAND it be done.All confederates do too.All QANONSAll nutjob crackpot wackadoodles do too.Everyone who is a... moreThe white supremacist racist fascist domestic violent trump terrorists DEMAND it be done.All confederates do too.All QANONSAll nutjob crackpot wackadoodles do too.Everyone who is anyone supports it.2024 here we come! WHITE again.
Slaves are fine3/5 a personWomen have no right to vote so take it backAnything to do with CIVIL RIGHTS or HUMAN rights? WHITES don't need them so why have them?
We will sue them by nameCollectively and individuallySingularly and Severally and jointly and gangly and grouplyWho will pay? THEY THEY THEY THEY WILL PAY. No salaries for them. Th... moreWe will sue them by nameCollectively and individuallySingularly and Severally and jointly and gangly and grouplyWho will pay? THEY THEY THEY THEY WILL PAY. No salaries for them. Those kajillions of wasted dollars will be used to sue their collective joint a**es off!IT'S OUR TURN NOW TO SCREW THEM(don't get your shorts in a knot. I mean figuratively of course. Sheesh. Do I gotta explain EVERYTHING to you EVERY time?). They have had "their way" with us entirely too long.Now we're on top so to speak.(FIGURATIVELY OF COURSE NOT LITERALLY) Ready. Set. GO less
ConverselyIf they win in droves will that assure trump of winning (honestly and honorably) the 2024 presidency?What can you tell from any of these what ifs?
They are brazening and bullying and bullsh**ting and LYING ATTACKING INSULTING and NUTJOB CRACKPOTTING and CONSPIRACY THEORYING side by side with the guys. ELbowing their way in..k... moreThey are brazening and bullying and bullsh**ting and LYING ATTACKING INSULTING and NUTJOB CRACKPOTTING and CONSPIRACY THEORYING side by side with the guys. ELbowing their way in..kneeing and whatevering they have to do to "fit in".Will there ever be a bully dame as macho tough as a body with all the required male parts? I think so. Why not? Women can do what men can do right? Better or at least as good?Maybe in the doing they can grow some and lose some and eventually be indistinguishable from a guy. My my oh my. Futurely is gonna be way weirder than it is now. That's saying a lot since NOW is so weird it boggles the imagination.Good luck.. less
Fear of where they may find themselves and fear of not knowing how or if or when they will go back to whom they were and what they believed?Best to just stay right where you are do... moreFear of where they may find themselves and fear of not knowing how or if or when they will go back to whom they were and what they believed?Best to just stay right where you are doing the exact same things you've always done. No danger lurks therein at all. You stay safe.
Do you look or secret passageways and hidden doors just so you don't have to follow the crowd? If so how does it work for ya?I think it's way more fun to find your own access then ... moreDo you look or secret passageways and hidden doors just so you don't have to follow the crowd? If so how does it work for ya?I think it's way more fun to find your own access then to just copycat those who came before you. Don't you?
Doing personal business. Photocopies personal documents for personal reasons. Sends out personal mail on the company dime all the time all the time all the time.That's what the TRU... moreDoing personal business. Photocopies personal documents for personal reasons. Sends out personal mail on the company dime all the time all the time all the time.That's what the TRUMPICAN QANON white supremacist domestic violent terrorist political party is was are will be eternally.SLACKERA person who evades his or her DUTY or WORK; SHIRKER.They live in SLACK WATER.A period when a body of water is in-BETWEEN TIDES.Water that is free of currents.In other words it just sits there doing nothing, being nothing. Takes up space. That's it.They areSLACK BAKEDImproperly bakedIMPERFECTLY MADEThey SLACKENTo make or become less active, intense, vigorousWhich is why they render us all SLACK-JAWEDHaving the mouth open as an indication of astonishment,bewilderment less
When having any association with him is a sure thing death sentence figuratively who will still stick by him?When he is a PARIAH my oh mya will there still be those who embrace def... moreWhen having any association with him is a sure thing death sentence figuratively who will still stick by him?When he is a PARIAH my oh mya will there still be those who embrace defend support roll over for him and go down with him?2022. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
There will NEVER BE a vaccine/antidote against a pus-filled fushing TRUMP LIE. He opens his mouth and squawks? He lies. He breathes he lies. He eats he lies. He blinks he lies. He ... moreThere will NEVER BE a vaccine/antidote against a pus-filled fushing TRUMP LIE. He opens his mouth and squawks? He lies. He breathes he lies. He eats he lies. He blinks he lies. He winks he lie. Therein LIES the problem.
They were WHITE WEALTHY PRIVILEGED ELITES who felt ENTITLED.They did not have the VISION to foresee what we are living through RIGHT NOW. They did not ever imagine this being what ... moreThey were WHITE WEALTHY PRIVILEGED ELITES who felt ENTITLED.They did not have the VISION to foresee what we are living through RIGHT NOW. They did not ever imagine this being what would happen.Too bad there wasn't at least ONE of them who was above the crowd who could foresee the possible TRAVESTY occurring. NOT ONE.Whaddaya expect? Slaves were 3/5 a person and the PROPERTY of the white wealthy educated elites. They were limited by their character. Aren't we all?
Are they "doing" their jobs?DEMS walked out to avoid passage of another egegious bill to curtail voting rights in Texas. The REPUBLICAN guv sez he will not pay them because they ar... moreAre they "doing" their jobs?DEMS walked out to avoid passage of another egegious bill to curtail voting rights in Texas. The REPUBLICAN guv sez he will not pay them because they are not doing their jobs.If REPUBLICAN pols had walked out would the REPUBLICAN GUV have made the same threat?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Get a grip! Get serious.And so it goes. The politics of a REPUBLICAN are queer peculiar strange bizarre odd and nutjob crackpot in nature. EVERYWHERE THEY "operate" with few exceptions. Those who ACTUALLY do try to serve the best interests of the people get trumped..viciously vilely venomously vitriolically. Sheesh., Whatta crock of bull puckey they are. THE LOYAL TRUMPICANS. Sheesh. Yuck. AARRGGHH. less
WE THE PEOPLE.We should have FIFTY elections...one for each state...where the citizens who live in that state GET TO VOTE ON WHO GETS TO VOTE.Only fair.Only wise.Only just.Wh... moreWE THE PEOPLE.We should have FIFTY elections...one for each state...where the citizens who live in that state GET TO VOTE ON WHO GETS TO VOTE.Only fair.Only wise.Only just.Who objects to THAT? We could have a national election where every one gets to vote on everyone who gets to vote in every state. But that might be a bit unwieldy to manage.Let's do it.Vote on who gets to vote.. state by state. Whaddaya say? You ALL IN? Take it out of the hands of the pols. Take back our right to decide for ourselves what we will and will not tolerate.AND NO POLS WILL BE ALLOWED VOTE. NONE. ZERO. ZIP.Hands off. Back off. They are the ones we have to keep in their place. They get so dam* uppity. Smack them down. less